FC: Yankees, Flyers dump Kate Smith's 'God Bless America'...

This just goes to show that every successful politician panders. But what the racists who cite this never mention is that Lincoln's views evolved on the subject and became much more progressive.
PS: Women didn't get the vote until the 20th century - which makes everyone before that a misogynist.
Agree they pander but things evolve. While I feel that the underlying virtues I've had have always been in place, I very different than I was in my 20's and 30's. On top of that, what society feels is acceptable has changed. At some point, it is hard for me to believe 2019 society looked harshly on a guy opening a door for a woman yet artists could refer to them as bitches and ho's with impunity.
See the link below. From the article:

"(CNN) -- For years, baseball's New York Yankees and hockey's Philadelphia Flyers have played singer Kate Smith's famous rendition of "God Bless America" during games.

But those long-time traditions have been halted over allegations that other songs performed by Smith -- one of America's biggest singing stars during the early 20th century -- are racist.

Smith is closely tied to the NHL's Philadelphia Flyers because she performed "God Bless America" before Flyers games in the 1970s. A year after her 1986 death, the team erected a statue in her honor outside of its arena.

Now the team won't play her version of the song during games and will cover up her statue.

"We have recently become aware that several songs performed by Kate Smith contain offensive lyrics that do not reflect our values as an organization," the Flyers said in a statement to CNN.

"As we continue to look into this serious matter, we are removing Kate Smith's recording of 'God Bless America' from our library and covering up the statue that stands outside of our arena."

The Yankees said the team also was no longer playing Smith's iconic 1939 version of the song because she sang at least two songs during the 1930s that are now considered racist."

Not a surprising decision in today's sensitive climate.

As a lifelong Yankee fan I guess I never thought about Kate Smith and God Bless America being played during the 7th inning stretch as a tradition. The singing voice of the Yankees I think of was Robert Merrill. I guess he never recorded a version of the song.
“.....Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
send these, the homeless, tempest tossed to me....”

Frankly, I am just sickened by my European immigrant ancestors being referred to as “wretched refuse”.
I simply cannot enjoy the rest of the poetry because of that.
Time to tear down that damn statue.
Agree they pander but things evolve. While I feel that the underlying virtues I've had have always been in place, I very different than I was in my 20's and 30's. On top of that, what society feels is acceptable has changed. At some point, it is hard for me to believe 2019 society looked harshly on a guy opening a door for a woman yet artists could refer to them as bitches and ho's with impunity.
Since exactly when is holding a door open for anybody considered anything but good manners, Mr. Passive-Aggressive/I'm-Not-A-Racist-But.
I think it's about time to move this thread to the test board,
I think it's about time to move this thread to the test board, @ILLINOISLION . Sorry, you're still waiting for your "promotion."
Indeed, this thread is approaching the quality of discourse on the Cesspool.
It started with almost everybody agreeing that the song banning was a bit silly and has devolved to "it's far more outrageous than racism and what about fatherless children?"
“.....Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
send these, the homeless, tempest tossed to me....”

Frankly, I am just sickened by my European immigrant ancestors being referred to as “wretched refuse”.
I simply cannot enjoy the rest of the poetry because of that.
Time to tear down that damn statue.
Let it be known on this board that I never participated in any nodal slaving or will in my future calcs.

I see that there is a chance that the developers of my structural software may be somewhat convoluted in their technical referencing of nodal joints.

Sounds like a combination of weed, testicles, birth control & racism.
Joints - Slaving Joints

hen a joint is "slaved", it is linked in one or more directions to other joints (the "master" joints). The slave
and master joints actually share the same degree of freedom for the direction of slaving. The slaving can be for
any or all of the six global degrees of freedom. A joint can be slaved to more than one master (in different directions. Any number of joints may be slaved to the same master, but the master joint itself may not be
slaved to another master.

l Since the advent of rigid links there are not many circumstances where nodal slaving is the best solutionf or modeling.

Slave joints should NOT be used to build rigid diaphragms. Slaving the translations will not give correct diaphragm behavior. If you need a rigid diaphragm, you should use the Rigid Diaphragm features
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Sry it must be sanctimonious omniscient asshole i guess
Just a person who listens closely to liars all the time, and makes a good bit of his money figuring out when they are lying. When they pass over opportunities to tell the whole story, then add new, telling facts later, you can tell.

Sry you dont have the skill. Saves a lot of time.
Only White Christmas.
Hmmm... not sure if I got your comment correctly.

No, my original comment is based on an article I saw last Christmas time that Bing Crosby appeared in blackface, in a movie which I think was Holiday Inn, which is where “White Christmas” was introduced.

Now, by all accounts, Bing Crosby was liberal. He promoted black artists on his radio and TV shows and there is - as far as I know - no reason to believe he was a racist.

So, where is the line drawn? It seems that the way forward is to erase everyone and everything to whom any racial animus can be ascribed.

I have no idea if Kate Smith was a racist. Singing a song 80 years ago, in the height of the depression when times were tough and money tight, she might have just needed a paycheck. Who knows? I wonder about people who feel compelled to search through bios and histories just to find evidence that someone said or did something so that person can be erased from history.

I agree with Ro that white people can’t understand how minorities feel about these things. I just feel that digging up the past is not the way to move forward.
I find it fascinating that you find it unbelievable that a guy would bring a cooler of beers out to his landscapers and ask them where “home” was. That says a lot about your frame of reference.
That's not the part that is unbelievable. Lol.
Just a person who listens closely to liars all the time, and makes a good bit of his money figuring out when they are lying. When they pass over opportunities to tell the whole story, then add new, telling facts later, you can tell.

Sry you dont have the skill. Saves a lot of time.
Depending on what type of law you’re working in WV, you might not be doing a very good job of this.
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Just a person who listens closely to liars all the time, and makes a good bit of his money figuring out when they are lying. When they pass over opportunities to tell the whole story, then add new, telling facts later, you can tell.

Sry you dont have the skill. Saves a lot of time.

that is so much horse shit. He told a story and didn't originally include the part as to how his buddy obtained the information that identified the nationality of the workers. SO because he added to the story with that part you "know" he was lying....on a message board...your spidey sense did not even have the benefit of looking at his facial expression and body language.

as I said, horseshit
that is so much horse shit. He told a story and didn't originally include the part as to how his buddy obtained the information that identified the nationality of the workers. SO because he added to the story with that part you "know" he was lying....on a message board...your spidey sense did not even have the benefit of looking at his facial expression and body language.

as I said, horseshit
Lol. I guess you would know, right? Hahaha!
But the state’s legal system isn’t, that’s my point.
As compared to what? PENNSYLVANIA'S?
Yeah, we had a legislative coup of our highest court, and replaced two justices with 2 former legislators.

We are still sort of proud they weren't trading porn on the servers. :eek:
As compared to what? PENNSYLVANIA'S?
Yeah, we had a legislative coup of our highest court, and replaced two justices with 2 former legislators.

We are still sort of proud they weren't trading porn on the servers. :eek:
Certainly not PA’s. Some states are good, some are bad....WV’s is bad.
that is so much horse shit. He told a story and didn't originally include the part as to how his buddy obtained the information that identified the nationality of the workers. SO because he added to the story with that part you "know" he was lying....on a message board...your spidey sense did not even have the benefit of looking at his facial expression and body language.

as I said, horseshit

It’s not worth your time.
Is that WV’s legal motto “Yay, we’re not the worst”?
Not saying our judges are anywhere near the best in the country, but even the ones who are thieves are petty thieves.

The porn dogs of PA and Baldwin are in a class by themselves.
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But not when Paul Robeson sang them? I assume the Paul Robeson Center in the HUB has been shut down by now.

I don’t know what to tell you. The lyrics are racist. Are they satirically racist? Possibly. I don’t know who wrote it, I don’t know the purpose of the song. But they are racist.
I think it's about time to move this thread to the test board, @ILLINOISLION . Sorry, you're still waiting for your "promotion."

kind of frustrating. My instincts were that this thread wouldn't evolve very well, and that was born out when I had to clean up a good deal of it last night. I thought the subject was worthy of being discussed AND could be discussed without going off topic. Unfortunately, too many folks don't seem to be able to discuss things and stay on topic. I just cleaned up/out a good portion of the thread. If it continues to occupy to much of my time in terms of having to remove posts, I'll tire of the chore, and delete the thread.
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I don’t know what to tell you. The lyrics are racist. Are they satirically racist? Possibly. I don’t know who wrote it, I don’t know the purpose of the song. But they are racist.
I don't know either, but, if Kate Smith is a racist for singing these songs, then so is Paul Robeson. Just the fact that one sang them makes them a racist, apparently. The point is not whether or not the words are racist. They certainly are. The point being made is that a person who sang them 80 years ago is being called a racist, with zero reason to do so other than these stupid songs.
Since exactly when is holding a door open for anybody considered anything but good manners, Mr. Passive-Aggressive/I'm-Not-A-Racist-But.
Huh? You must not go to cities much. I stopped on the third gal who asked me if I thought she needed a door opened for her. One simple looked at me, stopped, and said ‘you know, I can do that myself,right?” This is Hartley a secret
Huh? You must not go to cities much. I stopped on the third gal who asked me if I thought she needed a door opened for her. One simple looked at me, stopped, and said ‘you know, I can do that myself,right?” This is Hartley a secret
Oh, really? City people outside Ohio, including friends and strangers, say "Thank you", regardless of their sex. How long have you been married and what "gals" have you recently gone on a date with? Stop making stuff up.
Oh, really? City people outside Ohio, including friends and strangers, say "Thank you". How long have you been married and what "gals" have you recently gone on a date with? Stop making stuff up.
You have no idea what you are talking about. You have no idea what I have experienced so that makes you a liar. Congrats

Google it

She says these seemingly nice gestures, "May entice women to accept the status quo in society, because sexism literally looks welcoming, appealing and harmless."​
You have no idea what you are talking about. You have no idea what I have experienced so that makes you a liar. Congrats

Google it

She says these seemingly nice gestures, "May entice women to accept the status quo in society, because sexism literally looks welcoming, appealing and harmless."​
You have a "story" for everything. I doubt three women (in a row?) took exception to your holding the door open for them. If true, you are definitely traveling in the wrong circles.
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I don't know either, but, if Kate Smith is a racist for singing these songs, then so is Paul Robeson. Just the fact that one sang them makes them a racist, apparently. The point is not whether or not the words are racist. They certainly are. The point being made is that a person who sang them 80 years ago is being called a racist, with zero reason to do so other than these stupid songs.

I’m not sure I have seen anybody say she is a racist. I agree with what you are saying. If you are going to label one person as a racist for singing it then it should apply to all.