FC: Attend our Pa AG's Swearing In Ceremony Jan. 17th in HBG

I'm surprised the invitation doesn't say "Asking questions is strictly prohibited and punishable by law."


Is it your opinion that once Josh is sworn in and takes office, he will move swiftly to bring the C/S/S situation to a conclusion?

I've been thinking (hoping?) that he would have the right stuff to drop the remaining charges, particularly in light of the sworn testimony taken in the McQueary trial.
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Will there be a "who will we vote for next to get this guy out of office since he won't do anything either" after party?
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Is it your opinion that once Josh is sworn in and takes office, he will move swiftly to bring the C/S/S situation to a conclusion?

I've been thinking (hoping?) that he would have the right stuff to drop the remaining charges, particularly in light of the sworn testimony taken in the McQueary trial.

(For those who are not familiar, "RACE STREET PAC" = Mark is the PAC for Dambly's RE Firm, Pennrose Partners)

What do you think?

How many folks do you know who spend $1,000,000 ($3,000,000 total) to win a $150,000 per year job?

Corman wants be Governor......Shapiro wants to be US Senator
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What do you think?

How many folks do you know who spend $1,000,000 ($3,000,000 total) to win a $150,000 per year job?

Corman wants be Governor......Shapiro wants to be US Senator

I was just asking Wendy's opinion since she spent a lot of time trying to engage the candidates.

I am apolitical and do not spend much time thinking about these guys since my observation of politics and political figures is that politicians, their surrogates and, most certainly, the media spend an awful lot of time trying to convince you that you didn't see what you just saw.

I do believe that Corbett got booted because of the way Joe was treated. I would think that maybe, just maybe, if Mr. Shapiro has the aspirations of which you write, he may see that bringing closure to this issue might be a path of least resistance.
I was just asking Wendy's opinion since she spent a lot of time trying to engage the candidates.

I am apolitical and do not spend much time thinking about these guys since my observation of politics and political figures is that politicians, their surrogates and, most certainly, the media spend an awful lot of time trying to convince you that you didn't see what you just saw.

I do believe that Corbett got booted because of the way Joe was treated. I would think that maybe, just maybe, if Mr. Shapiro has the aspirations of which you write, he may see that bringing closure to this issue might be a path of least resistance.
1 - You are wise to engage Wendy S wrt this issue (she has spent a ton of time and effort on the points you raised)

2 - To date, the number of "aspiring" politicians who have pledged action.....all while "pissing down our legs" and telling us its a list longer than your arm.
The number who have actually taken any positive action? You could count on your fingers, without reaching your limit.

I was just passing on some info wrt some of Shapiro's relationships.

BTW - He has also been funded by the law firm Bob Jubelirer was a part of.....but, not sure how noteworthy that is since:
A - The law firm may very well have "funded" every AG candidate (that wouldn't be surprising or unusual)
B - The "relationship" might just as likely be perceived as a "good" thing or a "bad" thing
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1 - You are wise to engage Wendy S wrt this issue (she has spent a ton of time and effort on the points you raised)

2 - To date, the number of "aspiring" politicians who have pledged action.....all while "pissing down our legs" and telling us its a list longer than your arm.
The number who have actually taken any positive action? You could count on your fingers, without reaching your limit.

I was just passing on some info wrt some of Shapiro's relationships.

BTW - He has also been funded by the law firm Bob Jubelirer was a part of.....but, not sure how noteworthy that is since:
A - The law firm may very well have "funded" every AG candidate (that wouldn't be surprising or unusual)
B - The "relationship" might just as likely be perceived as a "good" thing or a "bad" thing

Very good, objective response. Hat is off to you.

Very little chance that anybody who chooses to remain "apolitical" is ever going to be able to wrap their mind around what happened to us and how it happened. It will have to be explained over and over...........
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1 - You are wise to engage Wendy S wrt this issue (she has spent a ton of time and effort on the points you raised)

2 - To date, the number of "aspiring" politicians who have pledged action.....all while "pissing down our legs" and telling us its a list longer than your arm.
The number who have actually taken any positive action? You could count on your fingers, without reaching your limit.

I was just passing on some info wrt some of Shapiro's relationships.

BTW - He has also been funded by the law firm Bob Jubelirer was a part of.....but, not sure how noteworthy that is since:
A - The law firm may very well have "funded" every AG candidate (that wouldn't be surprising or unusual)
B - The "relationship" might just as likely be perceived as a "good" thing or a "bad" thing

The Jubelirer thing gives me pause. I have been rather outspoken on this board about him. He's one of the reasons I choose to try to be apolitical. He's done nothing. He spoke a good game, but, once elected, well.....

I'd say the same thing about Governor Wolf. He pretty much got elected because he wasn't Corbett. He had to understand the dynamic.

And I agree with your other response that being apolitical would hurt an ability to wrap your mind around something like what has happened here. But, I think that because of the politicians and my lack of trust for them--particularly with respect to this mess, I look at each of them the same way. They will say anything or do anything to get through the day.
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The Jubelirer thing gives me pause. I have been rather outspoken on this board about him. He's one of the reasons I choose to try to be apolitical. He's done nothing. He spoke a good game, but, once elected, well.....

I'd say the same thing about Governor Wolf. He pretty much got elected because he wasn't Corbett. He had to understand the dynamic.

And I agree with your other response that being apolitical would hurt an ability to wrap your mind around something like what has happened here. But, I think that because of the politicians and my lack of trust for them--particularly with respect to this mess, I look at each of them the same way. They will say anything or do anything to get through the day.

Wolf rode the crest of the displeasure with Corbett. He also stated he "was aware of the problems at Penn State". To date, Wolf has done shit except to give Penn State 60M, which was the University's anyway.
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. But, I think that because of the politicians and my lack of trust for them--particularly with respect to this mess, I look at each of them the same way. They will say anything or do anything to get through the day.

You will NEVER in your life meet a more devout "Political Agnostic" (I coined that phrase a few years do you like it :) ) than I.

BTW - since you brought up the name (and as can be found in one of the earlier links), Tom Wolf was also a fairly significant contributor.

The HUGE (six figure) contribution by the STUDENTS FIRST PAC (a huge donation for a State AG race), is very "interesting" as well.

Without getting into a lengthy discussion, that PAC was formed as an essentially "Pro-School Voucher / Pro-Charter School" PAC.
Shapiro, in his albeit brief legislative career (BTW, he has NEVER been anything other than a politician, his entire adult life.....PA Assembly, County Politics, now the AG situation) has voted directly in opposition to the "Pro-Voucher / Pro-Charter School" concerns. Absolutely 100% AGAINST what that PAC was supposed to be created for.....and, FWIW, it is one of the biggest $$$$$ PACs in the State.

In recent years, that PAC has "strayed" (to say the least) from its stated purposes (folks who are interested can do a little digging....I don't want to be the "explainer" on this one)

Anyway........"Hope", as Andy Dufrense said, "Is never a bad thing".
But.....lots of reasons to "not be optimistic" wrt this guy
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I honestly don't know. Josh knows full well we are ALL tired of being labeled Football Crazed JoeBot Child Rape Enabler.

If I even liked football, and didn't give birth to my kids - maybe I could go with some of that...?

Starting with shouting at Louis Freeh back in July 2012 - speaking before the entire Board - meeting with Kane, filing an ethics complaint against Fina (as of today it's still "active and being investigated") speaking with tons of folks in the AG's office, Bruce Castor, Tony Sassano, former Federal prosecutors, our AG candidates, God knows how many members of the media covering this epic shitstorm and others whom I've simply forgetten - all I can say is God help any one of us if we were ever named in a PA grand jury presentment and had our lives torched like Mike, Joe, Tim, Gary & Graham.

Our system of justice coming out of the AG's office is corrupt.

It's always been my assertion that this narrative at PSU was birthed out of Tom Corbett's Harrisburg offices much like here, but it wasn't perfume the OAG produced - rather it was an abomination.


Is it your opinion that once Josh is sworn in and takes office, he will move swiftly to bring the C/S/S situation to a conclusion?

I've been thinking (hoping?) that he would have the right stuff to drop the remaining charges, particularly in light of the sworn testimony taken in the McQueary trial.
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Shapiro is a 100% political animal with little interest in anything
That does not promote Shapiro. All decisions will be made
For political purposes. Unfortunate.
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Shapiro is a 100% political animal with little interest in anything
That does not promote Shapiro. All decisions will be made
For political purposes. Unfortunate.
Seemed like there were a couple better options for that office (maybe not great, but better) - - - but the odds of winning an election in PA seem to be inversely proportional to one's proximity to "righteous". :)
And this is what we got

We seem to be left with situations of trying to "teach a fish to climb a tree" :) ....and, thankfully, at least a few folks are willing to try (WS etc)

But even a Jedi Master will have to work miracles just to get that fish to wiggle out of the water......let alone climb the tree.
It's only a wish - - but it would sure be nice if we were given at least one "winged" beast to hang out hat on - - - who would stand up for Penn State - and for what is righteous
Speaking of which - - - - - from the "you couldn't make this shit up department":

"AG Offers Guide to Consumers Looking for Health Club Memberships"


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