Compare and Contrast


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2014
There are some recent examples of tough matches between teammates where the participants remained supportive and respectful of one another.

The best example is where Beau was initially (and mistakenly) declared the winner over Nick Lee, which was later corrected. Both Nick and Beau were very gracious winners and losers with no display of acrimony.

Contrast this with the Ferrari matches yesterday, or the Spencer Lee vs. Ayala match.

The Iowa culture is evidence of failed leadership and will continue to spiral downward until Sr. Leadership at Iowa university pulls the plug on this dumpster fire.

The team chemistry and culture at PSU is the fruit of good character and leadership from coaches and teammates, and will continue to attract the best talent.
I said this elsewhere, but TnT are encouraged by fighting between teammates, because to them it shows that his wrestlers want to win the spot. That‘s how they want the room. Amazing.
Further evidence of failed leadership. Their paradigm is completely broken but they don’t even understand that.
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I said this elsewhere, but TnT are encouraged by fighting between teammates, because to them it shows that his wrestlers want to win the spot. That‘s how they want the room. Amazing.
Recently rewatched the Brands documentary on BTN. Gable would not allow the Brands boys to wrestle each other because it always ended in a fight. They like the fighting. The more chaos the better.
There are some recent examples of tough matches between teammates where the participants remained supportive and respectful of one another.

The best example is where Beau was initially (and mistakenly) declared the winner over Nick Lee, which was later corrected. Both Nick and Beau were very gracious winners and losers with no display of acrimony.

Contrast this with the Ferrari matches yesterday, or the Spencer Lee vs. Ayala match.

The Iowa culture is evidence of failed leadership and will continue to spiral downward until Sr. Leadership at Iowa university pulls the plug on this dumpster fire.

The team chemistry and culture at PSU is the fruit of good character and leadership from coaches and teammates, and will continue to attract the best talent.
First post I read of the New Year. As they used to say in the 60’s >>> Right on Brother! I have a good number of Iowa friends and spoke with one at a NY Eve party last night. He’s what they call a “Golden Hawk” (long term donor). He just shook his head when I told him the AJ story. He said that he doubted the “asshat AD” would do anything …. but bitched and moaned about how he screwed the pooch with the football staff. Sad times in IC!
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First post I read of the New Year. As they used to say in the 60’s >>> Right on Brother! I have a good number of Iowa friends and spoke with one at a NY Eve party last night. He’s what they call a “Golden Hawk” (long term donor). He just shook his head when I told him the AJ story. He said that he doubted the “asshat AD” would do anything …. but bitched and moaned about how he screwed the pooch with the football staff. Sad times in IC!
Hmmm, isn’t he a she?
Right-O. Yet another pronoun error on my part. I’ve been designated for re-education. I completely forgot that WOman’s can be AD’s ….. which shows you how far I’ve come since the demise of Dear Sandy.
I wasn’t sure if you’re donor buddy might not realize it.
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I’m sure those Ferrari fans will justify, make excuses for that as well, so they can get a trophy.
Recently rewatched the Brands documentary on BTN. Gable would not allow the Brands boys to wrestle each other because it always ended in a fight. They like the fighting. The more chaos the better.
Beat me to it. No rational person who has watched the Brands docu can be surprised in the least by their behavior and perspective on such things.
If you're old enough to remember how Tom and Terry wrestled and their antics out of bounds, you don't have to wonder about their management style.
Compare & Contrast

Cael - Telford
Willie - Corbie
Casey - Terry
Cody - Tom
Creamery - Gas stop pizza
Ira - Slumlord Bob
Rec Hall - Carver
Carter - Gabe
White belt - All black
Askren - Pyles
21st century - 1970s
M2 - Sebolt
Uncle Tony - Larry Lee
DT - Spencer
Mr. Brooks - AO Phil
Compare & Contrast

Cael - Telford
Willie - Corbie
Casey - Terry
Cody - Tom
Creamery - Gas stop pizza
Ira - Slumlord Bob
Rec Hall - Carver
Carter - Gabe
White belt - All black
Askren - Pyles
21st century - 1970s
M2 - Sebolt
Uncle Tony - Larry Lee
DT - Spencer
Mr. Brooks - AO Phil
Mike Evans is not impressed.
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Compare & Contrast

Cael - Telford
Willie - Corbie
Casey - Terry
Cody - Tom
Creamery - Gas stop pizza
Ira - Slumlord Bob
Rec Hall - Carver
Carter - Gabe
White belt - All black
Askren - Pyles
21st century - 1970s
M2 - Sebolt
Uncle Tony - Larry Lee
DT - Spencer
Mr. Brooks - AO Phil
Cael-Telford and Cody-Tom?