Carter Starocci's injury - news, updates, and speculations

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A pic of Carter crawling to his classes with dirty and muddy fingers would be ideal to understand not only the severity of the injury but his will to survive. Maybe he should play I Will Survive at Nationals and crawl to the mat.

Carter should pull this move at Nationals…
Kevin Nash Sport GIF
SVN had to wrestle a season with an injured knee, Nolf and Carter have to wrestle a post season. If SVN waited until after the season to fix his knee, the injury would impact two seasons.
See Spencer Lee
This kind of feels like another case of sports being sports. Even if you're a fan of the surest of sure things you still have to have something to worry about. I'm sure you're all like me and have been looking forward to the chance to see two 4-timers from the same program on the same night and now we have to sweat it for a month.
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I seriously doubt we will hear anything more definitive about the specifics of the injury after Carter gets his MRI.

Unless he is declared out for the season and Baraclough is a go as a substitute, we are likely to remain in the dark even as Carter marches onto the mat for his first match at Bigs. Not knowing if he will he wrestle or forfeit, until we actually see it.

Then again Carter has been known to give interviews. We'll see.
Gotta believe we'll see a tweet from Carter before too long.
Does Mr. Brooks still post on occasion.??
He would be the ultimate insider?😏
Maybe he could just post an emoji and we could go from there.🤔😟😢🙂🤫😡🤞👍
Fate can be fickle, indeed. That's why they called it the flying fickle finger of fate award. Really, what are the odds of injury in the last dual of the year, in a semi meaningless match, against a far outclassed opponent in the final seconds, after a potential match ending TFall head already been achieved?

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My best uneducated nonmedical guess is meniscus, but who knows? As others have said, the more likely it is that he wrestles through it, the more likely it is we will get zero information about the actual injury. We may find out something if it is definitively season-ending and there is no advantage in hiding details, but no one here wants to hear that...
Yeah, my other two were/are meniscus. For a late 50s to 60 yo I did fine. I got soft tissue work on it and rehab exercises and was back to walking and lifting in 8 weeks. At 58. I’m sixty now and not squatting yet but I can walk 5 miles plus daily.

Now make me 40 years, younger, genetically, gifted, and having the best sports medicine accessible to myself 24 seven. I think Carter will be just fine.
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My best uneducated nonmedical guess is meniscus, but who knows? As others have said, the more likely it is that he wrestles through it, the more likely it is we will get zero information about the actual injury. We may find out something if it is definitively season-ending and there is no advantage in hiding details, but no one here wants to hear that...
And again if it’s a meniscus, he’ll be fine. After my patella tendon injury approximately 10 years ago, I had x-rays done. After the meniscus injury seven years later, I had more x-rays and another MRI done. I don’t have any arthritis in my knees at age 60.

So I went over with my physical therapist, friends, and what I was supposed to do it, and he did suggest I should get operated on because if I don’t, I might have arthritis in my knees in 20 years. I just looked at them with a weird look at my face and said when I’m 80?

He went Oh yeah and chuckled. Who doesn’t have arthritis in their knees at 80?
SVN had to wrestle a season with an injured knee, Nolf and Carter have to wrestle a post season. If SVN waited until after the season to fix his knee, the injury would impact two seasons.
Just to put a finer point in this: Shayne did wrestle a season with an injured knee—he took 3rd. Then he aggravated it in practice this season, and chose to get surgery, thereby missing the year.
Yeah "Indication" doesn't really say he has much of a source, IMO. Though Pat sometimes does have a scoop or two, this might not be one of them.
I think here "indication" just means what pretty much everyone expects will happen. The scenario laid out by Mineo (and, again, almost everyone else as well) appears to be by far the most likely outcome.
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Honestly how is that a deterrent? If you are injured, it's the only way to the big dance. I'm not sure CStar is gonna worry too much about a couple MFF losses. That said, doesn't he need to win once to ensure getting in, or would he be counting on an at-large bid?
Carter is an absolute lock for an at-large, if he doesn't win his way in.
I would think dislocated knee without any further damage (especially vascular or ligament damage) is probably about as good of an outcome as he could get. That just requires putting it back in place and resting until the pain and swelling is gone. it didn't look like his knee was dislocated, though, but I'm no doctor, so...
I would think dislocated knee without any further damage (especially vascular or ligament damage) is probably about as good of an outcome as he could get. That just requires putting it back in place and resting until the pain and swelling is gone. it didn't look like his knee was dislocated, though, but I'm no doctor, so...
I totally agree with your assessment. If Carter had his knee dislocated, there is no way he could have stood up at all, plus he would have been in much more pain than he showed. A hyperextension would hurt, but he would at least be able to hobble off the mat with some assistance, which is exactly what happened.
I totally agree with your assessment. If Carter had his knee dislocated, there is no way he could have stood up at all, plus he would have been in much more pain than he showed. A hyperextension would hurt, but he would at least be able to hobble off the mat with some assistance, which is exactly what happened.
The lateral pressure on it made me think meniscus. I tore mine dragging a weight sled (L) backwards, and the right by moderate squats because I'm old and suck. The first I felt it shift a little. It was a slow drag with a heavy weight. The second I felt 2 days later. I have almost 40 years on Carter and I think if he has what I have he will heal rather quickly.
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I totally agree with your assessment. If Carter had his knee dislocated, there is no way he could have stood up at all, plus he would have been in much more pain than he showed. A hyperextension would hurt, but he would at least be able to hobble off the mat with some assistance, which is exactly what happened.
I dislocated my knee cap playing basketball. It slid back in and I was able to walk immediately with discomfort. I am by no means a tough guy either.
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Let's hope it is a LCL grade 1. Recovery in 3 weeks and wearing a brace for wrestling.
My first meniscus injury was a maybe LCL or meniscus, basically it was the same to rehab both. I had a PT friend who outlined it for me and I did it at home and could lift heavy and walk 4-5 miles a day in 8 weeks at age 57. I'm hoping Carter has the same because he will probably be at near 100% rather quickly at his age and with their sports med staff.
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