Anyone at the beach today?


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2017
As I was getting out of my car in Cape Henlopen, a guy gave me a “we are”. This is not unusual as there are a ton of Penn Staters in DE. However, when he mentioned how good the wrestling team was, I was a bit surprised. Not the sport normally mentioned to a lady and her daughter. I said, yes they’re incredible! We didn’t talk more as he was leaving and my arms were full of beach paraphernalia. As I sat on the beach, I started wondering if he was one of this board’s posters? So, was it any of you guys? And if not, where is the craziest place you have run into Penn Staters?
Have received quite a few WE AREs in airports throughout the U.S. Also happened in Manhattan a few weeks ago. Most fun was maybe at Shenanigan’s on the boardwalk in OCMD a few years ago when I found the dude was a huge wrestling fan and knew the Hidlays.

Always appreciated.
A few years ago I had a PSU wrestling sweatshirt on and was ready to walk into a bank, this guy driving through the parking lot yelled to me. He was a huge Penn State wrestling fan and could not believe I had that sweatshirt on. We talked about PSU wrestling for a good 15 minutes outside the bank.
Angkor Wat. Always wear a PSU t-shirt when on vacation, never know when you might run into, say, a doctor from Pittsburgh.

2nd craziest: the 1991 Michigan-Washington Rose Bowl. Got tickets in the Michigan section -- my friend Chris' mom knew Greg Skrepenak's mom. Go figure, we sat among a bunch of Penn Staters and watched the PSU-Tennessee Fiesta Bowl (the one where we scored 5 TDs in the 3rd quarter) on portable TVs. Michigan fans weren't real thrilled at us cheering while they got slaughtered 31-7.
Angkor Wat. Always wear a PSU t-shirt when on vacation, never know when you might run into, say, a doctor from Pittsburgh.

2nd craziest: the 1991 Michigan-Washington Rose Bowl. Got tickets in the Michigan section -- my friend Chris' mom knew Greg Skrepenak's mom. Go figure, we sat among a bunch of Penn Staters and watched the PSU-Tennessee Fiesta Bowl (the one where we scored 5 TDs in the 3rd quarter) on portable TVs. Michigan fans weren't real thrilled at us cheering while they got slaughtered 31-7.
Was the TN game the one where Heath Shuler crapped the bed? I watched the first half from by brothe;s place and then went to my bosses wedding. Short ceremony but while they were taking pics I went to listen on the radio and the game was out of reach. Come April the idiot DeadSkins drafter Shuler. That did not work out well for them.
Was the TN game the one where Heath Shuler crapped the bed? I watched the first half from by brothe;s place and then went to my bosses wedding. Short ceremony but while they were taking pics I went to listen on the radio and the game was out of reach. Come April the idiot DeadSkins drafter Shuler. That did not work out well for them.
I don't think so. Tennessee nearly doubled our yardage that game. We just scored a lot in one big bunch.
I met a guy with an Iowa Wrestling shirt at an airport. I asked if he lost a bet… it was Gabe Arnold’s dad… big DT and PSU hater. Evidently Cox is Arnold’s brother/cousin.
I don't know what his deal is with everything Penn State. If I were to guess, I'd say Cael and staff didn't show his boy as much love as he expected during the recruiting process. When he went on HR and accused PSU of having a racist culture with nothing to explain his opinion... I srarted taking him for a pos like so many others over there.
Was the TN game the one where Heath Shuler crapped the bed? I watched the first half from by brothe;s place and then went to my bosses wedding. Short ceremony but while they were taking pics I went to listen on the radio and the game was out of reach. Come April the idiot DeadSkins drafter Shuler. That did not work out well for them.
Kelly was the Tenn qb that game.
Have received quite a few WE AREs in airports throughout the U.S. Also happened in Manhattan a few weeks ago. Most fun was maybe at Shenanigan’s on the boardwalk in OCMD a few years ago when I found the dude was a huge wrestling fan and knew the Hidlays.

Always appreciated.
I've had that same experience at the same place. would be incredibly coincidental if it was you and I.
Thanks. Fun to watch!

Here you go. The video will start at the 28 minute mark. The game clock has about about 4 minutes to go in the 3rd, we're down 17-7, and Tennessee has well over 400 yards while we have less than 70 yards.

I remember that one, I was 10 and got mad and went to play games instead of watching anymore, then (rightfully) wasn't allowed back in the room.
As I was getting out of my car in Cape Henlopen, a guy gave me a “we are”. This is not unusual as there are a ton of Penn Staters in DE. However, when he mentioned how good the wrestling team was, I was a bit surprised. Not the sport normally mentioned to a lady and her daughter. I said, yes they’re incredible! We didn’t talk more as he was leaving and my arms were full of beach paraphernalia. As I sat on the beach, I started wondering if he was one of this board’s posters? So, was it any of you guys? And if not, where is the craziest place you have run into Penn Staters?
I am at Kure Beach and the waitress in Kate's Pancake House gave me a we are. P.S. This guy is everywhere.!!!

Two incidents come to mind. The first was a long time ago - summer of 1979. I was hiking with some friends on a trail that was way out in the middle of nowhere in Rocky Mtn National Park. We were coming to a small rise in the trail and a guy came walking towards us from the other side of the hill. It was a friend from Penn State that I hadn't seen since I graduated in 1976!

Second incident that I may have mentioned before. I was flying from West Palm Beach, FL back to CA via Delta airlines and I had a flight changeover in Delta's main hub at Atlanta. I was wearing a Penn State sweatshirt that day and while walking through the terminal I noticed a Delta pilot looking at me pretty intently. Unfortunately, I was in a big rush to catch my next flight so I didn't have time to stop and say anything. I'm pretty sure the pilot was DT Sr.
I don't know what his deal is with everything Penn State. If I were to guess, I'd say Cael and staff didn't show his boy as much love as he expected during the recruiting process. When he went on HR and accused PSU of having a racist culture with nothing to explain his opinion... I srarted taking him for a pos like so many others over there.
What a scumbag hater that dude must be. Racist culture?! What a lazy, pathetic accusation to throw out there. Hey Arnold...Why don't you take a look at our lineup!

We are so lucky to have all of these fine young men representing us.
I don't know what his deal is with everything Penn State. If I were to guess, I'd say Cael and staff didn't show his boy as much love as he expected during the recruiting process. When he went on HR and accused PSU of having a racist culture with nothing to explain his opinion... I srarted taking him for a pos like so many others over there.
I'll take "Things he'd never say with RBY, Beau, SVN, Alex, Carter, Aaron, and Kerk in the room" for 1000, Alex.
I've had that same experience at the same place. would be incredibly coincidental if it was you and I.

Did you friendly argue with me about the Nolf v Hidlay semifinals match? Insisting Hidlay would have won had it been ref’d correctly?
We are working on a forest fire up at Priest Lake Idaho. The fire is slowly growing so the fire camp is as well. When we pull in to our tent site last night there's about seven new tents around ours. A guy in a Iowa Wrestling t-shirt seemed to be leading the new group. I ask him if he he still likes Thomas Gillman lol. He looks at me and says yea and says oh your a Penn state guy. I'm wearing a PSU shirt. I laughed and told him I was just giving him shit. Turns out it was Myles Wilson who wrestled there a couple years ago. Said he blew his knee out twice and took him out of the game. He's leading a crew of CCC workers at camp.
I got the "We Are" from our then OL coach Herb Hand at a hotel in MD a few years ago and I didn't respond 😕. My wife and I were walking down a long hallway that connected our hotel to a restaurant for breakfast. It was just us and one fellow walking towards us. When we passed each other I was in the middle of saying something to my wife. I heard this guy say something to me but I wasn't paying attention so I just glanced at him and said good morning. We kept walking and It quickly dawned on me that he looked familiar for some reason. My wife said to me that guy just said "We Are" to you. All of sudden it hit me that I was wearing a PSU shirt, who he was, and what he said, so I turned around to reply with the "Penn State", but me realizing that I failed at doing the easiest thing a Penn State fan can do I just said it quietly and he didn't hear me. I went to breakfast with the feeling of failure that I only had one job to do by wearing that shirt. 😐
I was at Rehoboth Beach right after Memorial day this year. I was wearing my PSU wrestling hat one evening and a guy stopped me and asked if I went to Tulsa this year. He said that he was in Tulsa for conference finals and NCAA's. He was an Air Force fan and followed Wyatt Hendrickson. He said that Wyatt and Greg Kerkvliet will probably be next year's NCAA Heavyweight final. We now know differently with GS's return.
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I few months ago I saw a young man in a PSU sweatshirt at Toronto airport. I gave him a “We Are”, he looked at me like I was a weirdo!
My niece and her husband Paul from New Hampshire, joined us at Rehoboth for a family vacation. On a cool evening I loaned Paul my PSU jacket. A couple walks by and says " We are"! Paul looking stunned says " We are what"? I explained it to him about PSU and We are as we were all laughing. Good memorable story for our family!
Although not a PSU alum (simply grew up close by) I had a PSU sweatshirt on at a JMU football playoff game a few years back and got hit with a couple of 'We Are' ... Then my 5 seconds of fame came when ESPN panned the crowd and had me on TV for a couple of seconds. Someone took a screen shot and sent it out. My son roasted me for wearing the sweatshirt at his JMU game...
We don't see many around MN, and if we do, it is rarely wrestling related.

But that also doesn't stop me from throwing out a "WE ARE" after a couple of Double Dylan's/Bud Heavies.
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I can relate!
Same idea but crazier- we went on a cross country trip and my husband bought a U of Arkansas shirt outside of Fayetteville (don’t ask me why- I think he liked the pig!). Several years later, he is wearing the shirt back in MD and a woman yells “Sooooo-eeeee”. He literally thought she was crazy until she explained it is their call. He didn’t even remember he had the shirt on.
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