"America's Top 25 Murder Captials" - Would you live here? Or live here already?

St Louis' population (within city limits) is so small their murder rate becomes disproportionate. If they were closer to 500-600k like a DC or Baltimore they would likely not be #1.
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Murders are not a very good measure of how safe a city is. I live in center city Phila and there is less street crime in my neighborhood than in any other place I've lived.

I pay more attention to robberies and burglaries. Murders in large cities are overwhelmingly organized crime violence and not a threat to the general population. Not that's not a big problem -- it's a tragic problem that young men, usually men of color, are so likely to get shot or go to jail. It's been going on for so long that people think of it as an intractable social problem, but really it's largely a side effect of the War on Drugs.

The nation's policy toward drugs created this huge black market and the black market has violence intrinsic to it -- just like happened during alcohol prohibition. Meanwhile, millions of young men get arrested for selling drugs on the street and from that point on, for the rest of their lives, because of employment screening databases, they can never again get a legitimate job. That's something that wasn't true during prohibition -- lots of alcohol gangsters went legit after prohibition ended.
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West Palm is a cesspool. Anyone that comes down here, just try not to venture south of PGA Blvd.