What are your thoughts on Bill O'Brien now that time has passed?

Some have expressed great animosity over his decision to leave for the NFL when he did, and others have praised him for "saving" Penn State football at it's time of greatest despair. Frankly I believe he gained more from Penn State than Penn State gained from him, but I am thankful for his time served and how he handled the difficult situations he encountered.

I'm not a hater or a fan. And any time I want to say something negative about Bill I think about his son and what he deals with every day of his peronal life. With that said, I avoid any strong opinion and appreciate all he did while here at PSU.
Personally, I thank him for his time here. He held the ship together during a rough time. But I have a question for you. Hypothetically speaking of course, suppose BOB doesn't pan out as a HC in the NFL, is there any way, may be a couple of years down the line, that we could get him back to PSU as an Offensive Coordinator / QB's Coach role? We all know that he hated to deal with the media and didn't particularly love recruiting. So why not let JF be the head coach who deals with the media and recruiting (and he's damn good at it) and let BOB do his thaang as an offensive guru. Just imagine our team with all the talent JF is getting in and lets BOB unleash them on the opponents.. while having Shoop as our Def Coordinator...... Man oh man could you imagine that..? Would be hands down one of the best group of coaches bar none. Again, this is just hypothetical and my lil fantasy world. But man would that be absolutely cray!!
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He was baited into making those comments by a despicable reporter and has since said he wishes that hadn't happened and that he had great support while he was at PSU.

Sorry, but you can't be baited like that when you are a head coach talking to someone in the media. It's nice that he apologized, having acknowledged that he screwed up, but it was far too little, much too late. That's like barbour apologizing for the twitter comments regarding the "insensitivity" of the 409 helmet stickers. It doesn't help matters because you can't take back the original comments.
What you mean like this completely BS article which run directly after FLO (Fly'in Ly'in O'Brien) announced he was leaving PSU a couple days after he lied to his team and recruits telling them he wasn't leaving PSU and wasn't talking to anyone about leaving PSU? See link below:

Why Bill O’Brien left Penn State for the Houston Texans

Despite the fact that everything presented in this article is complete bull$hit on the part of both FLO and Davey Tool-boy Jones. The reality is that FLO began self-dealing and horse-trading his PSU Contract -- THE FIRST HEAD COACHING CONTRACT HE EVER HAD -- from the moment he set foot on campus until the week he left when he lied to his team and recruits and told them he was staying and talking to no one about leaving despite TELLING DAVEY D-BAG JONES MORE THAN A MONTH EARLIER THAT HE WAS LEAVING and told him to publish a bull$hit story the day after he left blaming it on "Paterno supporters" when both Jones and scumbag O'Brien KNOW FULL WELL that O'Brien left out of sheer GREED AND SELF-INTEREST. Yea, what great "character" - a guy that denigrates the institution and its community that gave him his first Head Coaching job allowing him to spend the time he was supposed to be recruiting (oh yea, he left the cupboard completely bare) to self-deal his way into the NFL Head Coaching job he was looking for and then in completely BS move try to claim he wasn't leaving out of greed and self-interest but make up this BS claim.....yea, what awesome "character" especially the firing of coaches after he knew he was leaving for NFL to throw PSU's recruiting into a complete shambles.

Let me get this straight, Bushwood.

You hate the BOT, or Board of Charlatans, Liars, Whores, or whatever you call them.

You hated Dave Joyner.

O'Brien left, partly because he didn't want to work for them anymore......yet you hate O'Brien.

Okay, got it. It almost makes sense.
He eased me into the new generation of college football. Seemed to do a heck of a job as a leader, though I still question his decision making ability in the course of a game. Liked his no BS approach. Disliked that he allowed himself to be used as a pawn by the BOT with the photo op at the board meeting.

Guys, he was a head football coach at one of the most storied programs in the country. Sure, the sanctions were terribly distracting and weakened the team to the core, but come on here! He was making really really good coin here right? Think about yourselves over the last few years. Sucking wind since 2008 to make mortgage, worried about kid's college tuition, entire departments being laid off, bosses telling you to do more and do it with less. BOB had a tough job and he did a good job at it, he was also compensated royally and was able to leverage the opportunity to get into the NFL where he makes even more money. I'm sorry, I'm just not going to listen to much violin playing for BOB. Think about the players that had 4 different coaches in their tenure here. They were not getting paid close to 4million to endure.

The man saved Penn State football. Period. Forget recruiting high school kids, he had to recruit our entire team in order to prevent them from transferring. No other coach in the history of college athletics has had to deal with that type of situation. You'd have to look at the Marshall team from the 70's after the plane crash to find the only more difficult situation to inherit. If I ever saw him face to face, I'd simply shake his hand and say thank you. I mean how much bullshit can a single person deal with in a two year period before they've had enough and have no choice but to move on?
First of all, the worlds greatest hypocrite, bushbrain, who questioned O'B's integrity, owes everyone $50 (I believe that was the amount), as he wagered O'B would not win one NFL game! As someone mentioned, he also views himself as a high class, moral individual. Really?
That aside, the Paterno person(s) was the mole(s) that tried to put the final nail in the football program's coffin, leaking information to SI that they viewed would DO JUST THAT! Would you stay and work somewhere for less pay when you can't even trust those around you?
O'Brien was the right guy for Penn State at the right time. A critical figure in Penn State Football lore. He was upfront from the outset about his ultimate goal of becoming an NFL head coach and I believe an offer he couldn't refuse arrived from the Texans before he expected to receive one. I wish he would have stayed another year or two, but I now root for the Texans (except when they play the Eagles).

Yep, OB held the program together and bridged the gap pretty much perfectly. Anyone rational person can see that.
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BOB was the right coach for the right time (i.e., in transition from Joe to the next one). For as much potential as he had to be a great college coach, he was never a long term solution though because his heart was in the NFL.

I do think he got the most out of the team but also believe he still had considerable talent to work with in his first year and was playing with house money in both seasons. So, while the results were nice and fairly impressive given the situation, the roster wasn't exactly void of skill and ability.

We can't fault BOB one bit for leaving when he did as his stock was never going to be higher. He also probably knew as well as anyone that '14 was going to be a very tough haul.

Regardless, things worked out well for both sides.
BOB was literally the PERFECT coach for when the sanctions hit. Having a severely disabled child taught him how to overcome adversity in real life and accept and move forward. His New England type no nonsense approach was exactly what we needed when the whole sanctions came down. Throw in that he was an X's and O's guru that was very important those 2 years to stay afloat with that talent on hand and I am not sure if PSU could have lucked into a better fit for the situation. He also revamped the S&C program which everybody knew needed a complete makeover and he also upgraded some other smaller things that needed it.

That being said, I was dissapointed on how he left. Not that he left for the NFL as that was his dream, but the potshot he gave to Dave Jones. To this day, I am still not sure why he did that, I personally think that he might have been drunk at the time and drunk dialed Jones. I am sure there was a ton of behind the scenes stuff that was all politics and tough to deal with. We heard how much of a jerk and backstabber Old Chrome Dome was and the whole SI medical/Seabass article was just crazy. So I am sure the article was more BOB just venting at some people who deserved it but it came off as going against the entire alumni. The fact BOB never came out and corrected that on the record was dissapointing.

But BOB held the ship together through tough times and that 2 years transition is what allowed JFF to come in and do what he is doing now. Overall, BOB had way, way, way more positives to his time then negatives.
Right coach at the right time. I think Franklin would not have gone over well at the time. To much bravado when you need a quiet leader. He did a great job and held the ship together. At that point you need great x and 0 guy. If you went to any of his alumni events you could tell he was not completely comfortable in that environment where Franklin thrives.
Self-dealt in negotiations with an administration he kissed the boots of....lied to players, recruits and his assistants....slunk out in the middle of the night and asked Dave Dick-Face Jones to drop a bomb on us the morning after. As another poster said, good riddance, to Mr. Do As I Say, Not As I Do idea of "character" and "integrity"..
So what do you think about Franklin? Did he lie to players recruits and his assistants when he left for Penn State?
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Regardless, things worked out well for both sides.

Yup, and that I think is why most folks don't have any ill will towards OB. Certainly, the way he left could have led to absolute disaster, as the message from State College was essentially this:

  1. Hired coach tries leaving after one year, but contract prevents it.
  2. Coach re-works contract to lower his buy-out, is successful in leaving after two years.
  3. Coach leaves with guns blazing, ripping fan base on exit; sends message to potential replacements that environment is toxic and job is a headache.
Of course, any HC with any amount of smarts knows Penn State is and always will be a plum job. Credit the folks who hired CJF; they had a lot of work to do after OB's damage.
He did a very very good job here under some rather difficult circumstances.

Coaching college really never fit his personality (the need to keep the rich alums happy, kiss 17-year-old kids butts in recruiting, et cetera et cetera) ...... that was obvious from Day One and I think the NFL is the best place for him long-term.

That whole Sports Illustrated kerfuffle back in May 2013 probably sealed the deal in terms of O'Brien moving on. There were people with an agenda who planted that story, and I'm still interested to know exactly who those traitors were.

But anyway, that's a whole different story. I'm happy for the 24 months he did spend in State College. He did well while here.
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Did not like him from personal interactions I had with him. I thought he was a pretty mediocre game coach. He cost his team two wins. All that said, I agree with others who said he was the right guy at the time. PSU needed a 2-3 year guy probably to soften the blow of entering the real world of the college athletics arms race.

It does make me sad that PSU is no longer about people but about wins and losses and dollars and cents. Those days are gone and not coming back so we must adapt and choose to drop out or move on.
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1. O'Brien was the right coach for when the sanctions hit. IF he had know about the sanctions PRIOR to his hire, there is no way he comes to PSU. I believe The BoT lied to O'Brien during negotiations as I believe the knew about the sanctions (or at least the possibility of sanctions) prior to his hire.
2. We had the worst PSU Defenses during his tenure. I think this was partly because Defensive Coordinator was in far over his head, and because of O'Brien's offensive play calling the defense got gassed from being on the field far too long.
3. I was not surprised, nor was I disappointed, that O'Brien left when he did.

Franklin is rebuilding the program much faster than anyone thought he could. O'Brien left the cupboard a bit bare in spots, but at the skill positions we had some very good talent. Franklin has done a very good job of patching the holes, and hopefully filling most of the them.

I can't say I wish O'Brien luck in The NFL, he coaches a team other than the one I root for. I thank him for the time he spent at PSU, that is all.
Bushwood thinks Billo has NO character, and on the other hand worships at the alter of Tiger "Mr. Integrity" Woods. Try and make sense of that one.
He was never a college coach, and belonged in the NFL. I thank him for his service to our University, the same as I would thank any other coach, regardless of their tenure.

I am more interested in finding out how a search committee went through the mechanics of finding him, out of a number of other candidates. Hindsight says they picked a good guy, but I am curious about their process.
Some have expressed great animosity over his decision to leave for the NFL when he did, and others have praised him for "saving" Penn State football at it's time of greatest despair. Frankly I believe he gained more from Penn State than Penn State gained from him, but I am thankful for his time served and how he handled the difficult situations he encountered.

O'Brien was a good offensive/QB coach but a bad defensive coach IMO.

One iissue I have with O'Brien is that he used limited scholarships to recruit skill players that could contribute quickly rather than linemen that would take time to develop. That decision probably helped PSU retain respectability in the short run but we're still paying the price today.

My biggest issue with O'Brien is that he told fans and players that he intended to remain at PSU for several years and that was dishonest. I recall him to responding to criticism that our recruiting class was falling apart while he remained with the Patriots through the Superbowl. He said something like PSU hired a coach for several years, not just one year. I recall hearing Hack's dad saying that O'Brien promised he would be there for 4 years. I also recall a twitter post from one of our DL saying that they didn't blame O'Brien for leaving because he understood that it's all about the money. I think college coaches should set better examples for the kids.
I love BOB and will always be a fan of his. Didn't Amos say BOB was the best coach he has ever played for? I think that says a lot.
Some have expressed great animosity over his decision to leave for the NFL when he did, and others have praised him for "saving" Penn State football at it's time of greatest despair. Frankly I believe he gained more from Penn State than Penn State gained from him, but I am thankful for his time served and how he handled the difficult situations he encountered.

Can't speak for others, but whenever I hear his name, I just wanna smash my fist through the car windshield.

But, that's just me. ;-)
For those who are anti-B.O.B., I would simply ask - could anyone have done a better job during what I believe are the two most challenging years any CFB coach has ever had to handle?
To answer your question: yes, I think a lot of coaches could have gone 15-9 in those two years and been more committed. A lot would have done worse too.

For those who are anti-B.O.B., I would simply ask - could anyone have done a better job during what I believe are the two most challenging years any CFB coach has ever had to handle?
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Let me get this straight, Bushwood.

You hate the BOT, or Board of Charlatans, Liars, Whores, or whatever you call them.

You hated Dave Joyner.

O'Brien left, partly because he didn't want to work for them anymore......yet you hate O'Brien.

Okay, got it. It almost makes sense.

Too funny, keep spinning there Spin-Meister.... Yea, he didn't get along with the administration that handed him a $3.6 million per year before incentives contract despite never having had a Head Coaching contract at any level before? (easily the biggest premium paid for a HC w/ zero HC experience in CFB history). Oh yea, after GUARANTEEING this contract for 5 years removing all risk from this absurdly rich contract given FLO's experience (e.g., buying the "option" that FLO was writing at a huge premium - full price), this same administration turned around and "renegotiated" his "buyout clause" at the end of one year from $19.6 million to under $6 million!?!? (e.g., the amount the new employer/FLO would have to pay PSU should FLO leave prior to the 5-Year Guaranteed term he signed). If you don't think this was hugely beneficial to FLO by this administration (e.g., giving him a 5-Year Guarantee for a minimum of $3.6 million - e.g., before incentives - and then selling him a "put option" at a 70% Discount), well then you don't know diddly-$hit about finance, optionality and trading options, because the administration you claim FLO didn't get along with gave him a put option worth $19 million to PSU for $6 million all the while maintaining a long-term guarantee for the $19 million! Neither the original contract or the renegotiated contract after 1 year - both of which were beyond absurdly generous to FLO given his experience level and the the lock-in clause he signed and was generously paid for, suggests in any way, shape or form that these parties didn't get along - quite the contrary nimrod. Oh yea, let's not forget about the corrupt BOT orchestrated PR stunt at their Board Meeting which had FLO do a slide presentation that basically said the newly elected alumni BOT members were making matters worse with the NCAA and "harming the program" when we all know who is really responsible for harming the program with utterly FALSE ACCUSATIONS AND ILLIGITIMATE NCAA SANCTIONS and that would be the scumbags that FLO was doing the bidding of at that BOT Meeting in exchange for massive amounts of $$$ like the good servile bootlicker he was (let's also not forget that Joyner was a MEMBER of the corrupt BOT prior to being named AD and lived in Lubert's basement - Lubert headed up Committee hiring the new HC!). IOW, FLO clearly did the bidding of his masters out of unmitigated self-interest, specifically in exchange for $$$ and lot's of it! The manner in which he left again demonstrates this extreme hypocrisy on his part relative to what he told his team, his coaching staff, prospective players in the form of recruits, etc... - he lied to all of them and then gave a completely self-serving FALSE NARRATIVE that pissed all over the program and its supporters in the name of providing cover to himself & his corrupt BOT masters (I guess you missed that FLO's FALSE NARRATIVE reason for leaving was identical to the BS FALSE NARRATIVE of the corrupt Executive Committee of the Board of Thieves, Liars, Charlatans and Whores as well as their co-cospirators in crime Freeh, the NCAA, Jim "I'm a Douche" Delany and the Big Turd Concerence). If the Alumni-elected BOT Members were harming the team so much and risking "the death sentence" as the corrupt BOT and their lacky FLO claimed at the scripted "PR stunt" BOT Meeting, why precisely has the same NCAA agreed to remove all the sanctions including restoring Paterno's wins and admitting that it wasn't legitimate in the first place if those Alumni-elected BOT Members weren't fighting injustice, strongly SUPPORTING the program, contrary to what the corrupt EC of the BOT had done working in unison with their co-conspirators, and very much helping the program in direct contradiction to what the corrupt EC of the BOT and their lacky FLO claimed at that BOT MEETING with their scripted "PR stunt" slide show, why did NCAA admit consent decree was wrong????
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To answer your question: yes, I think a lot of coaches could have gone 15-9 in those two years and been more committed. A lot would have done worse too.

One can focus on the 15-9 absolute record. But here's an underrated part of O'Brien's resume: Penn State never lost consecutive games following the Ohio University and Virginia games to start the BOB tenure.

In very challenging times, O'Brien did a suburb job in making sure the team was resiliant and mentally strong. Whether the game was an abject disaster (Indiana 2013 and Ohio State 2013), or a disappointing loss (Nebraska 2012 and Nebraska 2013), we always rallied. Who would have ever imagined the Wisconsin 2013 victory the week following the home loss to Nebraska? And we played that game incredibly loose, it was amazing.
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In all honestly, I don't know the answer.

A lot had to do with the kids that we had. They were, after all, Paterno's kids. Most stayed. And, they played their hearts out. And, they told Illinois to go fvck themselves. Gotta love the kids.

I wish O'Brien was more cordial with the alums. My guess, his decisions were based on higher-ups pushing the buttons. He could've told them to go fvck themselves, too. But he didn't. That leaves a sour taste.

So, I just don't know.
So what do you think about Franklin? Did he lie to players recruits and his assistants when he left for Penn State?

No, he didn't dipwad, but nice false accusation on your part (you've learned well from your masters' BS "spin" strategies and techniques). Franklin not only disclosed to his team, but also disclosed to the Vanderbilt Athletic Director (who hired him and who he reported directly to at the University) that he had been contacted by PSU about their open Head Coaching position. He asked for and WAS GRANTED PERMISSION to speak with PSU with the caveat that Vanderbilt be permitted to counter-offer prior to acceptance if any offer was ultimately made by PSU to Franklin. Franklin agreed to, AND HONORED, Vanderbilt's request in the caveat. So your insinuation that Franklin lied to anyone or handled his discussions with PSU in any kind of non-transparent way relative to his employer at the time, Vanderbilt, is utterly FALSE and likely an intentional false characterization - IOW a lie and BS ad hominem assault on Franklin's character.
Too funny, keep spinning there Spin-Meister.... Yea, he didn't get along with the administration that handed him a $3.6 million per year before incentives contract despite never having had a Head Coaching contract at any level before? (easily the biggest premium paid for a HC w/ zero HC experience in CFB history). Oh yea, after GUARANTEEING this contract for 5 years removing all risk from this absurdly rich contract given FLO's experience (e.g., buying the "option" that FLO was writing at a huge premium - full price), this same administration turned around and "renegotiated" his "buyout clause" at the end of one year from $19.6 million to under $6 million!?!? (e.g., the amount the new employer/FLO would have to pay PSU should FLO leave prior to the 5-Year Guaranteed term he signed). If you don't think this was hugely beneficial to FLO by this administration (e.g., giving him a 5-Year Guarantee for a minimum of $3.6 million - e.g., before incentives - and then selling him a "put option" at a 70% Discount), well then you don't know diddly-$hit about finance, optionality and trading options, because the administration you claim FLO didn't get along with gave him a put option worth $19 million to PSU for $6 million all the while maintaining a long-term guarantee for the $19 million! Neither the original contract or the renegotiated contract after 1 year - both of which were beyond absurdly generous to FLO given his experience level and the the lock-in clause he signed and was generously paid for, suggests in any way, shape or form that these parties didn't get along - quite the contrary nimrod. Oh yea, let's not forget about the corrupt BOT orchestrated PR stunt at their Board Meeting which had FLO do a slide presentation that basically said the newly elected alumni BOT members were making matters worse with the NCAA and "harming the program" when we all know who is really responsible for harming the program with utterly FALSE ACCUSATIONS AND ILLIGITIMATE NCAA SANCTIONS and that would be the scumbags that FLO was doing the bidding of at that BOT Meeting in exchange for massive amounts of $$$ like the good servile bootlicker he was (let's also not forget that Joyner was a MEMBER of the corrupt BOT prior to being named AD and lived in Lubert's basement - Lubert headed up Committee hiring the new HC!). IOW, FLO clearly did the bidding of his masters out of unmitigated self-interest, specifically in exchange for $$$ and lot's of it! The manner in which he left again demonstrates this extreme hypocrisy on his part relative to what he told his team, his coaching staff, prospective players in the form of recruits, etc... - he lied to all of them and then gave a completely self-serving FALSE NARRATIVE that pissed all over the program and its supporters in the name of providing cover to himself & his corrupt BOT masters (I guess you missed that FLO's FALSE NARRATIVE reason for leaving was identical to the BS FALSE NARRATIVE of the corrupt Executive Committee of the Board of Thieves, Liars, Charlatans and Whores as well as their co-cospirators in crime Freeh, the NCAA, Jim "I'm a Douche" Delany and the Big Turd Concerence). If the Alumni-elected BOT Members were harming the team so much and risking "the death sentence" as the corrupt BOT and their lacky FLO claimed at the scripted "PR stunt" BOT Meeting, why precisely has the same NCAA agreed to remove all the sanctions including restoring Paterno's wins and admitting that it wasn't legitimate in the first place if those Alumni-elected BOT Members weren't fighting injustice, strongly SUPPORTING the program contrary to what the corrupt EC of the BOT had done working in unison with their co-conspirators and very much helping the program in direct contradiction to what the corrupt EC of the BOT and their lacky FLO claimed at that BOT MEETING with their scripted "PR stunt" slide show????

Bushwood, it was no secret that BOB didn't get along with Joyner. BOB also has said repeatedly that he didn't agree with NCAA sanctions, both during and after his tenure.

He decided he didn't want to work here anymore partly because of both of the above, yet you can't stand him because of contract negotiations. He took advantage of the contract opportunities handed to him, and all but said during his tenure he didn't like Joyner/didn't agree with the sanctions.

Yet, for some reason, the voices inside your head lump BOB in with the BOT and Joyner.
No, he didn't dipwad, but nice false accusation on your part (you've learned well from your masters' BS "spin" strategies and techniques). Franklin not only disclosed to his team, but also disclosed to the Vanderbilt Athletic Director (who hired him and who he reported directly to at the University) that he had been contacted by PSU about their open Head Coaching position. He asked for and WAS GRANTED PERMISSION to speak with PSU with the caveat that Vanderbilt be permitted to counter-offer prior to acceptance if any offer was ultimately made by PSU to Franklin. Franklin agreed to, AND HONORED, Vanderbilt's request in the caveat. So your insinuation that Franklin lied to anyone or handled his discussions with PSU in any kind of non-transparent way relative to his employer at the time, Vanderbilt, is utterly FALSE and likely an intentional false characterization - IOW a lie and BS ad hominem assault on Franklin's character.

BS, He didn't tell every Vandy recruit/player he coaches for 3 years he was bailing back to PSU when the time came for it. Ypu think he recruited kids saying I'm not sure if I'll stay at Vandy for 3 years. BS. You're so full of it that you actually believe the crap you type. EVERY single coach out there in the modern era has had to move around to move up the food chain. They NEVER tell recruits or players they are bailing or may leave. Just like any other person who has moved up the chain in their professional careers, they don't tell their bosses or team that they are looking to leave.

You live is come GD fairy tale land where PSU coaches should all stay 60 years and never do anything to dare upset you. You don't like OB because he didn't have PSU as his final destination job. How dare he. USE CAPS AND SCREAM BACK NOW,,,,eh GENIUS.
Too funny, keep spinning there Spin-Meister.... Yea, he didn't get along with the administration that handed him a $3.6 million per year before incentives contract despite never having had a Head Coaching contract at any level before? (easily the biggest premium paid for a HC w/ zero HC experience in CFB history). Oh yea, after GUARANTEEING this contract for 5 years removing all risk from this absurdly rich contract given FLO's experience (e.g., buying the "option" that FLO was writing at a huge premium - full price), this same administration turned around and "renegotiated" his "buyout clause" at the end of one year from $19.6 million to under $6 million!?!? (e.g., the amount the new employer/FLO would have to pay PSU should FLO leave prior to the 5-Year Guaranteed term he signed). If you don't think this was hugely beneficial to FLO by this administration (e.g., giving him a 5-Year Guarantee for a minimum of $3.6 million - e.g., before incentives - and then selling him a "put option" at a 70% Discount), well then you don't know diddly-$hit about finance, optionality and trading options, because the administration you claim FLO didn't get along with gave him a put option worth $19 million to PSU for $6 million all the while maintaining a long-term guarantee for the $19 million! Neither the original contract or the renegotiated contract after 1 year - both of which were beyond absurdly generous to FLO given his experience level and the the lock-in clause he signed and was generously paid for, suggests in any way, shape or form that these parties didn't get along - quite the contrary nimrod. Oh yea, let's not forget about the corrupt BOT orchestrated PR stunt at their Board Meeting which had FLO do a slide presentation that basically said the newly elected alumni BOT members were making matters worse with the NCAA and "harming the program" when we all know who is really responsible for harming the program with utterly FALSE ACCUSATIONS AND ILLIGITIMATE NCAA SANCTIONS and that would be the scumbags that FLO was doing the bidding of at that BOT Meeting in exchange for massive amounts of $$$ like the good servile bootlicker he was (let's also not forget that Joyner was a MEMBER of the corrupt BOT prior to being named AD and lived in Lubert's basement - Lubert headed up Committee hiring the new HC!). IOW, FLO clearly did the bidding of his masters out of unmitigated self-interest, specifically in exchange for $$$ and lot's of it! The manner in which he left again demonstrates this extreme hypocrisy on his part relative to what he told his team, his coaching staff, prospective players in the form of recruits, etc... - he lied to all of them and then gave a completely self-serving FALSE NARRATIVE that pissed all over the program and its supporters in the name of providing cover to himself & his corrupt BOT masters (I guess you missed that FLO's FALSE NARRATIVE reason for leaving was identical to the BS FALSE NARRATIVE of the corrupt Executive Committee of the Board of Thieves, Liars, Charlatans and Whores as well as their co-cospirators in crime Freeh, the NCAA, Jim "I'm a Douche" Delany and the Big Turd Concerence). If the Alumni-elected BOT Members were harming the team so much and risking "the death sentence" as the corrupt BOT and their lacky FLO claimed at the scripted "PR stunt" BOT Meeting, why precisely has the same NCAA agreed to remove all the sanctions including restoring Paterno's wins and admitting that it wasn't legitimate in the first place if those Alumni-elected BOT Members weren't fighting injustice, strongly SUPPORTING the program contrary to what the corrupt EC of the BOT had done working in unison with their co-conspirators and very much helping the program in direct contradiction to what the corrupt EC of the BOT and their lacky FLO claimed at that BOT MEETING with their scripted "PR stunt" slide show????
Bushwood thinks Billo has NO character, and on the other hand worships at the alter of Tiger "Mr. Integrity" Woods. Try and make sense of that one.

I worship at the altar of Tiger Woods? Huh? LMFAO, make up some more bull$hit, I've never said a word in defense of Tiger Woods or his integrity (primarily because I don't think he has any - his shameless selfish actions have screwed over his kids and changed their lives, how they view him & what they will learn from him in a way he can never repair or make amends for -- again, his own lack of integrity and selfish behavior is to blame, he has no one else to blame for his complete personal implosion but himself). Beyond that, I haven't a farthing clue what your Tiger Woods strawman has to do with FLO's clear personal character flaws including LACK OF INTEGRITY IN THE NAME OF SELF-DEALING!
My biggest issue with O'Brien is that he told fans and players that he intended to remain at PSU for several years and that was dishonest. I recall him to responding to criticism that our recruiting class was falling apart while he remained with the Patriots through the Superbowl. He said something like PSU hired a coach for several years, not just one year. I recall hearing Hack's dad saying that O'Brien promised he would be there for 4 years. I also recall a twitter post from one of our DL saying that they didn't blame O'Brien for leaving because he understood that it's all about the money. I think college coaches should set better examples for the kids.

I don't believe he ever said this. Actually, I recently read an article in which players said he told them he would not leave after the first year but he promised nothing after that. Players have said he was honest with them. One of my complaints, at first, was I was unhappy because I thought he might have been dishonest with them but I don't believe that was the case.
No, he didn't dipwad, but nice false accusation on your part (you've learned well from your masters' BS "spin" strategies and techniques). Franklin not only disclosed to his team, but also disclosed to the Vanderbilt Athletic Director (who hired him and who he reported directly to at the University) that he had been contacted by PSU about their open Head Coaching position. He asked for and WAS GRANTED PERMISSION to speak with PSU with the caveat that Vanderbilt be permitted to counter-offer prior to acceptance if any offer was ultimately made by PSU to Franklin. Franklin agreed to, AND HONORED, Vanderbilt's request in the caveat. So your insinuation that Franklin lied to anyone or handled his discussions with PSU in any kind of non-transparent way relative to his employer at the time, Vanderbilt, is utterly FALSE and likely an intentional false characterization - IOW a lie and BS ad hominem assault on Franklin's character.
Franklin called players who decommitted from Vanderbilt "quitters" and questioned their honor and integrity for going back on their commitments. O'Brien had a boatload of de-comits, but he never attacked the players. Franklin also doesn't seem to have a problem recuiting players committed to other schools.

He had no choice but to get permission (or as you would like to say PERMISSION) to speak with Penn State or PSU would have been liable for tortious interference. As for transparency, he was still saying that he might return to Vanderbilt when it was obvious that wasn't going to happen.

Finally, he went and recruited players from Vanderbilt's class that he had built relationships with on Vanderbilt's dime.

I'm not attacking Franklin. He just plays the game the way it's played nowadays.
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No, he didn't dipwad, but nice false accusation on your part (you've learned well from your masters' BS "spin" strategies and techniques). Franklin not only disclosed to his team, but also disclosed to the Vanderbilt Athletic Director (who hired him and who he reported directly to at the University) that he had been contacted by PSU about their open Head Coaching position. He asked for and WAS GRANTED PERMISSION to speak with PSU with the caveat that Vanderbilt be permitted to counter-offer prior to acceptance if any offer was ultimately made by PSU to Franklin. Franklin agreed to, AND HONORED, Vanderbilt's request in the caveat. So your insinuation that Franklin lied to anyone or handled his discussions with PSU in any kind of non-transparent way relative to his employer at the time, Vanderbilt, is utterly FALSE and likely an intentional false characterization - IOW a lie and BS ad hominem assault on Franklin's character.

And, what about the recruits he texted, saying "no decision yet" and "still deciding", long after the PSU deal was consummated? Remember, PSU had to post the job position/etc. because of the academic integrity monitor.
For those who are anti-B.O.B., I would simply ask - could anyone have done a better job during what I believe are the two most challenging years any CFB coach has ever had to handle?

Absolutely. However, could they have done it without Mauti, Zordich, the Supa Six, and the rest of the seniors? Doubtful.