My worst fear is realized. Not that we lost to Temple, but that I barely care.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
Ten years ago this loss would have bothered me all week. Now, I'm watching our women's volleyball team and have put the game in my rear view mirror. I guess it started with STEP and my giving season tickets I held for nearly 40 years. Then there was our own BOT rushing to judgment on Joe, his firing, and our surrender to the NCAA. Throw in the continuing arrogance of our BOT, President, and Alumni Association, and I have a University I barely recognize and can no longer relate to. I've said before that I may wake up some day and just decide to turn my back on Penn State forever. If it happens, I will always have my memories, the friendships, and the joy of watching the golden years of Penn State football. I really think if I had not found this Board I would have been gone already. The fact that I could watch us get blown out by a very average college team and not feel badly means that day is very close.
Ten years ago this loss would have bothered me all week. Now, I'm watching our women's volleyball team and have put the game in my rear view mirror. I guess it started with STEP and my giving season tickets I held for nearly 40 years. Then there was our own BOT rushing to judgment on Joe, his firing, and our surrender to the NCAA. Throw in the continuing arrogance of our BOT, President, and Alumni Association, and I have a University I barely recognize and can no longer relate to. I've said before that I may wake up some day and just decide to turn my back on Penn State forever. If it happens, I will always have my memories, the friendships, and the joy of watching the golden years of Penn State football. I really think if I had not found this Board I would have been gone already. The fact that I could watch us get blown out by a very average college team and not feel badly means that day is very close.
Fairgambit let me say this. I'm a fan of another team and come here and have to say I usually alway respect your posts. I think your better than this one. Stick with it guy and good luck with the rest of the season.
Ten years ago this loss would have bothered me all week. Now, I'm watching our women's volleyball team and have put the game in my rear view mirror. I guess it started with STEP and my giving season tickets I held for nearly 40 years. Then there was our own BOT rushing to judgment on Joe, his firing, and our surrender to the NCAA. Throw in the continuing arrogance of our BOT, President, and Alumni Association, and I have a University I barely recognize and can no longer relate to. I've said before that I may wake up some day and just decide to turn my back on Penn State forever. If it happens, I will always have my memories, the friendships, and the joy of watching the golden years of Penn State football. I really think if I had not found this Board I would have been gone already. The fact that I could watch us get blown out by a very average college team and not feel badly means that day is very close.
Fairgambit let me say this. I'm a fan of another team and come here and have to say I usually alway respect your posts. I think your better than this one. Stick with it guy and good luck with the rest of the season.
Maybe I didn't make my point well. It's not the loss. It's not Franklin, or Hackberg. It's that I don't care that we lost. It has nothing to do with the game today but all the crap that preceded it.
Maybe I didn't make my point well. It's not the loss. It's not Franklin, or Hackberg. It's that I don't care that we lost. It has nothing to do with the game today but all the crap that preceded it.
That's a fair take. Understood.
Ten years ago this loss would have bothered me all week. Now, I'm watching our women's volleyball team and have put the game in my rear view mirror. I guess it started with STEP and my giving season tickets I held for nearly 40 years. Then there was our own BOT rushing to judgment on Joe, his firing, and our surrender to the NCAA. Throw in the continuing arrogance of our BOT, President, and Alumni Association, and I have a University I barely recognize and can no longer relate to. I've said before that I may wake up some day and just decide to turn my back on Penn State forever. If it happens, I will always have my memories, the friendships, and the joy of watching the golden years of Penn State football. I really think if I had not found this Board I would have been gone already. The fact that I could watch us get blown out by a very average college team and not feel badly means that day is very close.

Similar for me, but not because I don't care - I've just adjusted my perspective and priorities. These are college kids - I want them to play, learn, do well, and become great ambassadors for Penn State. I would love for them to win every game and hope like hell they do. If not, no biggie - like you said, we have volleyball :).
Getting a lot of these posts. For people not caring there is a lot of complaining in the game thread.

We all care, we all will remain supportive of this program. Stop fooling.
Getting a lot of these posts. For people not caring there is a lot of complaining in the game thread.
We all care, we all will remain supportive of this program. Stop fooling.
Nate, I am not fooling. I have said this at least a half dozen times on this Board over the past year. It has nothing to do with football or today's game. It has everything to do with my relationship with Penn State, which is on life support.
I never saw Beaver Stadium half full unless it was a rainy BW game. Half-full will be seen this year. I quit my tickets in 2012 and I'm glad I did. I wouldn't even mind dropping a $ grand in a bad year where we won one or two games if I knew things were looking up, but now that I know that PSU athletics has completely sold out the fans I am happy that I didn't bite. I am sorry the team is a disaster, I applaud the kids on the team who stayed but it is completely obvious that being competitive in the B10 was never a concern after Sandusky. Keeping the team afloat was the goal.

The more PSU lies to the customer, the less I care what they do. PSU is unrecognizable to me, and I have always been so to PSU. Thanks for the memories.

I also applaud Temple and its fans and supporters. You have been waiting a long time for this and you got it. It has to be a great feeling. I am surprised the field wasn't flooded with fans. It should have been. Temple BB knocked us out of the regional finals in 2001 in Atlanta and they blew us up today. Good for Temple. I applaud all Temple fans today.
But again, this is not about the football result. It's about not being upset with the result. People are critical of Hack, the players, the coaches...and I am critical of no one. I don't care and the fact that I don't care has nothing to do with this game. I probably should not have made this post after a loss, and in fact I have stated the same thing before today. I was just trying to use the game result, and my lack of caring, to show my frustration with Penn State, not the football program.
I agree with you on this post - most of the time I do agree with you. In this case it is very sad in that I went to a great University with wonderful traditions and wonderful people but "leadership" has let us all down not just football but in all ways!
I have always tried to defend the University and I still love it just not the lack of leadership.
Ten years ago this loss would have bothered me all week. Now, I'm watching our women's volleyball team and have put the game in my rear view mirror. I guess it started with STEP and my giving season tickets I held for nearly 40 years. Then there was our own BOT rushing to judgment on Joe, his firing, and our surrender to the NCAA. Throw in the continuing arrogance of our BOT, President, and Alumni Association, and I have a University I barely recognize and can no longer relate to. I've said before that I may wake up some day and just decide to turn my back on Penn State forever. If it happens, I will always have my memories, the friendships, and the joy of watching the golden years of Penn State football. I really think if I had not found this Board I would have been gone already. The fact that I could watch us get blown out by a very average college team and not feel badly means that day is very close.

I agree 100% with this post! I'm an alumni, former season ticket holder and fan for 50+ years. I have almost if not all of Joe's games on video and I don't really care much anymore.
Too much overreaction here. Temple has its best team in many years. The Lions still are a few years from recovery. Result today not surprising. No team has a manifest destiny to always be good.
I should have made my post after a win, because the message is being lost in the game result. I am not overreacting to the loss. I am underreacting and that is my lament. I guess another way of saying this is, I no longer care much whether we win or lose, for the reasons I stated. Anyone that has been on this Board for any length of time, and has read my posts, knows that I have said this a number of times before today's game. I am not alone in my feelings. Others here have made similar statements.
But again, this is not about the football result. It's about not being upset with the result. People are critical of Hack, the players, the coaches...and I am critical of no one. I don't care and the fact that I don't care has nothing to do with this game. I probably should not have made this post after a loss, and in fact I have stated the same thing before today. I was just trying to use the game result, and my lack of caring, to show my frustration with Penn State, not the football program.

Ok, give it up man. Go to bed and see what you think tomorrow. Not everybody is ready to quit.
Ok, give it up man. Go to bed and see what you think tomorrow. Not everybody is ready to quit.
I am giving it up. My message is being misunderstood. Like I said, I have posted this before on a number of occasions. I should have posted it again after a win and said I don't care much that we won. My bad.
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Ok, give it up man. Go to bed and see what you think tomorrow. Not everybody is ready to quit.

You're not listening to what he's saying. He's not complaining about how poorly they played today. He's saying that how poorly they played today doesn't even bother him . He'd feel the same way right now whether they won or lost, he just doesnt care anymore because of what the university has done over the last 4 years. I fear he's not alone.
You're not listening to what he's saying. He's not complaining about how poorly they played today. He's saying that how poorly they played today doesn't even bother him . He'd feel the same way right now whether they won or lost, he just doesnt care anymore because of what the university has done over the last 4 years. I fear he's not alone.
Thank you cincy. You got it exactly right.
Penn State "the institution" doesn't care, in fact football was its nemesis. This is the residue. This is what they wanted. PSU football is over. PSU football is PSU basketball. Indistinguishable.

W volleyball, W soc, wrestling. These are our sports. Get used to it. This is what they wanted.

Your womens volleyball program is a very rare dynasty. Shame on any fan, let alone any PSU fan, that isnt relishing in its greatness. We will never see a run like PSU volleyball, in volleyball, than the one we've been seeing.
I really enjoy , when I have the time, to watch PSU sports. I don't care what sport I am watching.

It is fun just to root for a team.
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Coach Franklin feels the pain however he calmly addressed the issues in the postgame meeting. He needs to stay positive which he is or risk losing the team and coaches. He is doing the best he can with what is given. Team is very young.
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Yep, I feel about the same. I have been pretty much watching the games the past several years with little emotion. And, my interest in football, in general, has waned. What happened to Paterno (and the others) has sucked the life out of me. My primary interest, now, is for the truth to come out, which, I hope, exonerates Paterno, et al.
You're not listening to what he's saying. He's not complaining about how poorly they played today. He's saying that how poorly they played today doesn't even bother him . He'd feel the same way right now whether they won or lost, he just doesnt care anymore because of what the university has done over the last 4 years. I fear he's not alone.

I feel the same way. "Penn State" was embodied by great yet flawed (as we all are) leaders such as Bryce Jordan, Rip Engle, Graham Spanier, and Joe Paterno. "Penn State 2.0" is embodied by loathsome people such as Keith Masser, Kay Salvino, Rick Dandrea, and Keith Eckel as well as the 27 assistant athletic directors and a hiss-poor $128,000 logo. I naively viewed Barron's hiring as a source of hope, but he has been a huge disappointment. At some point, my bitterness turned into apathy, which is actually the better place to be mentally and emotionally. Unfortunately a person cannot will apathy to arrive, it works on its own schedule.
Fairgambit, I totally agree with what you said. I made a similar post last year before the Pinstripe Bowl, that I was less interested in the bowl because of the way the University has conducted itself over the last 4-5 years.

My point is after you (Me also) ran your mouth all week, you probably picked a bad time to post this.
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An interesting thread. Though I don't ascribe to the gloomy tone I can understand the feeling. But I think it's more than just 2011 and all that followed. I pin a chunk of it on the changing landscape of NCAA football in the ESPN and big $$$ era. People now brag about much money their conference makes in TV rights, or if they are the prime time game, or the most expensive facilities etc. It's these things for me that have robbed the soul and remaining purity of college sports. The ESPN poison is even running down to high school sports now. Last night I was at a tailgate party to watch the WVU game. Everyone there bemoaned how the business of college sports has tarnished the experience, and I hear the same from Carolina fans too.

I watch PSU games and cheer them on. I just don't possess the same emotional investment I used to have. But I will always proudly wear my blue & white and display my 409 decal . I hope Franklin can move them forward after an obviously heartbreaking beat down.
Fairgambit, I totally agree with what you said. I made a similar post last year before the Pinstripe Bowl, that I was less interested in the bowl because of the way the University has conducted itself over the last 4-5 years.

My point is after you (Me also) ran your mouth all week, you probably picked a bad time to post this.
You're right. It should have come after a win. Still, I think most who know me here realize I have said it before and was just using a bad loss to illustrate my point.
You're not listening to what he's saying. He's not complaining about how poorly they played today. He's saying that how poorly they played today doesn't even bother him . He'd feel the same way right now whether they won or lost, he just doesnt care anymore because of what the university has done over the last 4 years. I fear he's not alone.

He's not.
You're right. It should have come after a win. Still, I think most who know me here realize I have said it before and was just using a bad loss to illustrate my point.

It actually has the opposite effect in attempting to illustrate your point. You try to say you don't care but everything about you taking the time to make this post along with the timing says that you do. For those of us that truly stopped caring for the reasons you mentioned, simply turned off their TV and/or computer after the game, went to dinner and then went about their business for the rest of the day with families and friends. When you get to that point, then your actions will truly say "I barely care".
But again, this is not about the football result. It's about not being upset with the result. People are critical of Hack, the players, the coaches...and I am critical of no one. I don't care and the fact that I don't care has nothing to do with this game. I probably should not have made this post after a loss, and in fact I have stated the same thing before today. I was just trying to use the game result, and my lack of caring, to show my frustration with Penn State, not the football program.
Ditto express my thoughts also
Its the university I'm very concerned about, although I love being at the games, currenyly, wins and losses are secondary to me . I'll always support our athletes as possible.

For the Glory....
Heres the thing. Anyone with any perspective would know we are still thin. You know that and I know that.

Franklin... while maybe not a great coach at this point has been recruiting well. Thats what we need the most right now. Hacks class was a disaster. Wartmans even worse. Those are our upperclassmen.

Absolutely correct. We still have two yrs to go before we are back to a full team with most starters being Jrs and Srs. Way too many underclassmen filling out the roster right now. They are not, for the most part, ready mentally, physically and emotionally to be the bulk of the team.

Patience is the name of the game for us fans. If after the 2017 season we are having these issues, then we should be very concerned about the long term success of the program. But right now it is unreasonable to expect too much out of this team.
"Get blown out by a very average football team," you are PATHETIC. Give credit where it's due. You've been bashing temple 24/7. Their defense is legit, and PSU is now a below average team. Enjoy watching women's volleyball
Temple has been given its due in several threads on this board. NOW, it is Penn State alums and fans speaking to each other. Go to Temple's board and celebrate with your other fans.
Ten years ago this loss would have bothered me all week. Now, I'm watching our women's volleyball team and have put the game in my rear view mirror. I guess it started with STEP and my giving season tickets I held for nearly 40 years. Then there was our own BOT rushing to judgment on Joe, his firing, and our surrender to the NCAA. Throw in the continuing arrogance of our BOT, President, and Alumni Association, and I have a University I barely recognize and can no longer relate to. I've said before that I may wake up some day and just decide to turn my back on Penn State forever. If it happens, I will always have my memories, the friendships, and the joy of watching the golden years of Penn State football. I really think if I had not found this Board I would have been gone already. The fact that I could watch us get blown out by a very average college team and not feel badly means that day is very close.

Can't argue with that!

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