My worst fear is realized. Not that we lost to Temple, but that I barely care.

Giving up on the football program or the school because of disappointments over how the Sandusky scandal played out and was handled by school administrators seems truly self defeating and counterproductive. What happened has happened elsewhere. Gradually, it fades away and life returns to normal. Until the next scandal at some other school.

Penn State handled it in such away that did not meet the approval of some people but clearly met the approval of others. Nobody except Sandusky and Paterno know what really happened, and the truth may never come out.

But that should not stop the love for this school. The university is much bigger than the scandals that have rocked it for the past several years.

You're kidding right? Not even close.
I feel the same way. "Penn State" was embodied by great yet flawed (as we all are) leaders such as Bryce Jordan, Rip Engle, Graham Spanier, and Joe Paterno. "Penn State 2.0" is embodied by loathsome people such as Keith Masser, Kay Salvino, Rick Dandrea, and Keith Eckel as well as the 27 assistant athletic directors and a hiss-poor $128,000 logo. I naively viewed Barron's hiring as a source of hope, but he has been a huge disappointment. At some point, my bitterness turned into apathy, which is actually the better place to be mentally and emotionally. Unfortunately a person cannot will apathy to arrive, it works on its own schedule.
I guess I would be apathetic too, but I just don't care enough anymore.
Ten years ago this loss would have bothered me all week. Now, I'm watching our women's volleyball team and have put the game in my rear view mirror. I guess it started with STEP and my giving season tickets I held for nearly 40 years. Then there was our own BOT rushing to judgment on Joe, his firing, and our surrender to the NCAA. Throw in the continuing arrogance of our BOT, President, and Alumni Association, and I have a University I barely recognize and can no longer relate to. I've said before that I may wake up some day and just decide to turn my back on Penn State forever. If it happens, I will always have my memories, the friendships, and the joy of watching the golden years of Penn State football. I really think if I had not found this Board I would have been gone already. The fact that I could watch us get blown out by a very average college team and not feel badly means that day is very close.

Oh, please. Stop being such a pvssy. So, you give in to fvcks like Peetz and Frazier? Louis Freeh, that c0cksucker?!? You wanna make a difference? Then, support a revolution. Don't let down "future" Penn Staters. BTW, becoming a Humanist wouldn't hurt, either.


Look what's happening out in the streets
Got a revolution
Got to revolution
Hey I'm dancing down the streets
Got a revolution
Got to revolution
Ain't it amazing all the people I meet
Got a revolution
Got to revolution
One generation got old
One generation got soul
This generation got no destination to hold
Pick up the cry
Hey now it's time for you and me
Got a revolution
Got to revolution
Come on now we're marching to the sea
Got a revolution
Got to revolution
Who will take it from you
We will and who are we
We are volunteers of America

Actually the dark years did wonders for my life balance. I still enjoy a great win about once every 15 games, but the lows just don't linger like they used to. The whole feeling of the school is different 3 decades later, and there's no going back. Glad I had a son late (2 years ago) so I can seek new adventures all over again.

Off to give the boy a bath in 10 minutes ...
Getting a lot of these posts. For people not caring there is a lot of complaining in the game thread.

We all care, we all will remain supportive of this program. Stop fooling.
Think you are right, Nate. Gambit cares just like everyone else. Posting here is evidence of that. It's really tough when your team loses. Posts submitted in the immediate aftermath of a loss are quite frequently entertaining, they're so negative and emotional. Think just a bit of that negative emotion might have affected Gambit's post, notwithstanding his affecting not to care.
Think you are right, Nate. Gambit cares just like everyone else. Posting here is evidence of that. It's really tough when your team loses. Posts submitted in the immediate aftermath of a loss are quite frequently entertaining, they're so negative and emotional. Think just a bit of that negative emotion might have affected Gambit's post, notwithstanding his affecting not to care.
I did not say I don't care. I said I barely care. However, I do care that you think I do care when I barely care but I don't care enough to care if you stop thinking I do care when I barely care. I might care if you started thinking I don't care when I barely care, but I would not care if you did not care to tell me. Take care.:confused:
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I get what you mean. I saw your post about your friend and though , " what the hell is wrong with him."
Life changes and you can have different priorities and there's nothing wrong with that .
Ten years ago this loss would have bothered me all week. Now, I'm watching our women's volleyball team and have put the game in my rear view mirror. I guess it started with STEP and my giving season tickets I held for nearly 40 years. Then there was our own BOT rushing to judgment on Joe, his firing, and our surrender to the NCAA. Throw in the continuing arrogance of our BOT, President, and Alumni Association, and I have a University I barely recognize and can no longer relate to. I've said before that I may wake up some day and just decide to turn my back on Penn State forever. If it happens, I will always have my memories, the friendships, and the joy of watching the golden years of Penn State football. I really think if I had not found this Board I would have been gone already. The fact that I could watch us get blown out by a very average college team and not feel badly means that day is very close.

I feel the exact same way. I'm almost 50 now, and there was a time when I wouldn't miss a game for anything. I actually ended up breaking up with a girlfriend in the early 90's because I wouldn't go to a wedding vs. watch PSU/ND game. Kids came along between 2001 and 2005 so I started missing some games in the 2006 season when my oldest started playing sports on weekends. Now I get up to maybe 2 to 3 games a season, and watch the rest on TV. I still keep my season tickets, but only because they are great seats, my wife doesn't want to get rid of them, and lastly, I'm hopeful our kids will go to PSU someday and we'll be able to start going to more games then.

I just no longer feel the same way about PSU in general as I did in the 80's through 2011. The lack of leadership really changed my perspective on the world in general, and I don't really care anymore how the football team does on any given Saturday in the fall. I'll still watch, and make it up to some games, but wins and losses don't really matter to me anymore

My belief is unless PSU football has a real strong resurgence within the next three years we will slip into a has been program. I just don't see the rabid fan base like in the 70's to 90's when we lived and died with football. Most younger fans really don't understand the rich history and what JoePa brought to PSU on and off the field. It's really sad to see what has happened to our university.
I feel the exact same way. I'm almost 50 now, and there was a time when I wouldn't miss a game for anything. I actually ended up breaking up with a girlfriend in the early 90's because I wouldn't go to a wedding vs. watch PSU/ND game. Kids came along between 2001 and 2005 so I started missing some games in the 2006 season when my oldest started playing sports on weekends. Now I get up to maybe 2 to 3 games a season, and watch the rest on TV. I still keep my season tickets, but only because they are great seats, my wife doesn't want to get rid of them, and lastly, I'm hopeful our kids will go to PSU someday and we'll be able to start going to more games then.

I just no longer feel the same way about PSU in general as I did in the 80's through 2011. The lack of leadership really changed my perspective on the world in general, and I don't really care anymore how the football team does on any given Saturday in the fall. I'll still watch, and make it up to some games, but wins and losses don't really matter to me anymore

My belief is unless PSU football has a real strong resurgence within the next three years we will slip into a has been program. I just don't see the rabid fan base like in the 70's to 90's when we lived and died with football. Most younger fans really don't understand the rich history and what JoePa brought to PSU on and off the field. It's really sad to see what has happened to our university.

Nicely said. You mentioned the possibility of your kids going to Penn State someday. I've said this before, but one of my major problems with STEP was the exorbitant transfer fee. Both my daughters are Penn State grads and had been going to games since they were toddlers. When STEP came along, after nearly 40 years of season tickets, I wanted to transfer my seats to one of my daughters and keep the tradition alive. The fee to transfer my 4 seats was, in my opinion, totally unreasonable, but even then, I was willing to pay it. I simply asked if I could spread it out over 4 years. I was told no and that if I no longer wanted my seats someone else would take them. Well, I did say no and no one else did take them. They sat empty for a couple of years. I'm not sure about this season, but the point is, if the Athletic Department had been reasonable, allowing me to spread out the transfer fee, I would still be in my seats. There is an arrogance in our leadership which has turned off thousands of alums and I see no end to it any time soon.
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Nate, I am not fooling. I have said this at least a half dozen times on this Board over the past year. It has nothing to do with football or today's game. It has everything to do with my relationship with Penn State, which is on life support.

Please not again!
I feel the exact same way. I'm almost 50 now, and there was a time when I wouldn't miss a game for anything. I actually ended up breaking up with a girlfriend in the early 90's because I wouldn't go to a wedding vs. watch PSU/ND game. Kids came along between 2001 and 2005 so I started missing some games in the 2006 season when my oldest started playing sports on weekends. Now I get up to maybe 2 to 3 games a season, and watch the rest on TV. I still keep my season tickets, but only because they are great seats, my wife doesn't want to get rid of them, and lastly, I'm hopeful our kids will go to PSU someday and we'll be able to start going to more games then.

I just no longer feel the same way about PSU in general as I did in the 80's through 2011. The lack of leadership really changed my perspective on the world in general, and I don't really care anymore how the football team does on any given Saturday in the fall. I'll still watch, and make it up to some games, but wins and losses don't really matter to me anymore

My belief is unless PSU football has a real strong resurgence within the next three years we will slip into a has been program. I just don't see the rabid fan base like in the 70's to 90's when we lived and died with football. Most younger fans really don't understand the rich history and what JoePa brought to PSU on and off the field. It's really sad to see what has happened to our university.
If it's any consolation, I can live with your prediction too. What did you predict?
I predicted (over and over) Penn State would beat Temple easily. Temple had their day in the sun, so hats off to them. I was wrong. It was not the first time.
I predicted (over and over) Penn State would beat Temple easily. Temple had their day in the sun, so hats off to them. I was wrong. It was not the first time.
fg, I dubbed you the board's Methuselah in another thread. You are our elder statesman of wisdom, learning and the Socratic Way - "Know thyself." "Nothing in excess." We trust you. I, on the other hand, am wrong more often than almost anyone I know. My wife and daughter correct me almost every time I speak. In the words of Steven Wright, "If a man speaks in the woods and there are no women around, is he still wrong?"
Gambit: I value the fact that you have been a long time PSU alum and supporter, but these "I used to care but I don't any more" posts are not a good look for you. The fact that you repeatedly submit posts to tell us that you do not care suggests that it is not true, and that you want someone to point that out. If you truly did not care, you would not be devoting the time to submit even a single post on the subject, much less many posts.

I get it that PSU has had, at least until the last few years, a tradition of highly successful football. It is surely difficult to stomach 6-7 win seasons when you had become acclimated to 10-11 win seasons. (Being a Cal fan, I never really had that experience.) Joe was a special coach, and that level of success may never return. (I sure hope it does.) I know that posting you don't care will not help bring it back.
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Penn State "the institution" doesn't care, in fact football was its nemesis. This is the residue. This is what they wanted. PSU football is over. PSU football is PSU basketball. Indistinguishable.

W volleyball, W soc, wrestling. These are our sports. Get used to it. This is what they wanted.
I don't think they wanted women's Volleyball either or at least the HC/
Gambit: I value the fact that you have been a long time PSU alum and supporter, but these "I used to care but I don't any more" posts are not a good look for you. The fact that you repeatedly submit posts to tell us that you do not care suggests that it is not true, and that you want someone to point that out. If you truly did not care, you would not be devoting the time to submit even a single post on the subject, much less many posts.

I get it that PSU has had, at least until the last few years, a tradition of highly successful football. It is surely difficult to stomach 6-7 win seasons when you had become acclimated to 10-11 win seasons. (Being a Cal fan, I never really had that experience.) Joe was a special coach, and that level of success may never return. (I sure hope it does.) I know that posting you don't care will not help bring it back.
I understand it appears I am talking out of both sides of my mouth, but the fact is I barely care about Penn State. It is only this board which keeps me tied to her at all. Even here, I have cut back my time dramatically. I have only been here more often of late due to my wife recovering from surgery. She is doing well, but its taking a bit longer than we expected, so I spend more time at home, and here. Getting back to my caring, the Pitt game was 20 miles from my home. I have not missed a Pitt game in 50 years. I did not even think about going to this one. I left the game (TV) in the 4th quarter, with it still in doubt, to go to 4PM mass. I did not know the final score until mass was over. Unlike the old days, I did not dwell on it. I will agree I have to stop saying I don't care. It makes me appear whiney.
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I understand it appears I am talking out of both sides of my mouth, but I really don't care. It is only this board which keeps me tied to Penn State. Even here, I have cut back my time dramatically. I have only been here more often of late due to my wife recovering from surgery. She is doing well, but its taking a bit longer than we expected, so I spend more time at home, and here. Getting back to my caring, the Pitt game was 20 miles from my home. I have not missed a Pitt game in 50 years. I did not even think about going to this one. I left the game (TV) in the 4th quarter, with it still in doubt, to go to 4PM mass. I did not know the final score until mass was over. Unlike the old days, I did not dwell on it. I will agree I have to stop saying I don't care. It makes me appear whiney.
Why should you care? The board itself is sporting entertainment. Opinions, half-truths, nonsense, rubbish, balderdash, jabberwocky and drivel with a little rational discourse and plenty of humor sprinkled over top. Good, clean fun, notwithstanding the tirades from some of our members who are teetering on the brink of banishment.

'It was evening, and the smooth active badgers were scratching and boring holes in the hill-side; all unhappy were the parrots; and the grave turtles squeaked out.'
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fg, I dubbed you the board's Methuselah in another thread. You are our elder statesman of wisdom, learning and the Socratic Way - "Know thyself." "Nothing in excess." We trust you. I, on the other hand, am wrong more often than almost anyone I know. My wife and daughter correct me almost every time I speak. In the words of Steven Wright, "If a man speaks in the woods and there are no women around, is he still wrong?"
I thank you for that. I at least fit the old description.:( I can tell you that you are a valued member here and I enjoy your posts so tell your wife and daughter to back off.
Why should you care? The board itself is sporting entertainment. Opinions, half-truths, nonsense, rubbish, balderdash, jabberwocky and drivel with a little rational discourse and plenty of humor sprinkled over top. Good, clean fun, notwithstanding the tirades from some of our members who are teetering on the brink of banishment.

'It was evening, and the smooth active badgers were scratching and boring holes in the hill-side; all unhappy were the parrots; and the grave turtles squeaked out.'
This board is good entertainment, and free!
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Dude, where did you get that bit of literature you quoted?
It is a translation of the first stanza of Lewis Carroll's "Jabberwocky."

Here is the actual verse:

Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

LINK: Jabberwocky

From the link -

The first stanza of the poem originally appeared in a 1855 edition of Mischmasch, a periodical that Carroll wrote and illustrated himself as a boy, for the amusement of his family. Carroll called it “Stanza of Anglo-Saxon Poetry”. The meaning of the words was a little different from those in “Through the Looking Glass”:

“It was evening, and the smooth active badgers
were scratching and boring holes in the hill-side,
all unhappy were the parrots
and the grave turtles squeaked out.”[/URL]
Not me, fellows. I am as passionate about our athletic teams as ever. There is no way I'm going to let a rogue Board of Distrust bleed into my passion for the athletes who put themselves out there for Penn State.
I missed a good part of Saturday's game because my Daughter-in-law was dying. I had to be there for my Son even though he was 1700 miles away. We connected by phone.

Tomorrow, I head to Las Vegas to be with my son's family to celebrate her life. If at all possible, I will see the Temple game and no doubt find a way to see the disappointing loss last Saturday.

We are and I still am Penn State with passion.
Not me, fellows. I am as passionate about our athletic teams as ever. There is no way I'm going to let a rogue Board of Distrust bleed into my passion for the athletes who put themselves out there for Penn State.
I missed a good part of Saturday's game because my Daughter-in-law was dying. I had to be there for my Son even though he was 1700 miles away. We connected by phone.

Tomorrow, I head to Las Vegas to be with my son's family to celebrate her life. If at all possible, I will see the Temple game and no doubt find a way to see the disappointing loss last Saturday.

We are and I still am Penn State with passion.
Knocker, I am so very sorry for your loss. My condolences to you, your son, and all who loved your daughter-in-law. Most of what goes on here pales in comparison to the sorrows of serious illness and death. Take care.
fairgambit, it's time for you to find a hobby. Find something you enjoy instead of wallowing in your Penn State misery constantly.
This board is good entertainment, and free!
How are the guitar lessons progressing? I admire your willingness to learn new things.

As for PSU, this board pretty much captures as much "essence" as I (a) need and (b) can tolerate. For some inexplicable reason, this PSU football season doesn't get me too is what it is.

I'm gradually losing passion for PSU and the football I used to appreciate. I only frequent this board to enjoy the contributions of a few, Felli, mn78psu83, and many others (even those that claim to have me on "ignore" but actually don't)

The biggest perplexity of this board is/are the people who unwaveringly see things through their blue and white lenses.
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How are the guitar lessons progressing? I admire your willingness to learn new things.

As for PSU, this board pretty much captures as much "essence" as I (a) need and (b) can tolerate. For some inexplicable reason, this PSU football season doesn't get me too is what it is.

I'm gradually losing passion for PSU and the football I used to appreciate. I only frequent this board to enjoy the contributions of a few, Felli, mn78psu83, and many others (even those that claim to have me on "ignore" but actually don't)

The biggest perplexity of this board are the people who unwaveringly see things through their blue and white lenses.
The guitar is progressing, but it is much harder than I thought. I was never very good musically and it shows. My goal is to learn Greensleeves by Christmas.
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I want to chase women but my wife objects. :(
What would you do if you caught one?
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I am giving it up. My message is being misunderstood. Like I said, I have posted this before on a number of occasions. I should have posted it again after a win and said I don't care much that we won. My bad.

You are all cowards. Thanks goodness never had to go "into the breech" with you puzzies". Man up. Grow a sac.
You are all cowards. Thanks goodness never had to go "into the breech" with you puzzies". Man up. Grow a sac.
You mean "into the breach." "Breech" is the back of something. "Breach" is a break in a military line during combat.

LINK: "Breech" or "breach"

Once more unto the breach, dear friends definition. Words from the play King Henry the Fifth, by William Shakespeare. King Henry is rallying his troops to attack a breach, or gap, in the wall of an enemy city. The American Heritage® New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition.

You're equating being a football fan with going into battle?
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I want to chase women but my wife objects. :(

fairgambit, I think you're just looking for attention. You're either looking for others who have given up so you feel justified in your position or are desperate for "There, there. It will all be O.K." I've lost count how many times in the last year or two you've posted something to the effect of, "Losses used to really bother me, but I just don't care anymore." Regardless, the "Woe is me" routine has gotten old.

Now you can reply with another quip in an attempt to deflect.
fairgambit, I think you're just looking for attention. You're either looking for others who have given up so you feel justified in your position or are desperate for "There, there. It will all be O.K." I've lost count how many times in the last year or two you've posted something to the effect of, "Losses used to really bother me, but I just don't care anymore."
I don't need attention Bob, and that was not the reason for my "not caring" posts, but I agree they have become repetitive and boring and so I will cease them forthwith.
I had season tickets from 1954. Step aggravated me. But firing Joe made me angrier and I hung in for three years.
One of the things I admired about our fan base was the way they stood up for Joe and challenged the powers that be. The same people behind STEP.

Now we are on the road to recovery and people whine about where we are now a bout where we could have been. PSU has lost many games it should have won. We are better and will become even better.
Let's hang in and make Penn State football great again.
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I had season tickets from 1954. Step aggravated me. But firing Joe made me angrier and I hung in for three years.
One of the things I admired about our fan base was the way they stood up for Joe and challenged the powers that be. The same people behind STEP.

Now we are on the road to recovery and people whine about where we are now a bout where we could have been. PSU has lost many games it should have won. We are better and will become even better.
Let's hang in and make Penn State football great again.
1954! That must be near a record. Just curious. Did anyone at Penn State ever thank you for your loyalty? They should give some type of pin to people who hold season tickets for 25, 30, 35 etc years.