It's Scary How Many Democrats Are Willing To Set These Precedents To Go After Trump

It's because they are emotionally unhinged and consumed with hatred. In such a state of mind, they are not rational or reasonable. It's obvious.

During a conversation with "Kill Tony" comedian Tony Hinchcliffe on Wednesday, podcast host Joe Rogan discussed his view of the political ramifications of the prosecution of Donald Trump.

"What's scary is how many Democrats are willing to allow this kind of stuff to happen. A lot of them are aware of it," Rogan said. "Especially if you wanted to look at past presidents with the same scrutiny... Imagine if, when Obama got into office, he decided to prosecute Dick Cheney and George Bush for crimes against humanity... Even what Obama did -- during the administration, they dropped a drone on a US citizen. No trial, no nothing. Boom."

"Trump didn't even go for Obama. He didn't go for Hillary. He could have tried them for things. Especially Hillary with the whole email thing, the deleting the emails."

"They're all crazy. That's what they don't want you to know. It's like sluts that are always talking bad about other girls for being sluts," he quipped.
"They don't even realize they're setting a precedent, and when another guy gets in office that's a Republican, you've got real problems now, kids. If the elections are real, that's how it usually goes."

"If you change the way people are allowed to go after political candidates, and you change the way you're allowed to silence and imprison your candidates, then we're like Mexico. We're just not assassinating people yet. We're like a third-world country. We're like a banana republic," Rogan said.

OT: Who wins a 7-game series: 1976 Cincinnati Reds vs 1998 New York Yankees

Your comparison advantages/tossups seem based more on the “name” (career) than the specific seasons. If Foster qualifies as a big edge, so would a couple others that didn’t receive that description.

In their respective years, the Yankees led the league in ERA while Reds were fifth. They each led in runs. If comparing actual stats, Yankees scored over 100 more runs and had better run differential in a higher scoring era. Not sure those supporting the Reds want to use numbers.
I've been a huge baseball fan (Tigers and Cubs) since the late 50s and while the 1998 Yankees were probably a top 5 team, no team stacked up to those 75-76 Reds teams. They had many teams beat (between the ears) before the game even started. Bench and Morgan were probably the GOAT at their positions and - of course - Rose is the all-time hits leader.

But, you couldn't be faulted for taking either one. Personally, I think the 27 Yankees were the GOAT
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Phillies 2024

The Catfish Hunter deal changed ALL pro sports...and now college too
Agreed. It really started with Curt Flood but he never enjoyed the fruits. I recall SI having a picture of Flood with the headline "Not Just a Flood, but a Deluge". I also recall hearing an interview with Catfish's agent. He said that he and Catfish were in a room and meeting with various teams back to back. The Yankees walk in and make an offer of several millions of dollars. They speak of this briefly then thank the Yankees as they walk out of the room. When the door closes, the agent and Catfish fall on the floor laughing. They can't believe they are going to make millions playing baseball.

On the other hand, I recall one free agent who got an offer of $17m from the Yankees. he was asked by a reporter the next year "do you feel bad making $17m for playing baseball?" His response was "I used to. Then I realized that there was somebody with enough money to pay it." So I don't begrudge the players. Somebody has the money.

I am sure that there are studies and analytics. The player's unions and team owners pour over how the theory of elasticity applies to suck as much money as they an out of fans. Then I am amused when franchises talk about "real fans" and "dedication." Drives me nuts when, say, a team like the Guardians honors Jim Thome who left the franchise for an arch-enemy (white sox) for more money. Why honor him? Screw him. And now, they bankrupt stupid fans with gambling. Yeah, they really care about their fans (sarcasm).

In the end, the stupid ones are the ones paying the money. I go about once a year to CLE and/or PITT to take in the atmosphere and reminisce what it was like as a kid to sit in the outfield and yell Aribba! to Clemente or "chicken on the hill with Will" to Stargel and just wave my green weenie.

Due to NIL are you losing interest

GA High Schools providing NIL support to "student athletes", now FL High Schools voting.
At the college level, just play the games, I will root game day and not even follow

I'm not opposed to a system where the players get compensated better and have freedom of movement.

Generally, I'm tired of all the turmoil, the constant changes in rules, transfers, conference alignments, etc. Most of it is probably for the good but over-shadows the sport itself. Will we get back to a focus on football and the actual games?
Yes for me it started with how joepa was treated By the media and how he was hung out to dry by PSU

Loyalty died during that fiasco.
Then the coaches started to play musical chairs for obscene amounts of money and that trickled down to the players.It became money and movement.

I still watch PSU games but the excitement has faded away
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Tomorrow is the 80th anniversary of D-Day

Here is an interesting perspective.

Before I traveled to Normandy, a good friend told me a "can't miss" is the German cemetery. Well, I missed it. The German cemetery is well maintained, to the credit of the French. One wonders, why have a German cemetery at all? They were the invaders and killed people on behalf of one of the worst ideologies ever seen on the planet. But my friend's point was that, while well maintained, it is stark and dark and lifeless. A major contrast to the Allied cemetery.

So the question becomes, what drove these erstwhile young people to do this? So my wife has taught me, in any problematic situation, to first look at yourself and find how you contributed to letting this happen. Of course, the Allies learned after WW1 and helped rebuild Germany/Japan. I have recently found the few years following the war to be just as interesting as the war. Where do you begin? How to start the dauntless task of rebuilding cities and lives? How do you put away the anger? Relative European peace in the 50's through the recent war in Ukraine is an incredible story given the hate and damage done. Reading the book, A Higher Call, the German fighter pilot recalls walking away from the aerodrome after fighting for six years and not knowing if he'll be shot for desertion even though Germany had surrendered. He hides his uniform so people won't know he was a pilot. At one point, recognizing his fighter pilot boots, he gets dragged into an ally and beat up for not giving his life protecting the homeland. Really crazy times.

In this article, the writer discusses a similar cemetery dedicated in Italy. The commander turns his back on the audience and addresses the men who died under his command; facing the cemetery. he apologizes that they had to die and apologizes if anything he did, or failed to do, led to their death. He comments that this isn't a celebration of their deaths. He also comments that glorifying these horrific events isn't the goal. He muses that there are times when war is necessary, but that it was leaders who created war that killed these kids regardless. He then finishes, does not address the crowd, and simply walks off stage quietly. A man.

Anyway, a good read if you are into such things. It strikes me that today may not be the day but what day is good?

Due to NIL are you losing interest

Talk about losing interest. I agree with all the points above and now I just read that our White Out game is going to be against Illinois.? The most unique CF game in the country, one that allows PSU to be nationally showcased in the most positive light.?
Still not sure why people are mad about this
It's another great recruiting opportunity
Schedule better non-conference games and you'll have more options.

OT: "Old Guy" stories

June 6, 1944 - Omaha Beach

I wanted to save this post for today, mainly as a tribute to Coach Bill Koll but also to pay homage to all of the men who put their lives on the line to put an end to one of the most evil regimes in all of history.

As everyone well knows, today is the 80th anniversary of the Allied landings at Normandy in Northern France. It was one of the largest and most ambitious operations of WW2, and Bill Koll was right there in the thick of it. A lot of what I say here is an interpolation of what he went through as he was very reticent about any of his experiences in WW2. My interpolation is based on the record of events that took place. However, I sent an email to Coach Rob Koll at UNC, and he was gratious enough to tell me what little he knew about his dad's experience.

Coach Koll was assigned to the 149th Combat Engineer Battalion that supported the 116th Infantry Regiment. The 116th was one of the first groups of men to land on Omaha Beach at H-Hour which was scheduled to occur at 6:30 am. The 149th was scheduled to come in as several different groups between 40 to 120 minutes after the first assault groups landed. I don't know what was the exact time that Koll landed, but all of these groups were considered to be part of the first wave. They were the guys who received the worst from the German defenses.

According to Rob Koll, his dad's landing craft was stopped in deeper water and the guys had to jump off in water over their heads. Some of the men drowned because of the heavy equipment they were carrying. Bill Koll almost went down too, but a random big wave came in an lifted him up and drove him in to a spot where he was able to stand. From there, he was able to make it up onto the beach.

What happened after that is not known. He probably scrambled to the shingled beach wall to gather himself together before working to accomplish his mission. However, I do remember reading a first hand account given by a WW2 vet who was also at Omaha beach. He said something about a guy who was a wrestler grabbing a machine gun and firing back at the Germans. Whether or not that was Bill Koll, I have no idea, but considering that Koll was a pretty impressive wrestler, it's interesting that the vet made a specific point about another soldier on the beach being a wrestler.

What we do know is that he made it through the war and came back to the US to win 3 NCAA titles, being named 2X Outstanding Wrestler. His college record was 73-0 which means there are TWO Penn State coaches with an undefeated college record! He also represented the US on the Olympic team in 1948. We will always associate the name of Bill Koll with wrestling, however, to my way of thinking, what he went through on that day 80 years ago makes a wrestling match look like a walk in the park. Let's never forget that Bill Koll was also a WW2 hero.

Phillies 2024

I hate the Yankees. And yes, "hate" is a strong word. To me, if you had an encyclopedia with a notation about sports being ruined, a photo of the Yankees would have to be the start of the entry. Not only do they NOT win the WS every year with their inflated payroll, but they ruin the game for dozens of small market teams that simply can't compete. That has metastasized in me to include LA, SFO, and Chicago. I never, ever, root for those cities' teams. The best managed teams in baseball have been the Rays, Indians Guardians, KC and As over the last two years. Teams doing well ten years ago were the As (now dropping and moving), and KC (now playing well again). Teams at the top have been the Rays, Oriels (after many decades of being crap) and the Guardians.

I get as much enjoyment watching the Guardians win with their payroll as I do watching the Mets tank. Francisco Lindor, how are you enjoying life?
The Catfish Hunter deal changed ALL pro sports...and now college too
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Phillies 2024

My maternal grandparents lived on Staten Island and my Grammy was a huge baseball fan. Their oasis was a screened in carport with lounge chairs, a box fan and a card table. They "chilled" there most hot days as they only had a/c in the bedroom.

There were only 4 stations that would be on the old fashioned radio: 1010 WINS, the Sunday Polish music station and either the Mets or Yankees games. If the wind was right the planes landing at Newark would belch their noise every 2 and a half minutes drowning out the games.

Living in the Philly burbs I was hardcore Phils- but the Yankees became my American League team. Eventually I moved to NYC and went to many games: maybe 10 season openers, 4 World Series clinchers, I was there when Jeffrey Maier reached out and stole an out turned HR from the O's in the playoffs. At least 2 birthdays were celebrated in old Yankee Stadium with massive groups starting at Stan's Bar- still one of my favorite spots on earth. I was there from 1988 when they stunk through 2002 when they were dominant.

My dream my whole life was a Phils vs Yanks Series. I finally got it- couldn't "lose" right? What I learned was that you can't serve 2 masters. Philly fans have a well deserved reputation. Yankees fans view themselves as supporters of the historic best team and "classier" than others. It surprised me when I caught so much shit from my Yankees friends and even folks I don't know.

Something changed in that Series- and I no longer root for the Yankees at all. I don't quite root against them- but have picked up Baltimore due to proximity and the Royals as they were the former parent of the Wilmington Blue Rocks where I worked the scoreboard as a side hustle to get paid and fed to watch baseball.

FWIW my kids' first jobs were at the ballpark. My son was a bat boy for 3 years and my daughter ran the bouncy house for a season. Many of the KC Series winners, and Whit Merrifield were on the team during my son's tenure- so things have sorta come full circle.

I'd welcome a Phillies vs Yankees World Series again, but this time I'm only rooting for one side. Go Phils!
I hate the Yankees. And yes, "hate" is a strong word. To me, if you had an encyclopedia with a notation about sports being ruined, a photo of the Yankees would have to be the start of the entry. Not only do they NOT win the WS every year with their inflated payroll, but they ruin the game for dozens of small market teams that simply can't compete. That has metastasized in me to include LA, SFO, and Chicago. I never, ever, root for those cities' teams. The best managed teams in baseball have been the Rays, Indians Guardians, KC and As over the last two years. Teams doing well ten years ago were the As (now dropping and moving), and KC (now playing well again). Teams at the top have been the Rays, Oriels (after many decades of being crap) and the Guardians.

I get as much enjoyment watching the Guardians win with their payroll as I do watching the Mets tank. Francisco Lindor, how are you enjoying life?
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Due to NIL are you losing interest

It started for me the day America went professional for Olympic team members. Then it was the Ed O'Bannon case. That was the day I knew amateur collegiate athletics was over for good. Like baseball, and free agency, that was another moment. That's where we are today. Too much movement. Coaches are constantly recruiting, including their own current team members.

Now we have farm teams, plain and simple. Just paid athletes not good enough yet to be real professionally athletes.
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OT: Shocking stock market information

As a side note, Blackrock and Citadel announced they are starting a new stock exchange based in Tx. Said NYSE and NASDAQ are over regulated.

Over-regulated? I guess that they feel that they cannot manipulate prices enough under current rules?
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Questions for the baseball fans here: Will the Pirate win again this season??

Great to see them give the Dodgers a hard time.

What a difference in payrolls.
Since the 2022 season, the Pirates actually have fared fairly well against them considering the disparity in payrolls. In fact, in 2022, the Pirates went 5-1 against them, including sweeping them in LA. Some teams just have other teams' numbers in sports.
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