Wrestling Changed My Life - Zain Retherford - World Champ, 3 Time NCAA Champ and 2 Time Hodge Winner


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2016
PA - D9
Discussion focused entirely on his Freestyle career. Zain said he won’t make his up or down weight decision, until a month from now. After retiring from wrestling, Zain said he is not interested in running a wrestling club or being a head wrestling coach, might be interested in assistant coaching.

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Kind of OT, but the headline made me think a second.

It is funny that he was a three time champ and two time hodge winner, now we have two three time champs poised for each to win their fourth, and no hodges for either of them yet…. Will they share this year if they both win?
Good interview with Zain. A few tidbits… predictably, he’s very comfortable at 70kg, said his current cut is 6-8 lbs and it’s very manageable. So he’s walking around at 160/162. He discussed his change in mindset after Olympic Trials and his “blur state,” “out of body experience” with reaction times “a full second behind his body.” He mentioned the weight cut as a big reason why - but not the only reason - and that he had to make some necessary changes. He said that he attached too much of his self-worth to his performance, became “super anxious” while competing, stopped having fun and approached international competition as a job. He also said he’d have likely retired already if he had won Olympic gold during the last go round. Becoming a new father also seems to have had a very calming, positive effect on his psyche. I just don’t see him dropping to 65kg - essentially a 20lb drop from his everyday weight - despite the meat grinder at 74kg.
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I just realized that if Zain goes 74 at trials, NLWC might have 4 guys representing 14 NCAA titles competing at that weight. That’s insane, even for the Cael era. Doesn’t even include Cenzo.
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I just realized that if Zain goes 74 at trials, NLWC might have 4 guys representing 14 NCAA titles competing at that weight. That’s insane, even for the Cael era. Doesn’t even include Cenzo.
Also no longer includes Bekzod, who's now coaching at Harvard.
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