Will smith just punched chris Rock in the face on the Oscar’s!


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2001
Wow. Chris made a joke about Jada pinkette smith and Will walked on stage and punched him!
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Crazy. He laughed at first, then probably saw his wife’s face (she was NOT happy).

Woman behind them while Smith screaming at Rock was in an awkward spot
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So staged, complete with the quasi-threatening language from Will Smith.

Jesse Smollet could have learned something from that exchange
Ehhh, I don’t know. We’ve been burned so much, that everything starts to look like a pro wrestling “work”, but looked real to me
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So staged, complete with the quasi-threatening language from Will Smith.

Very Jesse Smollet-ish
There is a bootleg clip already out that shows Denzel and Tyler Perry consoling Will during the following commercial break. Also, I know Will's voice inflections pretty well. Will's warning to Rock afterwards was legit. The West Philly came out of him for a moment tonight.
There is a bootleg clip already out that shows Denzel and Tyler Perry consoling Will during the following commercial break. Also, I know Will's voice inflections pretty well. Will's warning to Rock afterwards was legit. The West Philly came out of him for a moment tonight.
This is the Oscars isn’t it?
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Ehhh, I don’t know. We’ve been burned so much, that everything starts to look like a pro wrestling “work”, but looked real to me
More likely staged(IMO). A fist making that sound would have resulted in swelling, blood, difficulty speaking….immediately. Think he was slapped, and it appeared that his head was moving to the right just before the “contact” ( and his feet didn’t really move as one might think they would, to move his body and avoid the “punch”)—Also, he subsequently won the Oscar playing a guy who “stands strong for family”. This will be on every news outlet for days , bumping political idiocy (laptop),COVID data, Ukrainian incursion, with DOD bio labs . —Hope I’m wrong, but it appeared fake…. With very good acting. We’ll see
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This will take the heat off Henry Winkler for the Jump the Shark sketch on the failing Happy Days show. Now the Will Smith slap will forever be known as a staged event intended to revive a failing TV show.
There is a bootleg clip already out that shows Denzel and Tyler Perry consoling Will during the following commercial break. Also, I know Will's voice inflections pretty well. Will's warning to Rock afterwards was legit. The West Philly came out of him for a moment tonight.
Seriously doubt it was real, after all they are all actors. But if it was, then Will should be arrested for assault and Chris Rock should be filing a civil suit against him. If both of those play out, then I will say it was real, until then I will go with it was staged.
More likely staged(IMO). A fist making that sound would have resulted in swelling, blood, difficulty speaking….immediately. Think he was slapped, and it appeared that his head was moving to the right just before the “contact” ( and his feet didn’t really move as one might think they would, to move his body and avoid the “punch”)—Also, he subsequently won the Oscar playing a guy who “stands strong for family”. This will be on every news outlet for days , bumping political idiocy (laptop),COVID data, Ukrainian incursion, with DOD bio labs . —Hope I’m wrong, but it appeared fake…. With very good acting. We’ll see
Woulda gotta like if you left that part out. The laptop news is not idiocy. And what is on it far beyond idiocy.
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Woulda gotta like if you left that part out. The laptop news is not idiocy. And what is on it far beyond idiocy.
No, it’s deadly serious and very dark, and there very likely will be indictments . Our political climate has turned rancid and idiotic (with constant media assistance) the last 2 decades, and it’s been especially bad the last 5 years or so.
—My point was that the Oscar’s theatrics will give the media all it needs to run with this for many days, bumping “grown up” news. — “Bread and Circus” wins the day
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No, it’s deadly serious and very dark, and there very likely will be indictments . Our political climate has turned rancid and idiotic (with constant media assistance) the last 2 decades, and it’s been especially bad the last 5 years or so.
—My point was that the Oscar’s theatrics will give the media all it needs to run with this for many days, bumping “grown up” news. — “Bread and Circus” wins the day
We've lost the grounding of the concept of "rule of law". Today it is whatever you feel justified in doing. In no civil environment can another person strike someone over words. It simply cannot be tolerated. The first one who gets physical losses. While I understand the anger, Will Smith should be charged for assault. If not, the message is that assault for making fun of someone else is OK.

At the same time, Hollywood gave Roman Polanski an award (a standing ovation, in fact), looked the other way with Playboy and Weinstein, and pretends to be #metoo and BLM woke. In fact, Will Smith spoke about playing the part of protecting women. Yet, has remained silent in hollywood's mess for several decades. He called out Chris Rock, a comedian, but not people in the room who continue to marginalize people. Chris Rock's joke about Jaden's hair wasn't even close to the most damning joke he told. I also have to say that the three female co-stars started the show saying "gay, gay, gay, gay, gay" to Florida when the Florida law is simply to NOT teach sex education to kids in third grade or lower. It actually doesn't talk about sexual preference at all.
So anyone can just walk up to the stage while the emcee is speaking and nobody will stop them? Security?
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So anyone can just walk up to the stage while the emcee is speaking and nobody will stop them? Security?
well, it's Will Smith so...its not like he is going to hide. The fear is the opposite (which appears to be coming true). That he normalizes and justifies this behavior while leaning on his celebrity to get away with it. While I can appreciate WHY he did it, what he did is against the law. He needs to be held accountable or that sends a really bad message.

And why, in today's day and age, do women need to be "protected" from words? I get that they can be physically dominated by a man (I am not sure if we are OK to acknowledge that given transgender swimmers dominating woman's sports). But words are simply words. If you are going to be a person, women included, in a leadership role you are going to take shots verbally. If you can't deal with it, you shouldn't be in a leadership position. Its just the way it is. Look no further than Franklin, Sandy Barbour and Coach K. Even JVP. comes with the territory. Why do women, independent and equal, need to be protected more than a man? Is that entire event sexist?
Nah, to make it look peaceful, Will would have had to set him on fire!
Get it right. Hollywood has the money. They would have had and expert. Either a U of Min, or WVU alum and actor do the job. Both schools take arson seriously...

BTW Anyone have a sofa I can borrow.
In Will's book he mentioned witnessing his old man punch his mom in the head so hard that she collapsed. He admitted to having a brief fantasy about killing his dad but always wishes he had not been such a coward and did more to protect his mom. His mom reminds him, "You were 9. What were you supposed to do?".

I'm no therapist but maybe having to retell that story so much over the book tour last year brought out these overprotective feelings? I dunno, just guessing.

I usually don't watch the Oscars because I'm not much of a movie guy but I watched last night to see the Philly guys Will and Quest Love possibly win...and they did!

It's shame that this over shadowed it. Especially the Quest Love win which was who Chris Rock announced. I feel bad for Quest but I will say that if you love late 60s music you should check out Summer of Soul.
In Will's book he mentioned witnessing his old man punch his mom in the head so hard that she collapsed. He admitted to having a brief fantasy about killing his dad but always wishes he had not been such a coward and did more to protect his mom. His mom reminds him, "You were 9. What were you supposed to do?".

I'm no therapist but maybe having to retell that story so much over the book tour last year brought out these overprotective feelings? I dunno, just guessing.

I usually don't watch the Oscars because I'm not much of a movie guy but I watched last night to see the Philly guys Will and Quest Love possibly win...and they did!

It's shame that this over shadowed it. Especially the Quest Love win which was who Chris Rock announced. I feel bad for Quest but I will say that if you love late 60s music you should check out Summer of Soul.
I am sympathetic to anyone who grew up in that environment. However, it is no excuse. If we are going to arrest trailer trash and inner city thugs for this kind of behavior, we cannot send the message that a middle aged millionaire can use it as an excuse. He is 53 years old and has been a millionaire for 30. It is estimated that he is worth more than $300m and made $20m on this current movie guaranteed.

What really bugs me was his acceptance speech about "protecting". total BS. You don't protect by smacking someone who is physically threatening you. If that is accepted, anyone that ever once was or witnessed a fight can beat people up using the excuse that they were acting out as a result of their earlier incident.
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well, it's Will Smith so...its not like he is going to hide. The fear is the opposite (which appears to be coming true). That he normalizes and justifies this behavior while leaning on his celebrity to get away with it. While I can appreciate WHY he did it, what he did is against the law. He needs to be held accountable or that sends a really bad message.
Hollyweird is cool with Baldwin blowing a hole through someone's head. Can't imagine this is a big deal to them.