What individuals do you cheer against?


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2015
I root againt the Ferraris, Suriano, Steve Poulin, Moccas and BAsset for various reasons.

Basset might get me in trouble on this board but whatever. I am not a fan. I wont mind losing him. I still want Jax and or Blaze at whatever weights they end up.
this is a great topic --- I've heard the word "heal" many times on podcasts! There are dozens of guys out there that want the name recognition for being a douche on the mat.

maybe ask why you dislike a wrestler? jesse delgado ( stallgado ) ... hated watching him wrestle

hard to root against Suriano when he was a commit / in the PSU singlet --- just wasn't a fit for the progrum

I dislike antics on the mat - using moves for tapouts in UFC is frowned upon in wrestling

boring wrestlers are hated - I don't think I'm allowed that many characters to name them all
this is a great topic --- I've heard the word "heal" many times on podcasts! There are dozens of guys out there that want the name recognition for being a douche on the mat.

I dislike antics on the mat - using moves for tapouts in UFC is frowned upon in wrestling

Thought of another one after your antics on the mat point. I originally cheered for Desanto. We all know about his issues. Problem is once I saw him wrestle I flipped. He is such a punk it is tough to support him.
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An odd topic that maybe you should have kept to yourself.

Not that odd when you look at all the threads on the Ferraris. Is anyone cheering for them or PD3? Dont forget all the posts crying about Tan Tom, Tom and Terry and Mark Manning. You are part of some of those discussions.
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Thought of another one after your antics on the mat point. I originally cheered for Desanto. We all know about his issues. Problem is once I saw him wrestle I flipped. He is such a punk it is tough to support him.
Desanto is a completely different person than he was 4 years ago. You can hate him for his past sure but he’s a great story on how people can change.
I only root against bad people. Since I don't know any of them, I can only go by the public record. My list only includes the two oldest Ferrari brothers. Even PD3, while I root against him, isn't on the Ferrari level. I certainly don't hate Suriano or even past Desanto.
Desanto is a completely different person than he was 4 years ago. You can hate him for his past sure but he’s a great story on how people can change.

I get it. I used to root for him. I cant un-see his antics and his behavior. The thing that turned me was this match.

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Rooting against anyone, in general, is a bad look. For example, how childish did Manning look, yelling and screaming at the officials, in a match THAT DIDN'T HAVE A NEBRASKA WRESTLER in it? This guy is hollering whatever trying to prevent a tech fall for a Penn State guy(Mitch) against an IOWA guy(Caliendo).

Personally, I thought that particular moment for that guy was the single worst thing in a long list of bush League things that this guy has been all about. All the crying and the heel turn he did and the subtle baloney, and this guy made himself look like a whiny little kid because he can't beat Penn State, so he just roots against them in matches that mean nothing to his own team score.

This is just one reason why it's not good practice to root against someone.
No it sucked watching him, that's when I go get another beer and take a very very long pee! Yes I like watching the  break more than watching lewan  not wrestle!
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I think that most of the people posting here would agree that Manning is one of the most insufferable people you will encounter in a dual or tournament. Problem is, he has some really good guys on his team like Hardy and Robb. Unless they are going head to head against a PSU guy, there's no way I want to see them lose even when they have a total bozo sitting in their corner.
Past years it was Alex Marinelli.
This year was probably the Young Bucks.
Next year will be Gabe Arnold most likely.
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I think that most of the people posting here would agree that Manning is one of the most insufferable people you will encounter in a dual or tournament. Problem is, he has some really good guys on his team like Hardy and Robb. Unless they are going head to head against a PSU guy, there's no way I want to see them lose even when they have a total bozo sitting in their corner.
Totally agree. Manning does some really cringeworthy, juvenile crap.

Hardy and Robb seem like two really great kids. Very likable, and will always root for them, except…well, you know.

Wish Manning would follow their lead instead of acting like a geriatric Beavis.
i don't root against any wrestler that I can think of. I do root against a few schools (well ok Michigan primarily due to the shenanigans they have engaged in against Penn State in football). I have a ton of respect for Iowa and don't dislike their wrestlers. I would like to see them strong again because it makes for more interesting matches when the outcome going in is indeterminate.
It used to be I always rooted against Iowa kids no matter what, and then they stopped being a threat.

Nah, who am I kidding. Despite Iowa no longer being a threat to PSU's superiority and dominance I readily admit I still enjoy Hawkeye failures. And those failures are many.
It used to be I always rooted against Iowa kids no matter what, and then they stopped being a threat.

Nah, who am I kidding. Despite Iowa no longer being a threat to PSU's superiority and dominance I readily admit I still enjoy Hawkeye failures. And those failures are many.
Borrowing from the Birdman himself, you’re talking about Iowa’s TTrailures. 😈
Rooting against anyone, in general, is a bad look. For example, how childish did Manning look, yelling and screaming at the officials, in a match THAT DIDN'T HAVE A NEBRASKA WRESTLER in it? This guy is hollering whatever trying to prevent a tech fall for a Penn State guy(Mitch) against an IOWA guy(Caliendo).

Personally, I thought that particular moment for that guy was the single worst thing in a long list of bush League things that this guy has been all about. All the crying and the heel turn he did and the subtle baloney, and this guy made himself look like a whiny little kid because he can't beat Penn State, so he just roots against them in matches that mean nothing to his own team score.

This is just one reason why it's not good practice to root against someone.

Sounds like you root against manning. Wasn't there an anti manning thread on here before the Mitch match? Manning brought it on himself but that is my point.
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I would say I can't stand the way Lewan wrestles. Hidlay too. I can't say I openly cheer against them though. Just hate the way they wrestle.
This might be the strangest thread of all time. Listing hs kids you cheer against. Something tells me you were bullied in HS. I agree with what most of these people above were saying, I don’t root against any kid. Something tells me the ones you listed most likely don’t care if you root for them or against them.

Now who’s wrestling style don’t you like or what programs do you dislike would have been a better thread imo.
People seem to want to identify as more emotionally intelligent by refusing to admit rooting against someone. Fact is in a sport where two people step on a mat and you are rooting for a specific wrestler you are in fact also rooting against the opponent. Being a sports fan my whole life I have identified teams I root against and therefore individuals while on those teams I also rooted against. I think Lebron is an incredible basketball player but dislike a lot of things he does so root against him and am glad when he is eliminated from the playoffs. I respect Lewan’s ability but still root against him in almost all matchups. Rooting against a person in sport is not rooting against them in life and is perfectly normal. Also although I don’t engage but if a person like Bassett is going to expose himself via social media as he is then he also becomes fair game to a certain level of “rooting against”. How many here rooted for Nolf and Burroughs to win their match against each other. Unfortunately I would probably root against RBY if he faces Spencer in the Olympics but will not feel good about it.
Fact is in a sport where two people step on a mat and you are rooting for a specific wrestler you are in fact also rooting against the opponent.
Exactly the opposite of fact. Booing the opposition or voicing wishes that a student athlete (who may compete in opposition) fails are demonstrably different than and not required for cheering for another or voicing wishes for individual or team of one's own alma mater's success.
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Exactly the opposite of fact. Booing the opposition or voicing wishes that a student athlete (who may compete in opposition) fails are demonstrably different than and not required for cheering for another or voicing wishes for individual or team of one's own alma mater's success.
I want both wrestlers to wrestle their best match ever and my preference is the PSU guy wins. So, I do not think I am rooting against the non-PSU guy.
At the end of the match a applaud, but the outcome may determine the amount of enthusiasm in that applause.
People seem to want to identify as more emotionally intelligent by refusing to admit rooting against someone. Fact is in a sport where two people step on a mat and you are rooting for a specific wrestler you are in fact also rooting against the opponent. Being a sports fan my whole life I have identified teams I root against and therefore individuals while on those teams I also rooted against. I think Lebron is an incredible basketball player but dislike a lot of things he does so root against him and am glad when he is eliminated from the playoffs. I respect Lewan’s ability but still root against him in almost all matchups. Rooting against a person in sport is not rooting against them in life and is perfectly normal. Also although I don’t engage but if a person like Bassett is going to expose himself via social media as he is then he also becomes fair game to a certain level of “rooting against”. How many here rooted for Nolf and Burroughs to win their match against each other. Unfortunately I would probably root against RBY if he faces Spencer in the Olympics but will not feel good about it.
If Spencer and RBY end up wrestling each other in the Olympics I won't have any qualms at all rooting for RBY. There is nothing out there that would cause me to artificially cheer for Spencer over a fellow PSUer.