Uplifting Athletes PSU TD Pledge drive for Ga. State game


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2001

Trace McSorley is the Co-Chair of the PSU chapter of Uplifting Athletes. They are asking for pledges per TD vs. Ga. State to be made by fans and friends. Example: Pledge $5 per TD, and we score 7 TDs vs. Ga. State, you've pledged a total of $35. Or, you can choose to donate a flat rate.
You can customize it, too. Your fave player is Trace, let's say, so you pledge $9 per TD. Or, you really like our Kicker, Tyler Davis. $95 per TD is a very generous gift! On second thought, maybe you're more of a Marcus Allen fan after all.....

They are competing with other chapters throughout the month to see who can raise the most. We want PSU to win on and off the field!

Anyway, fyi.
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