UPDATE: Masshole shamefully deletes fb post. Keith Masser shares story on facebook about Joe Paterno


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May 29, 2001
Penn State Board of Trustees chairman Keith Masser shared a story on facebook about former Penn State coach Joe Paterno.

Shared on June 22.

Joe Paterno had two legacies, and his followers need to accept it
By Lee Hudnell,, @LeeHudnell on Twitter | 06/22/15

It was announced this past week that legendary Penn State football coach Joe Paterno will be inducted into the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame in October.

The honor is certainly well-deserved.

The late Nittany Lions mentor is a football icon, who belongs on the Mount Rushmore of college football coaches alongside Bear Bryant, Woody Hayes and Eddie Robinson. Actually, he may be the greatest of them all when you factor in his longevity of success and his impact on a single university and state.

In 46 seasons at Penn State, Paterno won 75 percent of the games he coached, including two national championships. He won more games than any coach in Div. I history (409), and it wasn’t because he simply accumulated more years than the other greats. In nearly half a century roaming the sideline in Happy Valley, Paterno posted just five losing campaigns. His teams won at least 10 games in a season 21 times, including 14 with 11 wins or more — both all-time records.

Also, no coach or player has ever been more recognizable with a program or university than Paterno. He wasn’t just a coach for Penn State football, he was Penn State football. Hell, he was a football institution in the state of Pennsylvania, not just State College. Growing up as a kid in Ohio, if you would’ve asked me to name five things about football in the Commonwealth I would’ve replied, “Paterno, Paterno, Paterno, Randall Cunningham and Paterno.”

There is no denying the incredible gridiron legacy of the man they called “Joe Pa,” and his followers have certainly been celebrating it over the past few days — as they should.

However, where his followers and I go separate ways is when the discussion of his other legacy takes place — his role in the child sex abuse scandal involving former assistant Jerry Sandusky.

I recall watching hordes of Penn State students rallying around Paterno that night in November 2011 after the board of trustees dismissed him as head coach. I remember wondering how Sandusky’s rape victims and their families must have been feeling at that very moment.

I certainly cannot speak for any of the victims, but the emotions going through my mind and body were ones of anger and disgust.

Every time I heard a chant of “JOE PA-TER-NO!” it made me sick to my stomach. Every time the students belted cheers of “WE ARE (clap, clap) PENN STATE,” I became enraged.

The protests by the students — which most on hand probably thought were noble and supportive — displayed just how little perspective they possessed when it came to reality. I’m betting most of those protesting students didn’t have children of their own or were ever sexually abused growing up.

There shouldn’t have been one tear shed or one chant cheered for Paterno that night. His ousting was completely justified. It wasn’t a rash decision. It was the only decision.

I also recall a reporter during the press conference that same night — to announce the coach’s firing — who asked the vice president of the board, John Surma Jr., to explain why the trustees couldn’t allow Paterno to leave with some dignity?

Wow, really?

Where is the “dignity” for those young boys who were raped, molested and sodomized by Paterno’s assistant? Where was the rally for Sandusky’s prey? They were the real victims — not Paterno, not the university and certainly not the protesting students.

Nearly four years later, those sentiments are still ringing the same in State College. They just can’t accept the fact that their beloved figurehead dropped the ball on these disgusting acts.

They continue to blame the media for “unfairly attacking Paterno.” They continue pointing fingers at everyone involved from former Penn State President Graham Spanier to former AD Tim Curley to former assistant Mike McQueary and everyone in between — except, of course, Paterno.

It’s as if turning your back to protect a legacy is protocol at the Commonwealth’s most notable collegiate football institution.

Just this past week in an interview with the Huffington Post, Paterno’s son, Jay Paterno, exemplified that very culture of deniability.

“I think what happened — thoughtful people who have paid attention — are looking and saying ‘Wait a minute. There was a rush to judgement. There was an inaccurate rush to judgement,’” Jay Paterno said. “Joe Paterno was a guy who reported an allegation that was brought to him and that was the extent of his involvement. He followed the law. He did more than the law even required.”

That’s the problem, simply reporting the allegation was, in fact, the extent of his involvement. And to say he did “more than the law even required” is certainly debatable and borderline laughable.

What isn’t up for debate, though, is the fact that Paterno had the power, the responsibility, and an obligation to put an end to this madness, and he ignored it. For years.

He wanted nothing to do with it because there wasn’t any way he could spin it that would prevent his legacy from at least being dinged. And as we all know, Paterno’s legacy was everything to him and not even young boys getting raped was going to make him put that in danger.

We can make excuses all we want. We can say that the report by Louis Freeh was rushed and based solely on circumstantial evidence. But Paterno knew of Sandusky’s heinous acts for at least a decade and did nothing of significance to stop it.

Sure, Paterno reported — or more like confided with a few of his colleagues — about what had happened, but how could he have not followed up on it? How can you report something as ghastly as sexual abuse of young boys and not see to it that the perpetrator suffers great consequences? Better yet, how do you allow a monster who you know has been accused of sexual activity with young boys on more than one occasion continue to have an office in your facility?

The only conceivable reason I can think of for this blatant inaction is that he was trying to protect something. In this case it wasn’t Sandusky he was protecting, it was himself — it was his precious legacy.

Again, I don’t believe Paterno’s coaching prowess should be in question. He was one of the greatest of all time, in any sport. We cannot deny his legendary status on the gridiron.

He is most definitely a hall of famer.

But we can’t deny that he made a terrible mistake not putting an end to Sandusky’s terror when he had the chance.

I believe that Paterno was a good man, who made a terribly selfish decision.

Unfortunately it’s a part of his legacy now. Not all of it, but definitely a part of it.

And his followers need to finally accept that fact and quit turning their back on this issue like Paterno did for so many years.
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Penn State Board of Trustees chairman Keith Masser shared a story on facebook about former Penn State coach Joe Paterno.

Joe Paterno had two legacies, and his followers need to accept it
By Lee Hudnell,, @LeeHudnell on Twitter | 06/22/15

It was announced this past week that legendary Penn State football coach Joe Paterno will be inducted into the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame in October.

The honor is certainly well-deserved.

The late Nittany Lions mentor is a football icon, who belongs on the Mount Rushmore of college football coaches alongside Bear Bryant, Woody Hayes and Eddie Robinson. Actually, he may be the greatest of them all when you factor in his longevity of success and his impact on a single university and state.

In 46 seasons at Penn State, Paterno won 75 percent of the games he coached, including two national championships. He won more games than any coach in Div. I history (409), and it wasn’t because he simply accumulated more years than the other greats. In nearly half a century roaming the sideline in Happy Valley, Paterno posted just five losing campaigns. His teams won at least 10 games in a season 21 times, including 14 with 11 wins or more — both all-time records.

Also, no coach or player has ever been more recognizable with a program or university than Paterno. He wasn’t just a coach for Penn State football, he was Penn State football. Hell, he was a football institution in the state of Pennsylvania, not just State College. Growing up as a kid in Ohio, if you would’ve asked me to name five things about football in the Commonwealth I would’ve replied, “Paterno, Paterno, Paterno, Randall Cunningham and Paterno.”

There is no denying the incredible gridiron legacy of the man they called “Joe Pa,” and his followers have certainly been celebrating it over the past few days — as they should.

However, where his followers and I go separate ways is when the discussion of his other legacy takes place — his role in the child sex abuse scandal involving former assistant Jerry Sandusky.

I recall watching hordes of Penn State students rallying around Paterno that night in November 2011 after the board of trustees dismissed him as head coach. I remember wondering how Sandusky’s rape victims and their families must have been feeling at that very moment.

I certainly cannot speak for any of the victims, but the emotions going through my mind and body were ones of anger and disgust.

Every time I heard a chant of “JOE PA-TER-NO!” it made me sick to my stomach. Every time the students belted cheers of “WE ARE (clap, clap) PENN STATE,” I became enraged.

The protests by the students — which most on hand probably thought were noble and supportive — displayed just how little perspective they possessed when it came to reality. I’m betting most of those protesting students didn’t have children of their own or were ever sexually abused growing up.

There shouldn’t have been one tear shed or one chant cheered for Paterno that night. His ousting was completely justified. It wasn’t a rash decision. It was the only decision.

I also recall a reporter during the press conference that same night — to announce the coach’s firing — who asked the vice president of the board, John Surma Jr., to explain why the trustees couldn’t allow Paterno to leave with some dignity?

Wow, really?

Where is the “dignity” for those young boys who were raped, molested and sodomized by Paterno’s assistant? Where was the rally for Sandusky’s prey? They were the real victims — not Paterno, not the university and certainly not the protesting students.

Nearly four years later, those sentiments are still ringing the same in State College. They just can’t accept the fact that their beloved figurehead dropped the ball on these disgusting acts.

They continue to blame the media for “unfairly attacking Paterno.” They continue pointing fingers at everyone involved from former Penn State President Graham Spanier to former AD Tim Curley to former assistant Mike McQueary and everyone in between — except, of course, Paterno.

It’s as if turning your back to protect a legacy is protocol at the Commonwealth’s most notable collegiate football institution.

Just this past week in an interview with the Huffington Post, Paterno’s son, Jay Paterno, exemplified that very culture of deniability.

“I think what happened — thoughtful people who have paid attention — are looking and saying ‘Wait a minute. There was a rush to judgement. There was an inaccurate rush to judgement,’” Jay Paterno said. “Joe Paterno was a guy who reported an allegation that was brought to him and that was the extent of his involvement. He followed the law. He did more than the law even required.”

That’s the problem, simply reporting the allegation was, in fact, the extent of his involvement. And to say he did “more than the law even required” is certainly debatable and borderline laughable.

What isn’t up for debate, though, is the fact that Paterno had the power, the responsibility, and an obligation to put an end to this madness, and he ignored it. For years.

He wanted nothing to do with it because there wasn’t any way he could spin it that would prevent his legacy from at least being dinged. And as we all know, Paterno’s legacy was everything to him and not even young boys getting raped was going to make him put that in danger.

We can make excuses all we want. We can say that the report by Louis Freeh was rushed and based solely on circumstantial evidence. But Paterno knew of Sandusky’s heinous acts for at least a decade and did nothing of significance to stop it.

Sure, Paterno reported — or more like confided with a few of his colleagues — about what had happened, but how could he have not followed up on it? How can you report something as ghastly as sexual abuse of young boys and not see to it that the perpetrator suffers great consequences? Better yet, how do you allow a monster who you know has been accused of sexual activity with young boys on more than one occasion continue to have an office in your facility?

The only conceivable reason I can think of for this blatant inaction is that he was trying to protect something. In this case it wasn’t Sandusky he was protecting, it was himself — it was his precious legacy.

Again, I don’t believe Paterno’s coaching prowess should be in question. He was one of the greatest of all time, in any sport. We cannot deny his legendary status on the gridiron.

He is most definitely a hall of famer.

But we can’t deny that he made a terrible mistake not putting an end to Sandusky’s terror when he had the chance.

I believe that Paterno was a good man, who made a terribly selfish decision.

Unfortunately it’s a part of his legacy now. Not all of it, but definitely a part of it.

And his followers need to finally accept that fact and quit turning their back on this issue like Paterno did for so many years.

The fact that Masser believes that JVP has "followers" tells us all we need to know.
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Ohhhhh boy. This isn't going to end well.

I'll just say that it's interesting that in this writer's version of the story, *ONLY* Joe Paterno could have done anything about Sandusky, and what he did do, according to the writer, is debatable as to whether or not it was the minimum required of him. I'm certain there have been experts and professionals to say otherwise.

This is the article that appeared in June, and it appears that Masser shared it at that time.

Last I heard, the writer of the article had not contacted Wensilver about having a meeting, after promising to do so as soon as he got back from vacation.

That article got pretty well ripped to shreds on the board when it appeared. Hard to believe that Masser would want to link an article like that.
That article brings to mind two clear differences between JoePa and the PSUBoT:
1) It is very easy to list many great things that Joe did. I can't even start a list for the PSUBoT.
2) There is no real evidence proving or even strongly implying that Joe know about Sandusky. On the other hand, we have an abundance of evidence that the PSUBoT has screwed up every step of the way. Publicly "sharing" this article is a lame move.
This is the article that appeared in June, and it appeared that Masser shared it at that time.

Last I heard, the writer of the article had not contacted Wensilver about having a meeting, after promising to do so as soon as he got back from vacation.

That article got pretty well ripped to shreds on the board when it appeared. Hard to believe that Masser would want to link an article like that.

...and on the day before the home opener.

Not sure what bothers me the most regarding Hudnell's article and Masser's endorsement -- the false assumptions, the arrogance, or the moral superiority.

Well more than that, what happened to "move forward" and "stop living in the past?" These were the official slogans of the board of chimps. Now it's this? Leave it to a spud farmer to know his way around when it comes to slinging sh!t.
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This is the article that appeared in June, and it appeared that Masser shared it at that time.

Last I heard, the writer of the article had not contacted Wensilver about having a meeting, after promising to do so as soon as he got back from vacation.

That article got pretty well ripped to shreds on the board when it appeared. Hard to believe that Masser would want to link an article like that.

Said writer is a graduate of The Ohio State University and was a tOSU football beat writer for 12 years prior to his current gig, which began this March. Quite a choice for Masser to base his passive/aggressive commentary.
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HOW DARE Mr. Masser do that!!! He shared an opinion piece on his Facebook page!!!!!

(only done about 1,000,000,000 times by Facebook users daily)
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Who was his audience? What was his reasoning for sharing an old article out of the blue? He's a prick.

Who is anyone's audience when they share something on Facebook? Their friends. People will post articles that they think their friends will find interesting.

Looking at Masser's page, his last 3 (publicly viewable) shares related to potatoes. That does make sense.

BTW, the Daily News article was written on 22-June-2015, and Masser shared it on 22-June-2015.
Admiral Masser and the Ship of Fools are short timers. My guess is that the documents that have been"mistakenly" provided to the Paterno Legal team will to expose their treachery, if not malfeasance. Some were active conspirators and others simply fell in line. They are despicable human beings. They not only framed Joe, they took something very special from all of us. May they all rot in hell.
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Who is anyone's audience when they share something on Facebook? Their friends. People will post articles that they think their friends will find interesting.

Looking at Masser's page, his last 3 (publicly viewable) shares related to potatoes. That does make sense.

BTW, the Daily News article was written on 22-June-2015, and Masser shared it on 22-June-2015.
Yes nothing to see here.....didn't Masser share the "reasonable conlusions" of the Freeh Report before he allegedly saw it?
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So when did we start doing the "clap, clap" between We Are and Penn State
If there is such undisputed evidence that Joe, and Curly
All I can say is 'Wow'. After the NCAA, with two years of research, stated that the coaching policy to report suspicions of abuse is to report it to your boss and make sure it is reported out of the sports department (ostensibly).

And, before anyone gets any smart ideas about who Schultz was, on page 33 of the Freeh Report, described as "The SVP-FB also oversees 10 business units involved with the University's daily operations, including University Police and Public Safety..."

If he simply "confided with his colleagues", as the author speculates, why are his "colleagues" not yet rotting in jail? Why has there been no trial? Maybe because there is no evidence of collusion and cover up?
Yes nothing to see here.....didn't Masser share the "reasonable conlusions" of the Freeh Report before he allegedly saw it?

He may have. No doubt that some PSU BoT members had access to the Freeh Report's findings before its official release. For instance, I recall this post being made on BWI during the late evening hours of Wednesday 27-June-2012:

"I have some hypothetical questions for all of you. What if, on a very high level, Joe was aware in 98 of the JS investigation? Furthermore, what if JVP initiated JS's separation months before the 98 investigation began, thus confirming that his decision had nothing to do with the investigation? What if Spanier, Schultz and Curley conferred with legal counsel in 2001 as well as with JVP before deciding on a plan of action? I'd like to know your knee-jerk reactions to these hypothetical situations."
He may have. No doubt that some PSU BoT members had access to the Freeh Report's findings before its official release. For instance, I recall this post being made on BWI during the late evening hours of Wednesday 27-June-2012:

"I have some hypothetical questions for all of you. What if, on a very high level, Joe was aware in 98 of the JS investigation? Furthermore, what if JVP initiated JS's separation months before the 98 investigation began, thus confirming that his decision had nothing to do with the investigation? What if Spanier, Schultz and Curley conferred with legal counsel in 2001 as well as with JVP before deciding on a plan of action? I'd like to know your knee-jerk reactions to these hypothetical situations."
Your recall is phenomenal! Who wrote that?
He may have. No doubt that some PSU BoT members had access to the Freeh Report's findings before its official release. For instance, I recall this post being made on BWI during the late evening hours of Wednesday 27-June-2012:

"I have some hypothetical questions for all of you. What if, on a very high level, Joe was aware in 98 of the JS investigation? Furthermore, what if JVP initiated JS's separation months before the 98 investigation began, thus confirming that his decision had nothing to do with the investigation? What if Spanier, Schultz and Curley conferred with legal counsel in 2001 as well as with JVP before deciding on a plan of action? I'd like to know your knee-jerk reactions to these hypothetical situations."

Maybe..but when Free was hired it was under the guise that he was totally independent to make his findings and that he didn't share "the report" (I am willing to bet he shared the info but not the actual report). We know that Freeh was hired under a strong recommendation from Corbutt (whom we know waited over 30 months to arrest). And, we know that several other groups had that data shared with them before its release (Ganum, Prosecution, etc.). This is to say that they lied, and repeatedly. Now they fight tooth and nail to protect the sources of these "conclusions". Am I a conspiracy theorist? You betcha. (but so were woodward and bernstein).
HOW DARE Mr. Masser do that!!! He shared an opinion piece on his Facebook page!!!!!
(only done about 1,000,000,000 times by Facebook users daily)
And how many of them chair the Penn State Board of Trustees? It seems to me that when you hold such a position you are not like the rest of us "common" men and women. You must be circumspect in many ways. You are, or should be, held to a higher standard. This served no purpose but to further divide a Penn State community which is already divided enough. It is unfortunate, but it is what we have come to expect from the leadership of this University. Some will debate whether Joe Paterno has one legacy or two, but Mr. Masser and his November, 2011 cronies have only one, and it is not what they think it is.
And how many of them chair the Penn State Board of Trustees? It seems to me that when you hold such a position you are not like the rest of us "common" men and women. You must be circumspect in many ways. You are, or should be, held to a higher standard. This served no purpose but to further divide a Penn State community which is already divided enough. It is unfortunate, but it is what we have come to expect from the leadership of this University. Some will debate whether Joe Paterno has one legacy or two, but Mr. Masser and his November, 2011 cronies have only one, and it is not what they think it is.

If he includes a selfie, maybe Midnighter can have him in the next "Who's the Hottest?"
He may have. No doubt that some PSU BoT members had access to the Freeh Report's findings before its official release. For instance, I recall this post being made on BWI during the late evening hours of Wednesday 27-June-2012:

"I have some hypothetical questions for all of you. What if, on a very high level, Joe was aware in 98 of the JS investigation? Furthermore, what if JVP initiated JS's separation months before the 98 investigation began, thus confirming that his decision had nothing to do with the investigation? What if Spanier, Schultz and Curley conferred with legal counsel in 2001 as well as with JVP before deciding on a plan of action? I'd like to know your knee-jerk reactions to these hypothetical situations."

Why are Curly, Schultz and Spanier not in jail yet if the above "hypothetical" has any validity?
Key trustees were the participants in any PSU Cover up. The facts will show that CB was hired as GC to sandbag the JS investigation. This was not done to protect JVP. Do the math.