Truax concerns?


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2018
Terrible title, but the answer is of course not! He is coming in as a 4th place down at his natural weight, this factor alone should dictate he has likely finalist potential. So what went wrong, other than the opponents significant skill, I have a theory.

I admit that was a disappointing lack luster performance at the all star classic. It really was a real stinker, but I think it's both an aberration and explainable.

Bernie has only had a couple of months in the room so whatever development plans Cael has for him, remain in the early stages.

Then there is the other HUGE, but little talked about factor.

The "PSU room" factor. I claim this cuts both ways. Iron sharpens iron, but some blades get seriously dulled in the process first.

Rolling around sandwiched between two likely 4xers in training is something Bernie has never felt on a daily basis. It would not surprise me that despite his resume, both Carter and Aaron work him over pretty consistently. For all we know his confidence has taken a big hit as a result, how can it not? Think about it Bernie has been the best guy in his room the past 4 years, now he might be 5th or 6th at best, and clearly not near the level of the guys near his weight. Humbling for sure.

Bernie will have to chip away before he can break through, and wrestle truely free and aggressive.

Last week, he wrestled like a guy who is having a real hard time converting TDs vs both Carter and Aaron. Yeah no shit! Other than his first shot, he didn't take another serious, aggressive, deep shot all match. Cautious and conservative won't win a lot of matches this year.

Who wouldn't lose their mojo against the talent we just witnessed last week from our big two. I look for the honing to begin soon and carry through March. The March Bernie might just become something to behold.
Some truth in your thoughts for sure, but I’d temper expectations some with what Clay posted earlier:
For as good as the PSU room is, there is no magic. We have examples of this in the past with Hildebrandt, Kuhn, Conel, Keener etc.

Sure, Truax is better than those guys and healthier. But when you come on as a senior, it’s not likely you’re gonna just become a completely new wrestler
Terrible title, but the answer is of course not! He is coming in as a 4th place down at his natural weight, this factor alone should dictate he has likely finalist potential. So what went wrong, other than the opponents significant skill, I have a theory.

I admit that was a disappointing lack luster performance at the all star classic. It really was a real stinker, but I think it's both an aberration and explainable.

Bernie has only had a couple of months in the room so whatever development plans Cael has for him, remain in the early stages.

Then there is the other HUGE, but little talked about factor.

The "PSU room" factor. I claim this cuts both ways. Iron sharpens iron, but some blades get seriously dulled in the process first.

Rolling around sandwiched between two likely 4xers in training is something Bernie has never felt on a daily basis. It would not surprise me that despite his resume, both Carter and Aaron work him over pretty consistently. For all we know his confidence has taken a big hit as a result, how can it not? Think about it Bernie has been the best guy in his room the past 4 years, now he might be 5th or 6th at best, and clearly not near the level of the guys near his weight. Humbling for sure.

Bernie will have to chip away before he can break through, and wrestle truely free and aggressive.

Last week, he wrestled like a guy who is having a real hard time converting TDs vs both Carter and Aaron. Yeah no shit! Other than his first shot, he didn't take another serious, aggressive, deep shot all match. Cautious and conservative won't win a lot of matches this year.

Who wouldn't lose their mojo against the talent we just witnessed last week from our big two. I look for the honing to begin soon and carry through March. The March Bernie might just become something to behold.
Bernie must take a step or two backward (new environment) then the step forward will come.
It seemed to me that he took a shot to the head in the All-Star match, enough that the top/back of his head was bleeding. To my eyes, he was a little "off" after that shot.
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He definitely got dinged up. He was not the same wrestler after that. It happened right after he had a very impressive ankle pick that was strong and decisive. These two guys have wrestled a lot and Bernie was not his same afterward. I have no doubt he’ll be much better on Sunday. The kid is pretty quick at his preferred weight.
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Terrible title, but the answer is of course not! He is coming in as a 4th place down at his natural weight, this factor alone should dictate he has likely finalist potential. So what went wrong, other than the opponents significant skill, I have a theory.

I admit that was a disappointing lack luster performance at the all star classic. It really was a real stinker, but I think it's both an aberration and explainable.

Bernie has only had a couple of months in the room so whatever development plans Cael has for him, remain in the early stages.

Then there is the other HUGE, but little talked about factor.

The "PSU room" factor. I claim this cuts both ways. Iron sharpens iron, but some blades get seriously dulled in the process first.

Rolling around sandwiched between two likely 4xers in training is something Bernie has never felt on a daily basis. It would not surprise me that despite his resume, both Carter and Aaron work him over pretty consistently. For all we know his confidence has taken a big hit as a result, how can it not? Think about it Bernie has been the best guy in his room the past 4 years, now he might be 5th or 6th at best, and clearly not near the level of the guys near his weight. Humbling for sure.

Bernie will have to chip away before he can break through, and wrestle truely free and aggressive.

Last week, he wrestled like a guy who is having a real hard time converting TDs vs both Carter and Aaron. Yeah no shit! Other than his first shot, he didn't take another serious, aggressive, deep shot all match. Cautious and conservative won't win a lot of matches this year.

Who wouldn't lose their mojo against the talent we just witnessed last week from our big two. I look for the honing to begin soon and carry through March. The March Bernie might just become something to behold.
Or he faced a better wrestler at the all star classic but he was meh at the other outing. He a 4th round guy, he's just here to get some points in March.
Most are a little hard on Bernie. He wrestled a really good kid who ranked #1 and lost 7-5. If you have watched him wrestle in other years,Bernie ia warrior. Placed 4th at NCAAS 3 years in a row. We have gotten spoiled if one of our wrestlers isn't ranked #1. He will be fine by March. He definitely is a contender. for a title. He knows what he has to do.
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Most are a little hard on Bernie. He wrestled a really good kid who ranked #1 and lost 7-5. If you have watched him wresl=tle in other years,Bernie ia warrior. Placed 4th at NCAAS 3 years in a row. We have gotten spoiled ifone of our wrestlers isn't ranked #1. He will be fine by March. He definitely is a contender. for a title. He knows what he has to do.
I don't think people are concerned about him as a wrestler of quality. I think people were concerned about how he wrestled in that match. Seems like he was fleeing more than attacking.
I guess I am a little puzzled as to what everyone thought they would get with BT, and whether or not that might have been inflated to what he is.

He's likely a 4-time AA who wrestled the (prohibitive?) favorite in his class and lost by a takedown or less. Can he beat PK? Absolutely. But he hasn't really ever been this dynamic guy from November to March. I posted earlier this year, one of the weirdest losses I ever saw in my life was his to Trumble last year when he wrestled so disengaged that I thought he might have thrown the match (that's sarcasm but you get the point). He turned over perfectly to get pinned.
Also, Parker Keckeisen is really, really good.
Yeah, had any of you guys actually watched Truax before? He was not the favorite in that match.

He wrestled exactly how he's always wrestled. He's a defensive wrestler who uses his length on the edge, both offensively and defensively.
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I don't think people are concerned about him as a wrestler of quality. I think people were concerned about how he wrestled in that match. Seems like he was fleeing more than attacking.
Which is how he always wrestles, especially against Keckeisen. Some of the loudest boos of 2022 NCAAs were when Keckeisen chased him around the mat in both their matches.
People will eventually learn, there is no 6th year jump to be made

Guys who you see improve their NCAA results usually are some combination of:
1. Clearly shown an ability to be there before (Max Dean winning it all, he did beat Myles Martin 3 years before lol)
2. Were injured before (Cronin and ironically got lucky with health in his last year instead of early years since it's usually the opposite)
3. Finally got a good bracket (Murin didn't have someone like Millner, Red in the BR)
People will eventually learn, there is no 6th year jump to be made

Guys who you see improve their NCAA results usually are some combination of:
1. Clearly shown an ability to be there before (Max Dean winning it all, he did beat Myles Martin 3 years before lol)
2. Were injured before (Cronin and ironically got lucky with health in his last year instead of early years since it's usually the opposite)
3. Finally got a good bracket (Murin didn't have someone like Millner, Red in the BR)

Wow. Jesus Christ on a cracker 😂😂😂😂

Kid loses by 1 point to a guy that nobody else in America has a chance to beat, and "there's something wrong with him".

Some of you guys are hilarious 😂
No there is something wrong with him because he lost by 2 points….not 1
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People will eventually learn, there is no 6th year jump to be made

Guys who you see improve their NCAA results usually are some combination of:
1. Clearly shown an ability to be there before (Max Dean winning it all, he did beat Myles Martin 3 years before lol)
2. Were injured before (Cronin and ironically got lucky with health in his last year instead of early years since it's usually the opposite)
3. Finally got a good bracket (Murin didn't have someone like Millner, Red in the BR)
4. Bulks up from 197, rocks a toothpick, and takes out the Chosen One (twice). (also #2 for him)