Trace Gets Signature TD Celebration Tips from Mike Hall (video)

Not that I haven't seen him without the helmet off, but it still amazes me that your could see dozens of other kids walking around the stadium that would look more like the starting quarterback than him.

He still looks like an average 11th grade high school kid to me.
Hilarious! Mike Hall is great--by far my favorite BTN personality. He more than anyone else on any network seems to find positive and complimentary ways to help enhance the branding of PSU football.
Uh oh, gonna stir up the get off my lawn people.
I liked the couples argument but what a time-waster. I hope he does it sometime when it won't score a penalty.

Never liked the home run but I'm becoming a broken record on that one...
PSU "beat down" their longtime instate rival. Didn't even recognize them by name!