Steelers headsets suddenly malfunction and get Patriots radio broadcast


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2010
TV announcers say Steeler headsets in Foxboro suddenly malfunction and get Patriots radio station. Right before a 3rd and long. Ironically, this was one of the charges in the Van Natta piece this week on how the Patriots would interfere with the other team's headsets and do this.
I used to think of the old Raiders as the most loathsome franchise in pro football, and of course the Cowboys are easily hated. But Robert Kraft's patriots**** are the most despicable organization in all of pro sports. They're like school in the summer time - no class.
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It's the weather! Something to do with all those storms in New England!

That's at least the Patriots' upcoming excuse. That would be incredibly bold if they did this purposely, given this past week.
It's the weather! Something to do with all those storms in New England!

That's at least the Patriots' upcoming excuse. That would be incredibly bold if they did this purposely, given this past week.
Ha! Anyone who knows anything about science and psi has to know it was the weather.
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It's the weather! Something to do with all those storms in New England!

That's at least the Patriots' upcoming excuse. That would be incredibly bold if they did this purposely, given this past week.

I could see them do it. Every team visiting there has stories. Their thought is likely that they just beat the NFL in court and if the league doesn't have rock solid proof in writing about killing the headsets the Pats will pull a big ten excuse claiming a "glitch" and saying Goodell is just trying to get revenge.
TV announcers say Steeler headsets in Foxboro suddenly malfunction and get Patriots radio station. Right before a 3rd and long. Ironically, this was one of the charges in the Van Natta piece this week on how the Patriots would interfere with the other team's headsets and do this.

Not that NBC will bother giving the whe story, I mean that would be unbiased and fair reporting.


1) There was a "grounding issue" and Pats radio broadcast was "bleeding in" to headsets

2) It did not cause communication to be lost, I'm told, just impaired. They are still gathering "information"

3) Frequency issues are not uncommon at games.

4) Pats coaches are experiencing the same exact thing

Now you'll all come up with reasons to ignore the facts, have at it
I don't know what the NFL rules are but what's to stop a visiting team from using encrypted radios which operate on random frequencies. There are some very high tech devices on the market which wouldn't be affected by any games the Patriots may or may not be playing. The NFL is a $12 billion enterprise. I'm sure they can afford some secure radios.
Not that NBC will bother giving the whe story, I mean that would be unbiased and fair reporting.


1) There was a "grounding issue" and Pats radio broadcast was "bleeding in" to headsets

2) It did not cause communication to be lost, I'm told, just impaired. They are still gathering "information"

3) Frequency issues are not uncommon at games.

4) Pats coaches are experiencing the same exact thing

Now you'll all come up with reasons to ignore the facts, have at it

Is Billy boy giving you that info? ;). NBC just said the Steelers headsets got the Pats radio broadcast and that the Pats were then required to turn their coaches headsets off in response.
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Not that NBC will bother giving the whe story, I mean that would be unbiased and fair reporting.


1) There was a "grounding issue" and Pats radio broadcast was "bleeding in" to headsets

2) It did not cause communication to be lost, I'm told, just impaired. They are still gathering "information"

3) Frequency issues are not uncommon at games.

4) Pats coaches are experiencing the same exact thing

Now you'll all come up with reasons to ignore the facts, have at it

THAT was the best attempt at apologia I have read in a LONG time.

I don't believe anything - NOTHING - a Patriots representative (from Kraft on down) has to say.
THAT was the best attempt at apologia I have read in a LONG time.

I don't believe anything - NOTHING - a Patriots representative (from Kraft on down) has to say.
Agreed. And Kraft is a douche of the highest order for allowing his organization to be run this way. He writes the checks and publically endorses cheaters on the payroll, so to hell with him too.
If you saw Tomlin's post game interview he was pissed. And Tomlin's rarely gets pissed.
If you saw Tomlin's post game interview he was pissed. And Tomlin's rarely gets pissed.

Tomlin was upset at what? His team's play, lack of D and FG kicking should have been top of the list. Was there something else he said in the Press conference that had him upset?
Frequency issues are not uncommon at games

I don't recall ever hearing about them. This isn't the first NFL game in the rain. Nice to know that home teams have carte blanche with the visitors communications system every time precipitation is forecast. Those dome teams are screwed!
I don't recall ever hearing about them. This isn't the first NFL game in the rain. Nice to know that home teams have carte blanche with the visitors communications system every time precipitation is forecast. Those dome teams are screwed!

I am sure y'all will find a way to still make this a Patriots conspiracy. Or maybe not the NFL front office had it in for you guys now? :

NFL spokesman Michael Signora released a statement Thursday night regarding the issue of the problematic headsets.

“In the first quarter of tonight’s game, the Pittsburgh coaches experienced interference in their headsets caused by a stadium power infrastructure issue, which was exacerbated by the inclement weather. The coaches’ communications equipment, including the headsets, is provided by the NFL for both clubs use on game day. Once the power issue was addressed, the equipment functioned properly with no additional issues.”
I am sure y'all will find a way to still make this a Patriots conspiracy. Or maybe not the NFL front office had it in for you guys now? :

NFL spokesman Michael Signora released a statement Thursday night regarding the issue of the problematic headsets.

“In the first quarter of tonight’s game, the Pittsburgh coaches experienced interference in their headsets caused by a stadium power infrastructure issue, which was exacerbated by the inclement weather. The coaches’ communications equipment, including the headsets, is provided by the NFL for both clubs use on game day. Once the power issue was addressed, the equipment functioned properly with no additional issues.”

It's an indisputable fact that the Patriots are known cheaters. Is it any surprise that nobody outside of blind Patriots fans views them as such?
I am sure y'all will find a way to still make this a Patriots conspiracy. Or maybe not the NFL front office had it in for you guys now? :

NFL spokesman Michael Signora released a statement Thursday night regarding the issue of the problematic headsets.

“In the first quarter of tonight’s game, the Pittsburgh coaches experienced interference in their headsets caused by a stadium power infrastructure issue, which was exacerbated by the inclement weather. The coaches’ communications equipment, including the headsets, is provided by the NFL for both clubs use on game day. Once the power issue was addressed, the equipment functioned properly with no additional issues.”

Maybe it was innocent, maybe not. But when you've been shown to cheat regularly, you lose the benefit of the doubt. And I doubt you'd be quite so understanding if this "coincidence" and history of cheating were taking place at Ohio state or Michigan and it was penn state experiencing the problems.
TV announcers say Steeler headsets in Foxboro suddenly malfunction and get Patriots radio station. Right before a 3rd and long. Ironically, this was one of the charges in the Van Natta piece this week on how the Patriots would interfere with the other team's headsets and do this.
Are you serious? The whole country has its eyes on them, yet they do something really stupid as that, on purpose? Note to Mike Tomlin. That stink eye staring act is getting old. Blaming a loss on one momentary blip with headphones is even worse.
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Maybe it was innocent, maybe not. But when you've been shown to cheat regularly, you lose the benefit of the doubt. And I doubt you'd be quite so understanding if this "coincidence" and history of cheating were taking place at Ohio state or Michigan and it was penn state experiencing the problems.

But there is no doubt, this is an NFL issue, period. Pats sideline experienced THE SAME EXACT THING.

I am starting to groove on the fact I am a fan of 2 of the most hated football teams outside of their own fanbase. Bring it on!
I am sure y'all will find a way to still make this a Patriots conspiracy. Or maybe not the NFL front office had it in for you guys now? :

NFL spokesman Michael Signora released a statement Thursday night regarding the issue of the problematic headsets.

“In the first quarter of tonight’s game, the Pittsburgh coaches experienced interference in their headsets caused by a stadium power infrastructure issue, which was exacerbated by the inclement weather. The coaches’ communications equipment, including the headsets, is provided by the NFL for both clubs use on game day. Once the power issue was addressed, the equipment functioned properly with no additional issues.”

Funny that the NFL didn't mention that, as you were so quick to claim, the same exact thing happened to the Pats radios. Almost, ya know, like it didn't. Your defense of the Patriots, as an organization, is truly comical.
What about the shift their D called with the simulated count when the Steelers had it 1st and 1 at the goal line? It obviously caused multiple Steelers on that side to jump and Ben was pissed because he knew the Patriots simulated his snap count to draw the Steelers off on purpose. That was cheating as well and saved the Pats 4 pts and momentum.
Funny that the NFL didn't mention that, as you were so quick to claim, the same exact thing happened to the Pats radios. Almost, ya know, like it didn't. Your defense of the Patriots, as an organization, is truly comical.

No more comical as your hate.
What about the shift their D called with the simulated count when the Steelers had it 1st and 1 at the goal line? It obviously caused multiple Steelers on that side to jump and Ben was pissed because he knew the Patriots simulated his snap count to draw the Steelers off on purpose. That was cheating as well and saved the Pats 4 pts and momentum.

Not that NBC will bother giving the whe story, I mean that would be unbiased and fair reporting.


1) There was a "grounding issue" and Pats radio broadcast was "bleeding in" to headsets

2) It did not cause communication to be lost, I'm told, just impaired. They are still gathering "information"

3) Frequency issues are not uncommon at games.

4) Pats coaches are experiencing the same exact thing

Now you'll all come up with reasons to ignore the facts, have at it

You can't post "FACTS" that aren't facts and expect to be taken seriously ever again. #4 is not true.
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LOL -- So the Patriot's beat writer (Patriots fan) gives a detailed account of just how the Steelers' communication was being interfered with, then slips "{cough cough} Oh and the Patriots were also experiencing interference" in there. And the NFL, in their official announcement, made no mention of any issues with the Patriots' communication. In fact, it's been noted that after the Steelers reported the interference, the NFL cut the Patriots' radios.

If you really believe the Pats were experiencing the same issues with their comm, I have some sweet oceanfront property out here in Colorado that I'll sell to you for a good deal.
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ask the Jets, Dolphins, and Bills and they will tell you it ALWAYS (EVERY GAME) IN NEW ENGLAND you lose communications with your coaches/QB - EVERYTIME. The NFL or Belicheck was lying first they said that the communications would be shutdown if they weren't working for the other team, Belichek didn't say they got the radio broadcast of the game - he just said in and out. I believe the NFL and belichek both were lying.
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They cheat period! And the NFL is a joke BTW who was on D and who was O when it happened?
LOL -- So the Patriot's beat writer gives a detailed account of just how the Steelers' communication was being interfered with, then slips "{cough cough} Oh and the Patriots were also experiencing interference" in there. And the NFL, in their official announcement, made no mention of any issues with the Patriots' communication. In fact, it's been noted that after the Steelers reported the interference, the NFL cut the Patriots' radios.

If you really believe the Pats were experiencing the same issues with their comm, I have some sweet oceanfront property out here in Colorado that I'll sell to you for a good deal.

Look, I get it, haters gonna hate. Fine, believe what you will, I will believe what I will. I know the microscope is on the franchise, which is also why I know there was nothing nefarious behind this. And for those saying the NFL lied...please. Why would they lie to cover the Patriots? That is a whole new level of *CRAZY*

I will leave you with this:

What? This has been going on for over a decade in other stadiums? Indict em all!