Songs about time- or with time in the title

OK, this one gave me a flashback I haven’t had in a LONG time...

I was about four years old. I had gotten in trouble with my Grandma for taking too long to do something I’d been told to do... maybe picking up my toys. Somehow this led to a complete bratty fit on my part... I ended up in total crying, screaming meltdown mode (which was honestly rare for me.)

Grandma, trying to scold me and reason with me at the same time, says “What would Mister Rogers say about this behavior??” (I think he was on the TV at that moment.)

I vividly remember retorting at the top of my lungs, between gasps, “Mister Rogers says... I LIKE... TO TAKE... MY TIME!!!!!”

I have no memory of what came next... maybe an amnesia-inducing whupping, lol
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