So you want to know what Mathew Barnaby has been up to lately? Well, here ya go!

Give the guy a break, as it happens to us all! One "Gentle Thursday" I'm the lover boy I always was all morning on the lawn. Then go down to the skeller for lunch and have a few more. Go up to the bar for a couple six packs on the way out and the bartender "trys" to card me. Sick Jeff new him and says, "Charlie, we've been sitting over there drinking pitchers for an hour!" and I said something similar and he says "Just get out! This 1st CAV grunt, who'd only been home from Cambodia and Nam a couple of months says, "F you!" and around he comes! He had jeans faded almost white, inviting the perfect take down, and I'm on top of him swingen away outside when a couple folks pulled me off and that was the end of it!