Septic shock - you’re thoughts appreciated

Sorry to hear about your health. I wish you a complete recovery. Keep on fighting against your cancer. In the past month I became a cancer victim. I had a bladder tumor removed and was treated with a type of chemo drug immediately after surgery. Luckily, the tumor was caught early, was non-invasive of the bladder muscle and wall, and was low grade. However, this type of cancer often returns. I will need to be checked every 3 months for new tumors over many years to come. My mom died of pancreatic cancer and cancer runs in her family. She too had bladder cancer. Hang in there. I'm pulling for you.
You too my friend. We can beat this shit.
Sorry to hear about your health. I wish you a complete recovery. Keep on fighting against your cancer. In the past month I became a cancer victim. I had a bladder tumor removed and was treated with a type of chemo drug immediately after surgery. Luckily, the tumor was caught early, was non-invasive of the bladder muscle and wall, and was low grade. However, this type of cancer often returns. I will need to be checked every 3 months for new tumors over many years to come. My mom died of pancreatic cancer and cancer runs in her family. She too had bladder cancer. Hang in there. I'm pulling for you.
You hang in there too. I know two people who have had bladder cancer. One has been cancer free for 7 years and the other is in treatment, but doing OK so far.
Wishing you the best as you get after your health issues. A positive attitude helps but if there are any issues that recur and cause you emotional discomfort, it's more than OK to acknowledge and confront them. If that process results in some less than positive thoughts, you haven't failed, you're just cleaning out these emotions. Will keep you in my thoughts/prayers for a complete recovery and comfort.
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Thought he produced some of the early Stones records.
I’m recovering! Up and walking a little now and I’ll probably be heading home within 24-48 hours. I’ll still need to administer antibiotics for 11 more days and the the surgery to remove the infected gall bladder will be scheduled soon. I’ve already set up an oncology visit for Monday and my wife is coordinating follow up with a home health care aid to administer antibiotics and start some physical therapy in my primary home in touch with an infectious disease specialist. I’ve been at my shore house when all this came up. One day at a time but each day is one step closer to getting back to normal. Not sure I’ll be back in the golf course this summer but who knows? Thanks again everyone for your thoughts, prayers, and support. It really helps. Go State!
I know I’m not always the most popular guy in the Board but I try to contribute humor and opinion as I see fit. Thursday night I came close to death with a sudden onslaught of septic shock which centered in my gall bladder. Had my wife not called 911 I wouldn’t be here today. I have other serious health issues including being a cancer survivor for 15 years although I’m not cured. I just manage it and live with the side effects of the meds as a chronic disease. I also have afib and wear a pacemaker. So my recovery from this will be more complicated than most balancing the various meds and ridding my body of the infection until they can operate (been on blood thinners). I’ve been blessed and fortunate in so many ways but I’m not ready to pack it in.

I’d appreciate any thoughts prayers and support to help me get through this now. Getting older is a bitch but it beats the alternative. Thank you with all sincerity. I guess no more scrapple for me.

We are..

Good luck and God bless you from this Buckeye.
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Awhile ago I posted some details about some severe personal medical problems. I felt up against the wall and was wondering if I was facing a dire outcome. As is often the case on this board a number of you responded with thoughts, prayers, and encouragement.

Today I am happy to report that I went through gall bladder (and drain) removal surgery laparoscopically today and was back home just 4 hours after the the operation. I will be in some pain for the next few days but it should be manageable. I have 5 bandaids on my belly covering tiny incisions over some surgical tape and that’s it. The surgery went as smoothly as one could hope and my recovery is expected to be very quick. I can then go on and fight my other problems. Thank you to all here who responded to my situation. I am convinced it helped me and am very thankful.

BTW, I did make it to the Pitt game as I had promised myself and will be back for Homecoming in peak condition. In the meantime, Maryland, Maryland, Maryland
Awhile ago I posted some details about some severe personal medical problems. I felt up against the wall and was wondering if I was facing a dire outcome. As is often the case on this board a number of you responded with thoughts, prayers, and encouragement.

Today I am happy to report that I went through gall bladder (and drain) removal surgery laparoscopically today and was back home just 4 hours after the the operation. I will be in some pain for the next few days but it should be manageable. I have 5 bandaids on my belly covering tiny incisions over some surgical tape and that’s it. The surgery went as smoothly as one could hope and my recovery is expected to be very quick. I can then go on and fight my other problems. Thank you to all here who responded to my situation. I am convinced it helped me and am very thankful.

BTW, I did make it to the Pitt game as I had promised myself and will be back for Homecoming in peak condition. In the meantime, Maryland, Maryland, Maryland

Way to go Nit! I'm pulling for you sir!

I get an ingrown toenail and I'm laid up for 6-months! LOL!! ;-)
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Awhile ago I posted some details about some severe personal medical problems. I felt up against the wall and was wondering if I was facing a dire outcome. As is often the case on this board a number of you responded with thoughts, prayers, and encouragement.

Today I am happy to report that I went through gall bladder (and drain) removal surgery laparoscopically today and was back home just 4 hours after the the operation. I will be in some pain for the next few days but it should be manageable. I have 5 bandaids on my belly covering tiny incisions over some surgical tape and that’s it. The surgery went as smoothly as one could hope and my recovery is expected to be very quick. I can then go on and fight my other problems. Thank you to all here who responded to my situation. I am convinced it helped me and am very thankful.

BTW, I did make it to the Pitt game as I had promised myself and will be back for Homecoming in peak condition. In the meantime, Maryland, Maryland, Maryland

Good news. I lost my brother in law in December when he went into septic shock leading to a heart attack and organ damage. My prayers for your speedy recovery and a Big Ten title to make you feel good too...
Awhile ago I posted some details about some severe personal medical problems. I felt up against the wall and was wondering if I was facing a dire outcome. As is often the case on this board a number of you responded with thoughts, prayers, and encouragement.

Today I am happy to report that I went through gall bladder (and drain) removal surgery laparoscopically today and was back home just 4 hours after the the operation. I will be in some pain for the next few days but it should be manageable. I have 5 bandaids on my belly covering tiny incisions over some surgical tape and that’s it. The surgery went as smoothly as one could hope and my recovery is expected to be very quick. I can then go on and fight my other problems. Thank you to all here who responded to my situation. I am convinced it helped me and am very thankful.

BTW, I did make it to the Pitt game as I had promised myself and will be back for Homecoming in peak condition. In the meantime, Maryland, Maryland, Maryland
Pleased to hear you’re doing better. After you recover, exercise is the truly the best doesn’t have to be rigorous, just consistent and self-challenging.
Awhile ago I posted some details about some severe personal medical problems. I felt up against the wall and was wondering if I was facing a dire outcome. As is often the case on this board a number of you responded with thoughts, prayers, and encouragement.

Today I am happy to report that I went through gall bladder (and drain) removal surgery laparoscopically today and was back home just 4 hours after the the operation. I will be in some pain for the next few days but it should be manageable. I have 5 bandaids on my belly covering tiny incisions over some surgical tape and that’s it. The surgery went as smoothly as one could hope and my recovery is expected to be very quick. I can then go on and fight my other problems. Thank you to all here who responded to my situation. I am convinced it helped me and am very thankful.

BTW, I did make it to the Pitt game as I had promised myself and will be back for Homecoming in peak condition. In the meantime, Maryland, Maryland, Maryland

Great to hear, good luck with your recovery and continuing fight!
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Awhile ago I posted some details about some severe personal medical problems. I felt up against the wall and was wondering if I was facing a dire outcome. As is often the case on this board a number of you responded with thoughts, prayers, and encouragement.

Today I am happy to report that I went through gall bladder (and drain) removal surgery laparoscopically today and was back home just 4 hours after the the operation. I will be in some pain for the next few days but it should be manageable. I have 5 bandaids on my belly covering tiny incisions over some surgical tape and that’s it. The surgery went as smoothly as one could hope and my recovery is expected to be very quick. I can then go on and fight my other problems. Thank you to all here who responded to my situation. I am convinced it helped me and am very thankful.

BTW, I did make it to the Pitt game as I had promised myself and will be back for Homecoming in peak condition. In the meantime, Maryland, Maryland, Maryland
Your surgical success is welcome news and I offer my prayers for good results with your other medical problems as well.
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I had similar situation 10-12 years ago. Actually, the worst part was removal of the drain! Felt like the doc was pulling my stomach out. She said it would only hurt for a minute, at 45 seconds I asked he,r through gritted teeth, if she was sure. At 60 seconds the pain went away. Up and around shortly after surgery. Back to work the next Monday.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
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