OT: "I'm too old for that s*it..."

Everyone in this thread:

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May I add:


-people that post cryptic statuses on social media to elicit attention such as "why does this always happen to me?"
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Even more than unattended carts in a store are those who refuse to return the cart after they have put all of their groceries in their car.
Or people who put a pound of ground beef in their cart, then decide while in the bakery section they don't want it and just stick the meat on a bakery shelf or wherever they happen to be.
People that spend 5 minutes in the middle of the friggin' beverage service area of a restaurant, adding some sweetener, then dairy, then stirring, then sampling, then adding some more this and that, then stirring and sampling again, then half walking away only to turn back because she forgot the lid, then turn half way away again only to turn back and grab a napkin.

People, you've done this daily for 15 years! If it takes more than 30 seconds you are an idiot or an a-hole.
Or people who put a pound of ground beef in their cart, then decide while in the bakery section they don't want it and just stick the meat on a bakery shelf or wherever they happen to be.

And just to stay with the grocery store theme (since that's the only place I go, besides work and the gas station), the people who are holding a conversation with somebody else taking up the whole aisle instead of stepping aside so that others can walk.

Also, people who refuse to say 'Thank you' when you hold a door open for them or allow them to pull in front of you in their vehicle. People have turned into rude mf'ers.
- Last night I was leaving a live performance at a theater, and the woman in the aisle seat blocked the rest of us from leaving by standing in front of her seat and making a phone call.
- My "Michelle" is named "Heather," and she'll call from Florida five minutes before she calls again from Missouri.
- Grocery store checkout lanes that suddenly open, and everybody behind you rushes over while you've been standing there with one item for almost 10 minutes.
- Journalists who tell the person they're interviewing "talk about (fill in the blank)." Ask a damn question!
Oh yes... Heather. Oh how I loathe that voice! If I would be walking down the side walk, or sitting in a restaurant, HELL, you name the scenario, and found Heather or one of her car warranty selling MOTHER FUC*ERS... I would become physically violent with them. Like border line psychopath shit.
I say this in jest, but that is how I feel about her/them.
Waiters or waitresses that address us as "you guys."
The volume of the piped noise at Beaver Stadium.
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-people that leave their carts unattended in the middle of the aisle at the grocery store (although I have fun ramming the sh*t of of them) :D

-those texting when the light turns green

^^^ here. I do the same thing. And looked surprised when I do and tell them, "You're sorry!" You should see their expression. Priceless!
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Bro, dude, or literally is every other word that comes out of kids mouths nowadays
Social media is the devil's spawn
There is no journalism any more, only sensationalism and opinion

You ask younger generations and question and they begin their answer with "So". The condescending attitude drives me nuts.
People that spend 5 minutes in the middle of the friggin' beverage service area of a restaurant, adding some sweetener, then dairy, then stirring, then sampling, then adding some more this and that, then stirring and sampling again, then half walking away only to turn back because she forgot the lid, then turn half way away again only to turn back and grab a napkin.

People, you've done this daily for 15 years! If it takes more than 30 seconds you are an idiot or an a-hole.

Saw a version of this recently at a fast food place - woman was filling up her beverage cup with a soft drink from the fountain/machine, and after full, drank half of it, then re-filled and went to her table.

In business now they new trend is to end every statement with"right" well maybe I don't agree with what you just said so maybe you should say "does this make sense" but it's the upper management types who just say right - wrong pal.
In business now they new trend is to end every statement with"right" well maybe I don't agree with what you just said so maybe you should say "does this make sense" but it's the upper management types who just say right - wrong pal.

^^^ this ... and all the buzzwords like "reach out ..." I am ready to tell someone to reach out and grab this the next time I hear it in a meeting!
Just found out that it looks like the Justin Bieber bought Celine Dion's house on Jupiter Island after a $33.5 Million discount.


I'm too old for the Biebs living in town.
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^^^ this ... and all the buzzwords like "reach out ..." I am ready to tell someone to reach out and grab this the next time I hear it in a meeting!
Or "brainstorm." Go google, "Brainstorming doesn't work" and see what you get. Yet people keep doing this all the time and I gotta sit there and pretend to play along.
Or "brainstorm." Go google, "Brainstorming doesn't work" and see what you get. Yet people keep doing this all the time and I gotta sit there and pretend to play along.

Current DC buzzword I have had enough of: 'Robust' and/or 'Fulsome'.
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Yes. I ask myself why this bothers me so much, but it does. "You're welcome." Another line I still use which I learned at the feet of my pet dinosaur, "How do you do?" Does anyone say that anymore?
The one I hate is "have a good one" especially when someone in a service capacity uses it. What's wrong with have a nice day? Or thank you for shopping with us?

I also hate the term 24/7 or worse, 24 by 7.

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