Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2001
niagara needs some Viagara. Andrew Sturtz a beautiful dash around the defenseman to make it 2-0 PSU after Zack Saar opened the scoring with a stuff in from the crease. HO HUM looks like another W brewing. This team will be dangerous if it stays healthy. Much like the football team, maturing ahead of schedule.
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We're playing some solid defense tonight as well. Passing is crisp. Good penalty killing as well. Here comes 2nd period.
A little premature on my part ... niagara scores on a give away. 2-1 PSU 14 minutes left second period. Still outshooting them 24-10.

We're playing some solid defense tonight as well. Passing is crisp. Good penalty killing as well. Here comes 2nd period.
Smirnov and Smirnov AGAIN- twice in the last 2 minutes of the second period. 4-1 and the Russian flag flies over the student section.

niagara needs some Viagara. Andrew Sturtz a beautiful dash around the defenseman to make it 2-0 PSU after Zack Saar opened the scoring with a stuff in from the crease. HO HUM looks like another W brewing. This team will be dangerous if it stays healthy. Much like the football team, maturing ahead of schedule.
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Whew! Any penalty out of the scuffle? Ohio State beat Niagra 16-4 over their two games last weekend. Not suggesting transitivity, but I am hoping that the Lions sweep with some ease, lol!
Dylan Richard with the wrap around assist from Smirnov. 5-1 with 5 minutes left. Game over.

niagara needs some Viagara. Andrew Sturtz a beautiful dash around the defenseman to make it 2-0 PSU after Zack Saar opened the scoring with a stuff in from the crease. HO HUM looks like another W brewing. This team will be dangerous if it stays healthy. Much like the football team, maturing ahead of schedule.
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At the end of the game our students wave the American, Canadian, Russian, and Finish flags for our international student athletes. Very good job by them.
Not to nitpick - the guys have to finish better. Smirnov was slick tonight. Great hands. He was setting guys up all over the place. Sturtz played well. Marsh really hustled. The defense in general played well and moved the puck out of the zone crisply. Pedrie, Kerr and Autio all skate very well. Funkey played well too. The overall team skating is far better than the previous NCAA teams. Just wish they wouldn't leave so many goals out there. They had 58 shots. Lots of good ones among those. Another positive is that they are not taking as many cheap penalties. It's still an adventure when Saar's out there though. He picked up 3 minors tonight.
Not to nitpick - the guys have to finish better. Smirnov was slick tonight. Great hands. He was setting guys up all over the place. Sturtz played well. Marsh really hustled. The defense in general played well and moved the puck out of the zone crisply. Pedrie, Kerr and Autio all skate very well. Funkey played well too. The overall team skating is far better than the previous NCAA teams. Just wish they wouldn't leave so many goals out there. They had 58 shots. Lots of good ones among those. Another positive is that they are not taking as many cheap penalties. It's still an adventure when Saar's out there though. He picked up 3 minors tonight.

I thought they got a little sloppy in the 2nd period. Maybe a little complacent. By the 15 minute mark of the 2nd it was becoming apparent that Niagra was not good enough to stay with us over 60 minutes. Then all of a sudden they score a goal and it is 2-1. We seemed to come around again after that and it was never again in much doubt.
I agree that Funkey played really well in goal.
The 58 shots means one per minute, and is about twice what other teams shoot. They had 44 after 2 periods. A couple of times it was almost like a boxer throwing flurry after flurry when he has the other guy backed into the corner. Smaller crowd, but it's a Thursday. The students were their usual fun selves.
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