"It's a Beautiful Day in Pennsylvania"


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
A friend of mine from church who grew up in Erie County told me about these old transcripts from the radio series authored by Peter C Wambach. Wambach was born in Philadelphia, graduated from Girard College and settled in the Harrisburg area. I was not aware if this program while growing up, but it apparently had a large audience in PA with his spots run in over 100 radio stations @ its peak. The programs ended in 1985.
The transcripts are brief segments filled with snippets regarding areas - unknown to many of us- who are native Pennsylvanians. I read a few this morning. One on covered bridges in PA and another on Erie County.
If you are interested in reminiscing, search Peter C. Wambach.

And remember... "It's a Beautiful Day in Pennsylvania"
The Wambach's were/are a prominent political family in Harrisburg, very active in Democratic party politics. One of the son's was a state Representative for about a dozen years and the other worked for the Speaker of the House before becoming Harrisburg City Treasurer. I met the dad a few times, very nice man and, as you say, his radio show was iconic. Thanks for posting this.
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