Hanging with the enemy?


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Dec 1, 2009
The photo below, particularly the comments section, is pretty damn funny. Lots of Cal fans are also Giants or A's fans, and they uniformly loathe the Dodgers.

Made me wonder if Hack, now that he is a Jet, has paid a visit to the Mets or Yankees, and how that might be received by Phils or Bucs fans.

I doubt anyone would be too upset. Hack or any other PSU player could visit anyone they want and it wouldn't change the fact they're Penn Staters. They're trying to establish themselves in a new city and there's nothing wrong with that. People are smart enough to separate those things. For example, I hate the Dallas Cowboys but I don't hate Sean Lee for playing there. I root for him to do well at an individual level.
It's just a pro sport. Whatever.

No doubt, how does a former PSU athlete, who is now a professional athlete, have some obligation to the sensibilities of Phils or Bucs fans? A beyond bizarre, but telling, "perspective" of the OP which probably deserves more of a :rolleyes: moji than a :eek: moji, although I understand your use of the :eek: as you are the :eek: czar.
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The photo below, particularly the comments section, is pretty damn funny. Lots of Cal fans are also Giants or A's fans, and they uniformly loathe the Dodgers.

Made me wonder if Hack, now that he is a Jet, has paid a visit to the Mets or Yankees, and how that might be received by Phils or Bucs fans.

I can't imagine that even 1 person out of 1,000 would care at all.
I posted it mainly because I thought the picture and (especially) the comments were funny. I get that guys turn pro and need to establish themselves in the city where they are playing pro ball, wherever that may be. Nothing to get worked up over, to be sure.