Freeh "exposed" Fina's OTHER email problem.

Does anybody on here actually know anything or is everybody just reading tea leaves? I get a whole lot of "How could they not have known?" And "Mike was a coward for not reporting it directly to the police because he knew the kid was being raped". But does anybody actually know anything? I would assume Dukie does but he offers up nothing of substance.
In terms of PSU, the only person who knows the truth is MM. He is the "eye" witness and after that testimony is directly related to what Mike told them. What troubles me is that when Mike told his dad and Dr. Dranov the evening of the incident, they advised him to talk to Joe the next day. Two responsible, medical professionals with more insight than the average person took no action. So do you think Mike told them he saw a child being sexually abused?
The bar is supposed to be is not supposed to be buried.

For the Spanier preliminary, any "bar" that was passed would have had to have been subterranean.

If the Prosecutor's had been required to present even a sliver of a legitimate "prima face", we all might know a lot more than we do now........and there wouldn't be the incessant circle-jerking regarding the 10 year old recollections of MM, CS, and CSS's triangular, undocumented conversations of 2001(2).

That would be nice......and better for all involved (except, of course, the Prosecutors......but "f&ck them" anyway)

But some folks....on all sides of these issues....want to ignore that ;-)
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Really; I thought they had reported it to the Pennsylvania State Police, the FBI, CIA and Interpol according to you guys. Oh wait, that's next months scenario.

Push, strain, grunt.......Pffffffttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deal in reality already.
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Under the existing law, none of the PSU Administrators were mandatory reporters. Of course the OAG tried lying about the date of the incident and finally charging them ex post the failure to report is not nor has never been a concern.
Those who are paying attention, realize that the incident was probably reported to "the appropriate agency". If it was deemed unfounded and not investigated, no report would exist. Therefore it can never be proven that no report was made.
However empirical evidence provides us with proof that child protective services have rarely acted to protect children. So it is fantasy to think that a call to the police or a government agency would have resulted in an arrest of JS at that point. Since AM says nothing happened and if he was not the "victim" none exists.....since he is the only one to step up and cash in.
It has been four years and this case languishes and will likely never reach trial. The Commonwealth according to their own prosecutors never intended to bring this forward. Their sinister game to squeeze TC and GS failed and left this egg on their collective faces.
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Really; I thought they had reported it to the Pennsylvania State Police, the FBI, CIA and Interpol according to you guys. Oh wait, that's next months scenario.

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Agree, the signature on the last page is much different. I hadn't noticed that redaction on the upper left before, but it wasn't done well enough since you can still read it, which means it was done at a different time or with a different pen than all the other redactions on that page. One point of clarification, we don't know how many pages are missing from the body of the report. All we know for certain is there were an additional 2 pages in what was faxed on 3/23/2012.

A redaction that was not intended for the masses.
Push, strain, grunt.......Pffffffttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deal in reality already.

While it may be that the 2001 incident was reported to Harmon ( no factual support for that assertion exists at this time however) it doesn't change the scenario. All it does is broaden the alleged "cover up net" over the lead police officer at Penn State. Me thinks we're going backwards.
While it may be that the 2001 incident was reported to Harmon ( no factual support for that assertion exists at this time however) it doesn't change the scenario. All it does is broaden the alleged "cover up net" over the lead police officer at Penn State. Me thinks we're going backwards.

Just like there is no factual support for the bullshit you espouse.
While it may be that the 2001 incident was reported to Harmon ( no factual support for that assertion exists at this time however) it doesn't change the scenario. All it does is broaden the alleged "cover up net" over the lead police officer at Penn State. Me thinks we're going backwards.

It completely changes the scenario.
While it may be that the 2001 incident was reported to Harmon ( no factual support for that assertion exists at this time however) it doesn't change the scenario. All it does is broaden the alleged "cover up net" over the lead police officer at Penn State. Me thinks we're going backwards.

There is no evidence a police report wasn't made either. Either way, if Mike didn't make one, the matter of a "police report" is irrelevant PL troll bullshit.
There is no evidence a police report wasn't made either. Either way, if Mike didn't make one, the matter of a "police report" is irrelevant PL troll bullshit.

The testimony of Curley and Spanier established that there was no report made to the police. Now they may be mistaken or were not truthful in their testimony, but you statement that there is no evidence a police report wasn't made is patently false.
The testimony of Curley and Spanier established that there was no report made to the police. Now they may be mistaken or were not truthful in their testimony, but you statement that there is no evidence a police report wasn't made is patently false.

Only one person could make a police report about what he saw, and it wasn't any of the people you blame. In fact, weren't you the one who claimed police don't follow up on unsubstantiated tips?
Only one person could make a police report about what he saw, and it wasn't any of the people you blame. In fact, weren't you the one who claimed police don't follow up on unsubstantiated tips?

This ^^^^^^^^^^^

If MM really was certain CSA was occurring, as his 2010 version states, there is absolutely zero excuse for him not making a written statement to UPPD (step 1 in getting a criminal investigation started) or anonymous call to Childline.

MM's only outlet would be to claim that PSU folks told him to keep a lid on it (which would essentially make MM part of the "cover up"). However we know that MM testified no one at PSU told him to keep quiet. So in any rational world that would end the "conspiracy of silence" nonsense right there. Its hard to execute a coverup without the cooperation of the one and only witness.

MM also testified that he expressed no dissatisfaction and never said more needed to be done when TC called him a few weeks later to follow up.

This is why MM is going to get destroyed on the stand if CSS ever do finally go to trial. His actions in 2001 are completely incongruent with his 2010 statement.
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The testimony of Curley and Spanier established that there was no report made to the police. Now they may be mistaken or were not truthful in their testimony, but you statement that there is no evidence a police report wasn't made is patently false.

Red herring.
Red herring.

OP: "There is no evidence a police report wasn't made either."

To which I replied: "The testimony of Curley and Spanier established that there was no report made to the police." (which is in fact evidence to support the position that no report was made)

I'd be interested in why you label my response to that specific statement a red herring. Where is the diversion from the original statement?
I believe Gary mentioned twice in his testimony that he thought the incident was reported to the same agency that looked to the 98 incident. Harmon didn't seem to want to recall anything. Some of his testimony is sealed. I believe he was growing a case of Commonwealth Dementia. Someday perhaps I will understand why individuals who want to be taken seriously get on a PSU Football Board and try to sway us that Tim and Gary are guilty. I do understand the family and extended family of MM, and in reality Dukie has been a gentleman.
I can clearly see how some would insist there was a cover up, First Joe called Gary and Tim. Gary called Wendell. They spoke to MM and Tim spoke to JS and JR. Gary called TH. Gary spoke to JM about the incident. No one according to the star witness ever told him to clam up. I'm done with these nitwits......4 years and no trial in site. The Commonwealth has sh$t
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Hey Towney,
I asked this on TOS but don't recall your answer. Haven't you said you are fairly certain Harmon was made aware of 2001? Correct me if i am wrong. I understand you don't think that affects the perjury, but I am more interested in the general narrative that the authorities were never notified.
In terms of PSU, the only person who knows the truth is MM. He is the "eye" witness and after that testimony is directly related to what Mike told them. What troubles me is that when Mike told his dad and Dr. Dranov the evening of the incident, they advised him to talk to Joe the next day. Two responsible, medical professionals with more insight than the average person took no action. So do you think Mike told them he saw a child being sexually abused?

Nobody believed that Mike saw a boy being sodomized. Not his dad, not Dranov, not his brother or anyone else he told because the only thing Mike ever offered as proof were a couple unseen slaps & Jerry standing behind a boy. The only reason Mike thought sex was because that was his preconceived notion before he even entered the 2nd locker room door. The others didn't have that preconcieved notion so they didn't immediately assume Jerry was sodomizing a 10yr old boy because that's usually last on one's check list of possibilities. If Mike told Curley & Schultz that he saw Jerry committing a sex act on a boy then he lied because he admits in testimony he didn't actually see that for sure. It is far more likely after talking to Dranov that Mike simply stuck to the facts when talking to Curley & Schultz & with that info they concluded there was a good possibility Mike may've misinterpreted what he saw. Knowing that Jerry had already been investigated & more importantly absolved of any wrongdoing & with the similarities to 98, Curley & Schultz likely felt another police investigation would result the same way & be a waste of time & undue stress on both Jerry & the boy as well as harming TSM's reputation & yes maybe even PSU's. So it makes sense they didn't want to draw attention to the incident unless they were sure it was really sexual. It also makes sense that when Curley assured Mike it was looked into & resolved that Mike assumed there was no crime that could be prosecuted & that everything was settled. Joe likely assumed the same thing. You have to forget everything you know now & look at it from the perspective of a group of people who for varying reasons didn't have the same hindsight we have. None of them knew for sure & they all erred on the side of caution in their own ways. The stakes were very high. TSM was Sandusky's life & they had to know this could ruin it, so they proceeded cautiously. It's simple common sense that to think any of these people wanted to intentionally cover up the raping of a child is absurd. So we have people trying to make what they think is the right decision & it not turning out well for them 10yrs later. That folks is all that happened. No matter how much we'd like to play Monday morning QB with all this it all comes down to people with good intentions who made some bad decisions. Until people learn to realize that in most cases this is all there is to it, we as a society will continue our witch hunts burning innocent people in our histeria till an asteroid mercifully snuffs us all out hashtags & all.
Agree, the signature on the last page is much different. I hadn't noticed that redaction on the upper left before, but it wasn't done well enough since you can still read it, which means it was done at a different time or with a different pen than all the other redactions on that page. One point of clarification, we don't know how many pages are missing from the body of the report. All we know for certain is there were an additional 2 pages in what was faxed on 3/23/2012.

Has it ever crossed anyone's mind that maybe Freeh & PSU were waiting for the result of the trial before releasing a version that would essentially open the bank vault & crush the football program? I'm willing to bet you Freeh created 2 different versions. One that basically exonerated everyone (in case Sandusky was found innocent on V2, V6 & V8 charges) & one that did damage control (The one we eventually got). This would easily explain the missing files which would've been used in case Sandusky was found not guilty on V2, V6 & V8 to exonerate PSU completely. Sure they'd have to deal with lawsuits from PSU3, McQueary & Paterno over rush to judgment but they were gonna likely get sued by them anyway. If you haven't already noticed Freeh still left in a bunch of evidence that without his acrobatic spin job could easily be used to exonerate Joe as well as the PSU3. Of course OAG would have no use for those emails if Sandusky was found not guilty on V2, V6 & V8 either.
I agree - Curley doesn't have to worry about the FTR

In my opinion Curley not having to worry about FTR is exactly why he has to worry about perjury and obstruction - Just not going to be able to have it both ways........................

btw 2 of the 3 conspiracy charges have already been dropped there is only one conspiracy charge left - Conspiracy - Endangering Welfare Of Children

Perjury charges also dropped. Only remaining charges at EWOC and related conspiracy.
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Easily on a USB stick? Wikipedia is the #5 site on the internet.

This quote is a little out dated, but it goes to show that wikipedia is a little larger than a USB stick.

"In an era when Google and Microsoft can spend a half-billion dollars on one of their global data center projects, Wikipedia runs on fewer than 300 servers from a single data center in Tampa, Fla. It also has servers in Amsterdam at the AMS-IX peering exchange."

All of wikipedia fits easily on a USB stick. Fair to think that 1 colleges emails involving 4 people would also.
Easily on a USB stick? Wikipedia is the #5 site on the internet.

This quote is a little out dated, but it goes to show that wikipedia is a little larger than a USB stick.

"In an era when Google and Microsoft can spend a half-billion dollars on one of their global data center projects, Wikipedia runs on fewer than 300 servers from a single data center in Tampa, Fla. It also has servers in Amsterdam at the AMS-IX peering exchange."

According to Wikipedia itself. All the current articles = 13GB

That's not outdated. Thanks for playing.

A USB stick that size is about 10 bucks

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