fc OT U of Minny players fight back, sue school for $45 million ...


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
The fallout from an ugly incident in 2016 involving the football team continues to affect the University of Minnesota and the latest battle ground now appears to be a federal court.

ESPN has obtained a new lawsuit filed against the school on Friday, which alleges “racial and gender discrimination; intentional, willful, and malicious misconduct; and deliberate indifference” from the university that caused damage to nine current and former Gophers football players. Ten players were initially involved in the original sexual assault incident that led to various suspensions and expulsions from the program but the report does not say which of the group is not participating in the lawsuit. It does however point out that three current members of the 2018 team are involved with the lawsuit: Antoine Winfield Jr., Seth Green and Antonio Shenault.

“We are aware of the lawsuit served on behalf of several current and former students,” the school said in a statement released to ESPN. “The University thoughtfully and thoroughly responds when faced with disturbing allegations, and provides extensive process to students accused of misconduct, including the opportunity to be heard during thorough investigations, panel hearings, and Provost review. Further, aggrieved students have a right to review by the Minnesota Court of Appeals. We will vigorously defend the University.”

The lawyers for the group are seeking $45 million in damages, or about $5 million per player.

While there are a lot of details involved in the story, most will remember the initial fallout from 10 players getting suspended when the Gophers entire football team held a short boycott of activities shortly before they played in the Holiday Bowl. The team eventually relented from the boycott and went on to beat Washington State in the game but the damage was already done to many involved and then-head coach Tracy Claeys was eventually fired after supporting his players in the matter (he somewhat ironically was later hired by the Cougars as their new defensive coordinator).

No charges were brought in the matter by prosecutors but the heart of the lawsuit alleges mishandling by the university in how they dealt with the case internally — including the eventual suspensions and expulsions of the 10 players. It goes without saying that this will be something to keep an eye out for over the coming months and years, to say nothing of the awkwardness of having three Gophers playing for and suing their own school at the same time this season.
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Amazing. I feel like UM overreacted after being witness to the mob scene at PSU after the JS case. Today, universities are simply in a no-win situation when there are charges of date rape brought. I just don't understand why a university simply doesn't follow the rule of law.
It is definitely a guilty until proven innocent situation -- which is such a travesty because getting expelled for sexual assault is almost like a rape conviction -- especially if it is made public.

The unfortunate thing is, if it's just a single player, they will rarely have the financial resources to sue the university and try to clear themselves.

Since this is multiple players, they are more likely to be able to raise the money. Or maybe the lawyers think there is a good enough chance of winning that they take the case on contingency. Because just preparing this lawsuit on the players' side is going to be millions of dollars in lawyer fees.
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It is definitely a guilty until proven innocent situation -- which is such a travesty because getting expelled for sexual assault is almost like a rape conviction -- especially if it is made public.

The unfortunate thing is, if it's just a single player, they will rarely have the financial resources to sue the university and try to clear themselves.

Since this is multiple players, they are more likely to be able to raise the money. Or maybe the lawyers think there is a good enough chance of winning that they take the case on contingency. Because just preparing this lawsuit on the players' side is going to be millions of dollars in lawyer fees.
Agree...their is also the issue of "damages". In a civil suit, if you win, you also need to show damages and this is what is used to calculate the penalty fee/fine. If it is a normal student that got tossed out of PSU so went to some other school, but earstwhile had no other 'damage', it is hard to get a large settlement. For these kids, being athletes, they can point to the PR damage as well as damage that stood in their way of a potential NFL tryout. So the 'damages' here are much larger than for a typical student (and, thus, why this case means something)
really difficult situation for everybody involved. some of these 'date rape' cases are not date rape but real rape, but nearly impossible to tell the difference without going through a detailed, police led investigation. THis is where the NCAA should really step in and put forth some blanket rules that every school has to follow.

On another that gambling is going legal. Let's just say I want to bet against a certain team. How much money to pay off a girl to claim rape against some key players to get them removed from a game....that gambling thing is just ripe for complete abuse.

99% chance the lawyer for the players is doing this on a contingency basis. Meaning he is not charging the players anything for some percentage of the lawsuit if he wins. If this were just a 'normal' student, how much money could he claim in lost wages for essentially libel against the girl, not that much. But if you have multiple players claiming this effecting their NFL chances, that is how a $45 million dollar number comes into play. So a lawyer will take a case not getting paid anything upfront for the chance at millions on the backside if they win. A lawyer is not willing to do that if the winnings are only going to be a few hundred thousand.
Has nothing to do with Fleck.

This all occurred prior to his hire.
The point being this is not a comfortable situation having players on your roster suing the University. Winfield Sr. voiced his displeasure last year and more than likely is playing a role here.
Has nothing to do with Fleck.

This all occurred prior to his hire.

Right. It was the fallout of this that led Jerry Kill to state that he would never return to the U.of M. campus, due to the way the Board and Admin handled this with a presumption of guilt with the players and coaches. Also paved the way for us to hire Limegrover.
That staff being fired or resigning lead to Fleck being hired.

Hope these players prevail.
Right. It was the fallout of this that led Jerry Kill to state that he would never return to the U.of M. campus, due to the way the Board and Admin handled this with a presumption of guilt with the players and coaches. Also paved the way for us to hire Limegrover.
That staff being fired or resigning lead to Fleck being hired.

Hope these players prevail.

Tracy Klaes.... not Jerry Kill
Tracy Klaes.... not Jerry Kill

I am pretty sure Kill said to that to the media in support of his ex-coaches and players.
Claeys may have said it, also, as he was the coach caught up in it at the time.
I am pretty sure Kill said to that to the media in support of his ex-coaches and players.
Claeys may have said it, also, as he was the coach caught up in it at the time.

you are right ... Kill did basically say that also
(though, IIRC, Limegrover came to PSU one year before that fiasco erupted)

Yes, I think that is correct.... he was here for the '16 season.
Look, if I have to remember the actual facts vs. the approximate ones before I post.... well..... :rolleyes:
Amazing. I feel like UM overreacted after being witness to the mob scene at PSU after the JS case. Today, universities are simply in a no-win situation when there are charges of date rape brought. I just don't understand why a university simply doesn't follow the rule of law.
Society currently thinks that all accusers should be believed. They certainly should have an opportunity to present their case but a presumption of guilt isn't right. Which way should the school lean? Apparently they can get screwed either way.
What should they do?

Simple..... get the f^ck out of the way.


But then what do you do with all the money you are paying these ass-clowns (and their hundreds of cohorts)?

You'll be happy to know that The Spawn of Thomforde is no longer on the PSU payroll. She's been replaced by this douche nozzle:


The only person who thinks this might be an improvement is Fat Regie who probably prefers B-b-bob's rim technique.
You'll be happy to know that The Spawn of Thomforde is no longer on the PSU payroll. She's been replaced by this douche nozzle:


The only person who thinks this might be an improvement is Fat Regie who probably prefers B-b-bob's rim technique.
