FC/OT: The Last Man on Earth.....***SPOILERS***



Anyone still watching? I'm really loving this show. And am especially impressed by how it's growing out of it's 'ahhh - we're the last people alive! - let's go nuts!' phase and is starting to ask bigger questions about morality and the concept of society, marriage, and citizenship. Introducing Will Forte's dream girl, January Jones (Melissa Shart!) just days after he begrudgingly agrees to marry less ideal, but hopelessly romantic, Carol was so fun to watch. His 'courtship' of Melissa was awkwardly hilarious. He can finally have everything he wants (mostly a hot girl, and one who shares his 'f*** it' mentality) but eventually gives in to Carol's words of encouragement and caution and decides not to make his move. I guess he'll get the chance next week when Carol gives her approval (based on the previews), but even then, will it be all it's cracked up to be? What does everyone else think? I don't know if I like the idea of adding more people, but another guy would make things very interesting...


I LOVED the previous episodes but this latest one was troubling to me. I thought the show was interesting in terms of exploring our odd cultural behaviors and thinking "what if". I am talking about marriage, sex, eat/sleep/entertain in such conditions, etc.

I hope the introduction of JJ doesn't just make this some kind of weird reality show or soap opera. BTW, she looked very hot.
I thought the scene in the lino after the car accident was hilarious. Melissa telling him that she'd been in Tucson for 2 weeks.... Phil putting the privacy window up when Carol was talking. I can't wait for next weeks show, I hope we get to see a sexy January Jones! Not that she looked bad this week...
Originally posted by Ranger Dan:
I thought the scene in the lino after the car accident was hilarious. Melissa telling him that she'd been in Tucson for 2 weeks.... Phil putting the privacy window up when Carol was talking. I can't wait for next weeks show, I hope we get to see a sexy January Jones! Not that she looked bad this week...
Oh wow, I know. She wore the hell out of those jeans!

And I'll pick up this flag when I get a pic!
Originally posted by Obliviax:
I LOVED the previous episodes but this latest one was troubling to me. I thought the show was interesting in terms of exploring our odd cultural behaviors and thinking "what if". I am talking about marriage, sex, eat/sleep/entertain in such conditions, etc.

I hope the introduction of JJ doesn't just make this some kind of weird reality show or soap opera. BTW, she looked very hot.
Agree, and she's the perfect kind of 'ice princess' who is the great balance/opposite of Carol. I love JJ on Mad Men too even though everyone hates her character.