fc in other news Bama to spend $600 million to upgrade facilities...


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006

Alabama on Thursday unveiled plans for major upgrades into its major athletics facilities. Dubbed the Crimson Standard, Alabama will sink $600 million — that’s six hundred million dollars — into upgrading the Mal Moore Athletic Facility, Bryant-Denny Stadium and Coleman Coliseum, home of the Crimson Tide’s basketball and gymnastics teams.

Upgrades planned for the Mal Moore facility are an enhanced lobby, new treatment facility, a two-level sports science center and an upgraded football locker room.

At Bryant-Denny, the focus will be on upgrading the game day experience for three key constituencies: players, recruits and donors.

Alabama will install a new recruiting lounge, a new game day locker room and lots and lots of premium seating areas. In addition to constructing new facades on the east and west sides, Alabama will cut out a recently-constructed student seating area to install a new video board.

Similar upgrades will be poured into Coleman Coliseum.

The decade-long project is not expected to begin until after the 2019 season. Nearly a quarter ($143 million) of the required $600 million has already raised, and Nick and Terry Saban committed $1 million on Thursday.

Bryant-Denny’s capacity, which jumped from 92,000 to 101,821 after a 2010 expansion, is expected to drop below 100,000 with the premium seating upgrades.
Whoever called it an "arms race" nailed it. Where will it end?

The thing is though, at least football and men's basketball have demand and they bring in money. What gets me is when a non-rev sport coach gets paid more than the professors, which I bet happens more often than you'd think.
I wonder what the combined investment in all of alabama's academic facilities totals in today's dollars.


Yeah, I was going to say, in that list of things in that article they said they're buying I didn't see the word "books."
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The decade-long project is not expected to begin until after the 2019 season. Nearly a quarter ($143 million) of the required $600 million has already raised, and Nick and Terry Saban committed $1 million on Thursday.
Generous donation by the Sabans. Wouldn't it be wild if a football coach made gifts back to the university for crazy things like libraries, scholarships, endowed faculty positions, etc.? Maybe the Sabans have done exactly that. If so, kudos.
hard to know what to think. football is bringing a ton of revenue into AL as well as schools like PSU, michigan, tOSU. A lot of it is soft dollars, meaning PR and Marketing. In my opinion, PSU would be a cow pasture if not for football (comparatively) .

In the end, they have the numbers and they make those decisions. But my concern is about the kids who are busting their humps and getting a $60k per year payment (tuition and R&B).
Northwestern spent about 260M on an amazing new facility. The reality is football generates money and schools, especially ones like Bama, are going to spend money on the program. I don't see an issue with that.

Alabama on Thursday unveiled plans for major upgrades into its major athletics facilities. Dubbed the Crimson Standard, Alabama will sink $600 million — that’s six hundred million dollars — into upgrading the Mal Moore Athletic Facility, Bryant-Denny Stadium and Coleman Coliseum, home of the Crimson Tide’s basketball and gymnastics teams.

Upgrades planned for the Mal Moore facility are an enhanced lobby, new treatment facility, a two-level sports science center and an upgraded football locker room.

At Bryant-Denny, the focus will be on upgrading the game day experience for three key constituencies: players, recruits and donors.

Alabama will install a new recruiting lounge, a new game day locker room and lots and lots of premium seating areas. In addition to constructing new facades on the east and west sides, Alabama will cut out a recently-constructed student seating area to install a new video board.

Similar upgrades will be poured into Coleman Coliseum.

The decade-long project is not expected to begin until after the 2019 season. Nearly a quarter ($143 million) of the required $600 million has already raised, and Nick and Terry Saban committed $1 million on Thursday.

Bryant-Denny’s capacity, which jumped from 92,000 to 101,821 after a 2010 expansion, is expected to drop below 100,000 with the premium seating upgrades.
Imagine how much it would be if they added in the player payroll.:)
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Whoever called it an "arms race" nailed it. Where will it end?

The thing is though, at least football and men's basketball have demand and they bring in money. What gets me is when a non-rev sport coach gets paid more than the professors, which I bet happens more often than you'd think.

In the state of Ohio alone there are 49 college head coaches at public schools that make over $200 K per year (although it says "in salaries and benefits). This doesn't include the private schools. The womens basketball coach at Youngstown State makes $248.,642.
Just think...if our BoT wouldn't have spent $500 million+ on paying for the Sandusky payments/fines/legal fees, etc...PSU could spend that much and more on facilities upgrades.
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I don't see the issue people have with this....why does anyone care if Bama puts 600M into their football/athletic programs? College football is big business--we need to stop thinking of it in any other aspect.
Next up: Sandy Barbour unveils Phase I of PSU's 20 year Athletic Facilities Master Plan., Sandy
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Next up: Sandy Barbour unveils Phase I of PSU's 20 year Athletic Facilities Master Plan., Sandy

Sandy’s got this. Give early, often, and in large sums.
She's had it for two year's now. I just want to know where the fvck it is..

Don’t concern yourself with such details. She will let you know when she has enough money. In the meantime, give early, often, and in large sums.
Will be interesting to see how Bama funds this undertaking ($145mm is a good start). Bryant-Denny upgrades are currently budgeted at $250mm.
Don’t concern yourself with such details. She will let you know when she has enough money. In the meantime, give early, often, and in large sums.

I thinks she's waiting for Pegula to see how much spare change he has on hand.

Alabama on Thursday unveiled plans for major upgrades into its major athletics facilities. Dubbed the Crimson Standard, Alabama will sink $600 million — that’s six hundred million dollars — into upgrading the Mal Moore Athletic Facility, Bryant-Denny Stadium and Coleman Coliseum, home of the Crimson Tide’s basketball and gymnastics teams.

Upgrades planned for the Mal Moore facility are an enhanced lobby, new treatment facility, a two-level sports science center and an upgraded football locker room.

At Bryant-Denny, the focus will be on upgrading the game day experience for three key constituencies: players, recruits and donors.

Alabama will install a new recruiting lounge, a new game day locker room and lots and lots of premium seating areas. In addition to constructing new facades on the east and west sides, Alabama will cut out a recently-constructed student seating area to install a new video board.

Similar upgrades will be poured into Coleman Coliseum.

The decade-long project is not expected to begin until after the 2019 season. Nearly a quarter ($143 million) of the required $600 million has already raised, and Nick and Terry Saban committed $1 million on Thursday.

Bryant-Denny’s capacity, which jumped from 92,000 to 101,821 after a 2010 expansion, is expected to drop below 100,000 with the premium seating upgrades.
I heard they will be adding new ATM machines exclusively for players and recruits that don't require cards, or PIN numbers. Is that true?
Are people's memories that short? Our own athletics 20 year master plan was just put in 2017, while no dollar estimate was attached to it I'd wager it's well north of a billion dollars with the biggest chunk for the upgrade of Beaver stadium.
They just revamped the library a few years ago. Nicest in Alabama by a country mile.

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Are people's memories that short? Our own athletics 20 year master plan was just put in 2017, while no dollar estimate was attached to it I'd wager it's well north of a billion dollars with the biggest chunk for the upgrade of Beaver stadium.

That about $2,000 per living alum. Pocket change. ;)
Are people's memories that short? Our own athletics 20 year master plan was just put in 2017, while no dollar estimate was attached to it I'd wager it's well north of a billion dollars with the biggest chunk for the upgrade of Beaver stadium.

Assuming, of course, that said plan still exists as anything more than a pipe dream.
Assuming, of course, that said plan still exists as anything more than a pipe dream.
Shubin Slip and Fall Stadium is so much more than a pipe dream. It will have freaking panini presses for crying out loud.
Shubin Slip and Fall Stadium is so much more than a pipe dream. It will have freaking panini presses for crying out loud.

Damn, better send in my check. Don't want to miss out on no damn paninis. Betcha Bryant-Denny won't have none of those, but with the increasing number of Yankees enrolling in Tuscaloosa, who knows!
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college sports- lol

It's especially appalling that the state's flagship university is plunking down a half billion dollars + on sports stuff when the state has one of the worst performing public school systems in the country. Tuscaloosa's own 'Paul W. Bryant High School' is on the state's list of 75 'Failing Schools'.
It's especially appalling that the state's flagship university is plunking down a half billion dollars + on sports stuff when the state has one of the worst performing public school systems in the country. Tuscaloosa's own 'Paul W. Bryant High School' is on the state's list of 75 'Failing Schools'.

Which is why the state's flagship university assiduously courts out-of-state students who now comprise more than half of the enrollment. I guess that makes some sort of sense, but it escapes me.
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FWIW (anecdotal), I know a pretty sharp guy from work contacts who has sent two kids to Alabama and raves about the quality of education and the progress of the University as a whole. To Art's point above, they are out-of-state students. Also, Alabama is apparently making a big push to recruit National Merit scholar winners and finalists (again mostly out-of-staters).
It's especially appalling that the state's flagship university is plunking down a half billion dollars + on sports stuff when the state has one of the worst performing public school systems in the country. Tuscaloosa's own 'Paul W. Bryant High School' is on the state's list of 75 'Failing Schools'.

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hard to know what to think. football is bringing a ton of revenue into AL as well as schools like PSU, michigan, tOSU. A lot of it is soft dollars, meaning PR and Marketing. In my opinion, PSU would be a cow pasture if not for football (comparatively) .

In the end, they have the numbers and they make those decisions. But my concern is about the kids who are busting their humps and getting a $60k per year payment (tuition and R&B).

All those players in the revenue sports get major 'stipends' do you think Chambers got the Roman kids? The most underreported story in the last few year$
This is - on several different levels - both pathetic and disgusting.

That said, I will be completely UNsurprised if Alabama can and does fund this level of spending from their Athletic Revenues and Donations.

PSU - on the other hand - doesn’t have enough Athletics revenue left for capital expenses to fund a damn swimming pool.

Of course, Dambly and the Boys took care of that issue (by placing the debt on the backs of the students)

The swimming facilities are in dire need of upgrades. There's a reason why the PIAA bailed years ago on PSU and went to Bucknell.
The swimming facilities are in dire need of upgrades. There's a reason why the PIAA bailed years ago on PSU and went to Bucknell.

Last year it was announced that a replacement for McCoy would be included in Phase I. Preliminary design would put it in the top 10, maybe even top 5 facilities in the country. Cost is going to be significant. Is it justified? Not likely unless Barbour can find a donor to foot most of it. Haven't heard squat in over a year.
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