End of first half Timeouts.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2012
Northampton, PA
Anybody no why we took those two timeouts at the end of the first half? Was at the game and everyone was scratching their head. I've never seen that at a PSU game in all my years.
According to the announcers, the scoreboard said we had one more timeout than was actually the case. Seemed on TV like Franklin thought we had one more left.
The number of timeouts was not important - the question is why would Franklin take those timeouts anyway, with less than 30 seconds left in the half and SD State just wanting to take a knee and get into the locker room.
I would say if we had 3 left we could make them punt. Who knows, a punt block or a return, anything could happen.
No matter how you look at it, not good. Remember Joe calling timeouts at the end of the 1st half in a 0-0 game against Alabama, bit him in the ass, bama broke a big play scored with seconds to go in the half and cost us a National Championship.
The scoreboard issue is BS. When you call a TO the ref in turn tells you how many you have left every time.