Culture rears its ugly head at Pitt


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001

Pitt counseling center director charged with possessing child porn
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette


The director of the University of Pittsburgh’s counseling center has been arrested on charges he was in possession of child pornography.

Edward J. Michaels, 67, of Wilkinsburg was charged Tuesday by Allegheny County Police with possessing child porn and criminal use of a communication facility. A university spokesman said Mr. Michaels has been placed on leave.

According to a police affidavit, a Wilkinsburg police sergeant went to Mr. Michaels’ Old Gate Road home on March 27 after receiving a tip from a concerned person who had seen photographs of young girls at the residence.

The sergeant found photos of apparently prepubescent girls in sexually explicit poses at Mr. Michaels’ home, the affidavit said. The sergeant seized two laptop computers, two USB memory sticks and several hundred loose photographs, according to the affidavit.

County police detectives reviewed the evidence and said it included photos of young girls in various stages of undress, a naked girl lying on a bed, and other sexually explicit images.

Mr. Michaels was arraigned Wednesday night and was released on non-monetary bond.

A preliminary hearing was scheduled for 8:30 a.m. June 1 with District Judge Kim Marie Hoots in Wilkinsburg.

Mr. Michaels’ could not be reached Wednesday, and court documents did not list an attorney for him.

His biography on the Pitt website says he joined the university’s division of student affairs as the counseling center director in 2015. He chairs the school’s mental health task force, which promotes student well-being, according to the biography.

“The university is cooperating fully with authorities conducting the investigation,” Pitt spokesman Joe Miksch said in an email. “Michaels, who has been a member of the staff for two years, served in an administrative role, and was not assigned clients.”

Andrew Goldstein: Alex Weidenhof:
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Why do we keep acting like the Pitt board? Can't we be better than they are? Why can't we be grownups even if they're children? This is awful, it's sad, but unfortunately sometimes universities make mistakes and hire bad people. It is not culture. Sandusky wasn't culture. A student counselor who allegedly collects child porn isn't culture.

If you're trying to make a point that it's wrong to generalize about a school or a team or an alumni base based on the actions of one sick/criminal person, why do exactly that?
Why do we keep acting like the Pitt board? Can't we be better than they are? Why can't we be grownups even if they're children? This is awful, it's sad, but unfortunately sometimes universities make mistakes and hire bad people. It is not culture. Sandusky wasn't culture. A student counselor who allegedly collects child porn isn't culture.

If you're trying to make a point that it's wrong to generalize about a school or a team or an alumni base based on the actions of one sick/criminal person, why do exactly that?

I do agree but my days of turning the other cheek and taking the high road are over.
I can only take being slapped so many times.
Why do we keep acting like the Pitt board? Can't we be better than they are? Why can't we be grownups even if they're children? This is awful, it's sad, but unfortunately sometimes universities make mistakes and hire bad people. It is not culture. Sandusky wasn't culture. A student counselor who allegedly collects child porn isn't culture.

If you're trying to make a point that it's wrong to generalize about a school or a team or an alumni base based on the actions of one sick/criminal person, why do exactly that?

It's called parody.
Why do we keep acting like the Pitt board? Can't we be better than they are? Why can't we be grownups even if they're children? This is awful, it's sad, but unfortunately sometimes universities make mistakes and hire bad people. It is not culture. Sandusky wasn't culture. A student counselor who allegedly collects child porn isn't culture.

If you're trying to make a point that it's wrong to generalize about a school or a team or an alumni base based on the actions of one sick/criminal person, why do exactly that?
Because it's exactly what the Lair does to us...maybe if they see the irony in it by experiencing it themselves when it hits close to home, they might learn something.
He has sPitt uber fan written all over him - right down to the hair hat.
It can be a healthy, enlightening experience to walk a mile in our shoes.

I agree Chi, but not happing with those unhinged crackers on the pitt board.

cbpitt2 said:
Are you going to the Penn State game & how many Pitt at Penn State games have you been to? Have you seen Pitt win in Beaver Stadium?
Most likely yes, and I've been to four and I'm 1-3.

If I ever go to nittwitville I'll visit paturdos grave and empty the bladder with some recycled Iron City beer.
16 Pitt-Chains, Tuesday at 10:15 PM

This is why I will never step foot in creepy valley again!
How can any sane person pay homage to that PUS paturdo?
Well, we finally know Crapstain's real name :)
:oops: Is that the clown that writes like this:
The director of the University of Pittsburgh’s counseling center has been arrested on charges he was in possession of child pornography.

Edward J. Michaels, 67, of Wilkinsburg was charged Tuesday by Allegheny County Police with possessing child porn and criminal use of a communication facility. A university spokesman said Mr. Michaels has been placed on leave.

According to a police affidavit, a Wilkinsburg police sergeant went to Mr. Michaels’ Old Gate Road home on March 27 after receiving a tip from a concerned person who had seen photographs of young girls at the residence.

The sergeant found photos of apparently prepubescent girls in sexually explicit poses at Mr. Michaels’ home, the affidavit said. The sergeant seized two laptop computers, two USB memory sticks and several hundred loose photographs, according to the affidavit.

Pitt counseling center director charged with possessing child porn
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette


The director of the University of Pittsburgh’s counseling center has been arrested on charges he was in possession of child pornography.

Edward J. Michaels, 67, of Wilkinsburg was charged Tuesday by Allegheny County Police with possessing child porn and criminal use of a communication facility. A university spokesman said Mr. Michaels has been placed on leave.

According to a police affidavit, a Wilkinsburg police sergeant went to Mr. Michaels’ Old Gate Road home on March 27 after receiving a tip from a concerned person who had seen photographs of young girls at the residence.

The sergeant found photos of apparently prepubescent girls in sexually explicit poses at Mr. Michaels’ home, the affidavit said. The sergeant seized two laptop computers, two USB memory sticks and several hundred loose photographs, according to the affidavit.

County police detectives reviewed the evidence and said it included photos of young girls in various stages of undress, a naked girl lying on a bed, and other sexually explicit images.

Mr. Michaels was arraigned Wednesday night and was released on non-monetary bond.

A preliminary hearing was scheduled for 8:30 a.m. June 1 with District Judge Kim Marie Hoots in Wilkinsburg.

Mr. Michaels’ could not be reached Wednesday, and court documents did not list an attorney for him.

His biography on the Pitt website says he joined the university’s division of student affairs as the counseling center director in 2015. He chairs the school’s mental health task force, which promotes student well-being, according to the biography.

“The university is cooperating fully with authorities conducting the investigation,” Pitt spokesman Joe Miksch said in an email. “Michaels, who has been a member of the staff for two years, served in an administrative role, and was not assigned clients.”

Andrew Goldstein: Alex Weidenhof:

Sweet mustache choice by the Pittiot! "The Hitler" tribute-stache apparently popular with ASWPers.... Go figure.
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Well they have concluded that driving black out drunk, hitting two parked occupied, and being removed from your vehicle at gunpoint is akin to applying your makeup while driving.....LOL
They'll eventually call for this guy to be publicly castrated.....unless he has eligibility left, in which they would conclude he should be a team captain.
In a separate instance of Lair clarity, they have concluded the Telani should not surface at another P5 school as they roll out the red carpet for Carter.