Codutti on 3rd Down Struggles vs. Ohio State


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2020

See Link. We should have had the foresight to know that every content creator tucked away in their mother's basement would put these 16 plays under the microscope...but here's our take on it. Initial thoughts were 1. I was surprised Codutti was as critical of the play-calling as he was because he and Yurcich have a decent relationship (Codutti went to a bunch of Okla State coaching clinics when Yurcich was there) and 2. I didn't notice Drew's mechanical issues during the live game, but it's very noticeable and troubling here.
Always been a fan of Yurcich but this game made me question my faith a little. Dramatic, I know. Was just disappointed in the sudden change in philosophy from "we're good with sustaining drives" to all the sudden "hey it's 3rd and 1 let's show how slick we are and try and scheme up an explosive play." Be what you've been. Don't suddenly be something you're not. Thought this video highlighted that desperate shift better than the excuse filled thing brennanmwn posted on twitter

See Link. We should have had the foresight to know that every content creator tucked away in their mother's basement would put these 16 plays under the microscope...but here's our take on it. Initial thoughts were 1. I was surprised Codutti was as critical of the play-calling as he was because he and Yurcich have a decent relationship (Codutti went to a bunch of Okla State coaching clinics when Yurcich was there) and 2. I didn't notice Drew's mechanical issues during the live game, but it's very noticeable and troubling here.
If you slow this down and watch it carefully, you can't blame the receivers for not getting separation and the OL wasn't bad except for the wtf? bounce pass snaps.... But Allar looked spooked... Throwing with both feet off the ground when there was no need to do so. Seems to me that a quarter to a third of his throws were off target to guys that were open or he rushed the throw unnecessarily. I am not worried about him though. I am more worried about the coaching staff. I haven't understood the offensive strategy of 11 of the 14 halves of football played this season.
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If you slow this down and watch it carefully, you can't blame the receivers for not getting separation and the OL wasn't bad except for the wtf? bounce pass snaps.... But Allar looked spooked... Throwing with both feet off the ground when there was no need to do so. Seems to me that a quarter to a third of his throws were off target to guys that were open or he rushed the throw unnecessarily. I am not worried about him though. I am more worried about the coaching staff. I haven't understood the offensive strategy of 11 of the 14 quarters of football played this season.
Perhaps you mean halves?
The in-game coaching deserves scrutiny. The tOSU QB was also spastic and missing receivers, at one time missing on 7 straight passes, resulting in punts. The tOSU sideline worked to get him under control and designed plays for success. They also continued to run the ball to settle things down despite averaging less per carry than we did on the afternoon. IT was a lesson in patience, coaching and dealing with adversity.
Wow, he was so upset he didn’t give the like/subscribe/share routine.

What confuses me most is last year all the talk was about how innovative Yurcich is. Strange formations, ingenious route design, unpredictability. Yet now we see none of that. Only thing we see is too much shifting about and poor play selection. What happened?
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See Link. We should have had the foresight to know that every content creator tucked away in their mother's basement would put these 16 plays under the microscope...but here's our take on it. Initial thoughts were 1. I was surprised Codutti was as critical of the play-calling as he was because he and Yurcich have a decent relationship (Codutti went to a bunch of Okla State coaching clinics when Yurcich was there) and 2. I didn't notice Drew's mechanical issues during the live game, but it's very noticeable and troubling here.
Great breakdown as usual. I've seen Allar with some mechanical issues at other times, but noticed it especially during this game. Maybe he was intimidated by #44 or something. It looked like Allar was afraid to step into his throws. He looked more like the MAC qb he was originally viewed as before he worked on his mechanics. The thing that's strange is most of that should be muscle memory by now. He needs some emergency sessions with his QB guru to get this fixed fast.

See Link. We should have had the foresight to know that every content creator tucked away in their mother's basement would put these 16 plays under the microscope...but here's our take on it. Initial thoughts were 1. I was surprised Codutti was as critical of the play-calling as he was because he and Yurcich have a decent relationship (Codutti went to a bunch of Okla State coaching clinics when Yurcich was there) and 2. I didn't notice Drew's mechanical issues during the live game, but it's very noticeable and troubling here.
to me it appeared as if Allar was really stressed during this game. Don't know why, but he seemed to be putting the pressure of the game totally on his calling didn't help
Wow, he was so upset he didn’t give the like/subscribe/share routine.

What confuses me most is last year all the talk was about how innovative Yurcich is. Strange formations, ingenious route design, unpredictability. Yet now we see none of that. Only thing we see is too much shifting about and poor play selection. What happened?

We lost NFL caliber players and their replacements don't look like NFL players.


Parker Washington. Juice Scruggs. Brenton Strange.

Second thing is our RBs. Between Brown's retirement and Cain's injury, '20 & '21 was really low on RB talent. Singleton and Allen show up and are vastly an improvement, but they get overhyped because that's what fans do. And that leads to #3...

...Sean Clifford. He was mobile enough to run the zone read forcing defenses to account for the QB run. And that play is a big part of the offense still. Allar just doesn't pull it.

It is worrisome that Yurcich abandoned the Power T vs OSU. It's ability to run the Sweep, the QB Sneak, or even flare out to the 5 wide look gives plenty of options for variety (to fulfill the trick play niche we had going). I figured we would have seen more plays out of the set. Sneak a OL in for a TE to strengthen the runs. Swap a WR for a TE and change the matchup for a pass. Heck, add the Belly play for an interior run vs teams aggressive to the Sweep.
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There were probably 5 times Allar could have pulled the ball and ran for first downs JJ McCarthy do that on November 11th and then again against Ohio State.
to me it appeared as if Allar was really stressed during this game. Don't know why, but he seemed to be putting the pressure of the game totally on his calling didn't help
Agree with all of that. Maybe because he is an Ohio kid who went to school 1 1/2 hours from Columbus and grew up a Buckeye fan. Who knows? Hopefully he learns from this (and quickly). Unfortunately, the film study confirmed what I thought I saw on Saturday—he was feeling pressure when it often wasn’t that close and was not setting his feet and stepping into his throws. As you also point out, the lousy and often predictable play calling didn’t help.
We lost NFL caliber players and their replacements don't look like NFL players.


Parker Washington. Juice Scruggs. Brenton Strange.

Second thing is our RBs. Between Brown's retirement and Cain's injury, '20 & '21 was really low on RB talent. Singleton and Allen show up and are vastly an improvement, but they get overhyped because that's what fans do. And that leads to #3...

...Sean Clifford. He was mobile enough to run the zone read forcing defenses to account for the QB run. And that play is a big part of the offense still. Allar just doesn't pull it.

It is worrisome that Yurcich abandoned the Power T vs OSU. It's ability to run the Sweep, the QB Sneak, or even flare out to the 5 wide look gives plenty of options for variety (to fulfill the trick play niche we had going). I figured we would have seen more plays out of the set. Sneak a OL in for a TE to strengthen the runs. Swap a WR for a TE and change the matchup for a pass. Heck, add the Belly play for an interior run vs teams aggressive to the Sweep.
The lack of the T formation was upsetting in this game. The TEs are the best receiver weapons. Why not use them.

I don't get why they run the zone read at all. Allar wouldn't keep it even if every defender on his side was flat on their back. It's a terrible slow developing play that isn't fooling anybody.

This team is a low level JR high offense with a Steel Curtain level defense.
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