Census Question


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
The Census Bureau keeps bugging me to respond to the census. I happen to have houses in 2 different states. I have filled out the on-line form for the house that I am living in as of today (April 1st) per the instructions but they keep sending requests for me to complete it for my other house. Basically, as I am not occupying it today, there is nothing to say about it. I guess my question is: Do I still need to fill it out for the other house? Is the census to be completed based on people or places? I could bug them directly but I would think that there are more important things for them to be dealing with so I've come to a more knowledgeable group for advice ... you guys.
The Census Bureau keeps bugging me to respond to the census. I happen to have houses in 2 different states. I have filled out the on-line form for the house that I am living in as of today (April 1st) per the instructions but they keep sending requests for me to complete it for my other house. Basically, as I am not occupying it today, there is nothing to say about it. I guess my question is: Do I still need to fill it out for the other house? Is the census to be completed based on people or places? I could bug them directly but I would think that there are more important things for them to be dealing with so I've come to a more knowledgeable group for advice ... you guys.

Good question. I have two houses also, both in PA. I hesitated, and wisely or unwisely, decided to fill out the census for both. I figured since I pay taxes in both places, and I spend a good amount of time in both places, I should do both. I filled in both my and wifey's names on both surveys.
I'm sure there are good reasons for and against doing both, but too late now for me. It's done, and I'm not sweating it.
From my understanding, you report based on your primary residence only. While my daughter is still my legal dependent, she is away at college and the instructions were to not include her in my response.
I just got the thing in the mail this past weekend (though it may have arrived anytime last week — I didn’t see any need to walk down to the mailbox cluster daily). I have two houses as well, though one is a rental. I’m assuming I won’t get another form there since it’s occupied by a couple.
The Census Bureau keeps bugging me to respond to the census. I happen to have houses in 2 different states. I have filled out the on-line form for the house that I am living in as of today (April 1st) per the instructions but they keep sending requests for me to complete it for my other house. Basically, as I am not occupying it today, there is nothing to say about it. I guess my question is: Do I still need to fill it out for the other house? Is the census to be completed based on people or places? I could bug them directly but I would think that there are more important things for them to be dealing with so I've come to a more knowledgeable group for advice ... you guys.

I hope you get a Census consensus.
The Census Bureau keeps bugging me to respond to the census. I happen to have houses in 2 different states. I have filled out the on-line form for the house that I am living in as of today (April 1st) per the instructions but they keep sending requests for me to complete it for my other house. Basically, as I am not occupying it today, there is nothing to say about it. I guess my question is: Do I still need to fill it out for the other house? Is the census to be completed based on people or places? I could bug them directly but I would think that there are more important things for them to be dealing with so I've come to a more knowledgeable group for advice ... you guys.

In the same boat. You do not, should not, fill in the form for your second home. Census counts people, not residences, based on where you live on April 1.

Census Bureau doesn't have the ability to distinguish between primary and secondary residences, so they will continue to bug you to respond for your second home. Just ignore them. Eventually they will send a person out to your second home and will realize that it's not occupied (may take more than one trip, but that's their problem) and report it as such.
The Census Bureau keeps bugging me to respond to the census. I happen to have houses in 2 different states. I have filled out the on-line form for the house that I am living in as of today (April 1st) per the instructions but they keep sending requests for me to complete it for my other house. Basically, as I am not occupying it today, there is nothing to say about it. I guess my question is: Do I still need to fill it out for the other house? Is the census to be completed based on people or places? I could bug them directly but I would think that there are more important things for them to be dealing with so I've come to a more knowledgeable group for advice ... you guys.

No, ignore it--they only want you to fill it out once. Its probably coming addressed to resident not you personally. If anyone comes to your door, and they might after the virus situation, just ell them what you did. Its ok.
The Census Bureau keeps bugging me to respond to the census. I happen to have houses in 2 different states. I have filled out the on-line form for the house that I am living in as of today (April 1st) per the instructions but they keep sending requests for me to complete it for my other house. Basically, as I am not occupying it today, there is nothing to say about it. I guess my question is: Do I still need to fill it out for the other house? Is the census to be completed based on people or places? I could bug them directly but I would think that there are more important things for them to be dealing with so I've come to a more knowledgeable group for advice ... you guys.

Do you like you always dreamed of and put your wife in one.
In addition to ascertaining population numbers, the census is used to define/redefine congressional districts and used in the allocation of funds for certain programs, current and future.
Seems that filling out two surveys would be like voting for a democrat AND a republican for the same office, thereby offsetting each other.
How many retired New Yorkers nj and pa, ca, wash, fill it out twice in southern states like sc and fl and az as well as home state. Changes the state politics completely.