BAD NEWS: According to the Chinese, each and everyone of you are "in-valid"...

Third rail topic and all but it's a good example of what happens when religion and ethics run into scientific progress. If we have the ability to make sure that children are born resistant to major illnesses - HIV in the case of this article - why shouldn't we? We use medical science to cure all types of diseases these days, why is this any different? And in a related note we've genetically engineered the crap out of our food too so again, a bit late to say let's slow down now.

Plus you've got idiots like this guy "biohacking" and injecting himself using the crispr technology, and then he went and had a kid - so the genie is kind of already out of the bottle if we're worried about future generations. Oh, and btw he's planning on selling DIY crispr kits for anyone looking to edit themselves a bit.