Attention all you Nashville Cats

The Spin Meister

Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Nov 27, 2012
An altered state
Tonight at 10 PM (Wed, Dec 6) CNBC is having a one hour show called Cities of Success featuring Nashville Tn. The other day they showed the huge mansion of @TN Lion on a couple hundred acres he recently bought for $68 mil!

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That was pretty impressive. Had no idea Nashville was exploding so quickly. Very impressive.
Our son, daughter and their families live in Nashville burbs. Son's friend is a construction superintendent who showed him some projected pictures of Nashville by 2030, skyline will look totally different. Hooefully "Batman building" (ATT) is stll prominent in city scape. Problem down there right now, housing affordability is terrible. People moving in from Cali, and NE paying cash and driving up housing costs both new and existing.
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