Alan Deshowitz, Louis Freeh, and it was all just a big mistake

Whomever has the money, gets to write the words. My company's chief counsel used to tell me this all the time and she was exactly right. Came in handy all the time in negotiations.
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Cool. Now Dershowitz can go on to do "other good things" in his life. Maybe he can find another double murderer to help set free...:confused:
It is reasonable to conclude, that people "in trouble" value $$$ Freeh's OPINIONS.
Whomever has the money, gets to write the words. My company's chief counsel used to tell me this all the time and she was exactly right. Came in handy all the time in negotiations.

The golden rule -- whoever has the gold writes the rules.
The golden rule -- whoever has the gold writes the rules.

Really? I always thought that the American Justice System was supposed to be fashioned on "Truth & Blind Justice". Funny how it is the lawyers, who are supposed to take an oath to the foundations of our system, are the ones effectively saying "might [e.g., $$$] makes right"....the Founding Father's of this country were primarily lawyers and the said they DIAMETRIC OPPOSITE because it was the English who had the $$$ and were tyrannizing them with corruption and hypocrisy. I find it amusing how hypocritical, "failed", substance-less and morally-bankrupt this country's modern day lawyers are relative to the parties who founded this country and its Judicial System (and its inherent values, ethics, principles, etc...). It is the legal profession and its impact on our Judiciary Systems that have turned this once great nation into "Modern Rome" - rife with corruption, moral-banruptcy and lying, bloodsucking, scumbag lawyers.