AKB: Why do the "Twisty Ties" (TT) installed on commercially manufactured bread/buns generally always require you to untie them Clockwise?

A friend who is a manager of a grocery store told me that also. Now bread and buns get a date stamp. Sometime you can read it, sometimes it is blurred and sometime it is stamped on a dark part of the wrapper. In that case reach as far back as you can.

This is true, but it's not for us, it's for the person who restocks, they can easily remove a color (day) that's old without looking at the datde
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This is true, but it's not for us, it's for the person who restocks, they can easily remove a color (day) that's old without looking at the datde
I'm colorblind as well as left handed. I think I'll sue the bakeries as well for using color coded twit ties. What if I wanted to be a stock boy?