Adam Taliaferro supports Dan Cocco

A leader makes tough decisions despite criticism. That's AT. Too bad if he doesn't support your choice. Quit your whining. He's given more to PSU than any of you ever will.
Please give us a list of tough decisions Adam made while he was a member of the BoT. I recall him abstaining from many votes. It's a shame he has skin so thin that he decided to go public with Lubrano's emails. He obviously takes offense when someone disagrees with him.
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Good for you (us).

.....and the truth was, it was a lot worse than you (or I) imagined


The really scary shit:

If he hadn't decided against running again in 2015 - - - - -
Despite his horrendous 3 year run, he MIGHT very well have gotten re-elected

He was worse than I expected.

Abstaining? Seriously?
And just like that, Adam has ruined his reputation with penn staters. It was bad enough he did less than nothing on the board for the people who voted him in, he's now endorsing the enemy. He sold out for his political future with the scum who destroyed penn state. He got hurt and made a recovery, parlayed it into a spot on the board of trustees, chummed up with the right people for a few years, while doing literally nothing, and made his way out. Worthless. Resident troll Black Elmo likes him, that should tell you everything you need to know about the new Adam.
Adam thought, and Dan thinks, that you can "work with" the board membership. As we all know, the only way to get along is to go along. I spoke with Dan today and asked him about Adam's strategy to try to unite people......he did'd that work out?
I didn't vote for Adam the first time around because I didn't think he had enough experience to serve on the BoT. If he ran again, I doubt I'd vote for him. I don't think he made much of an impact one way or another during his term.

However, criticizing Taliaferro because he didn't toe the Paterno family line is off the mark. As a trustee, his loyalty should be to the University, to make the best decisions and judgements he can for the welfare of the University, not to support any agenda from the Paternos, no matter how great his personal indebtedness to JoePa. I thought we've had enough of BoT members carrying out their personal agendas.

Deliberately trashing the Paterno brand, which is inextricably tied to Penn State, was most certainly NOT in Penn State's best interest.
Adam thought, and Dan thinks, that you can "work with" the board membership. As we all know, the only way to get along is to go along. I spoke with Dan today and asked him about Adam's strategy to try to unite people......he did'd that work out?
All due respect to Adam - which, I admit, ain't much - anyone who is so stupid as to think the way you deal with Pirates and Scoundrels is by trying to "unite" with too GD stupid to be on the BOT (too damn stupid to run for Borough dog-catcher, actually)

Now, personally, I don't think either AdamT or DanC is really that stupid (well, AdamT anyway)....which - IF that is the case - brings up other possibilities as to their true thoughts and motivations.
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All due respect to Adam - which, I admit, ain't much - anyone who is so stupid as to think the way you deal with Pirates and Scoundrels is by trying to "unite" with too GD stupid to be on the BOT (too damn stupid to run for Borough dog-catcher, actually)

Now, personally, I don't think either AdamT or DanC is really that stupid (well, AdamT anyway)....which - IF that is the case - brings up other possibilities as to their true thoughts and motivations.

At least Dan was smart enough not to spend thousands of bucks on yard signs this time around (which he never cleaned up). So, that is something.
Deliberately trashing the Paterno brand, which is inextricably tied to Penn State, was most certainly NOT in Penn State's best interest.
You are certainly correct

"Righting the wrongs" (to the degree possible) wrt the horrendous way the BOT used Paterno as a shiny object to distract from their own malfeasance/incompetence is certainly an item which should be addressed.

No doubt.

Fair to say - IMO - that it is a pretty important one.


But as we are entering another election cycle for the BOT, it should be noted that worrying about the "Paterno Brand", on the other hand, should be item #137 on the list of considerations.

It was the folks who had it as item #1 on the list that got Adam T elected.....and they are, quite frankly, the folks who are responsible for what will be a less-than-optimal outcome for this year's election.
Serious question....why was Adam so adamantly supported here for the BOT? Seriously, I don't get it? Why did everyone vote for him?
Everyone was fooled by his fake loyalty to JoePa. He was like some kind of trojan horse except he used cowardice to trick everyone.
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I am very disappointed in Adam's decision.

Having said that, I have to ask: how many of us would have had the tenacity to overcome the sort of obstacles that were set in Adam's path? Please be careful to make the distinction between the person and the person's action when offering criticism.
Honestly what else is a young guy going to do in that situation - shrivel up and die? I think most in the exact same situation would have done the exact same thing. He certainly hasn't shown particular strength or tenacity after his recovery.

He's a functioning sociopath - you see it almost every day in business. A guy who's only looking to "play" others to advance his career.
He's going to have to deal with the "JoeBots" against whatever political future he aspires to now. "Joebots" took down a governor. Imagine what they'll do to some newb...

He should have just rode off into the distance and left Penn State behind. Instead, he chose to rile them up, B'OB style. Not good.
kind of shows he more an opportunist than an idealist.

Shows me he's a terrible evaluator of information. That alone disqualifies him for me. He will always wear the scarlet letter from upward state. Did he really think all the surveys the university did to guage the anger at the bot and positive view of Paterno were not real, how they attacked the university, or squandered hundreds of millions, etc? There was a ton of other info available to him that he just ignored too. I saw Anthony's words, but Dan's time will never come as an elected member. There will always be someone who reminds everyone of how he stood on the issues.
Adam will never win another election in NJ again. Joe's reach in the garden state is legendary and the forces of good will align against this Benedict Arnold/Judas
Shows me he's a terrible evaluator of information. That alone disqualifies him for me. He will always wear the scarlet letter from upward state. Did he really think all the surveys the university did to guage the anger at the bot and positive view of Paterno were not real, how they attacked the university, or squandered hundreds of millions, etc? There was a ton of other info available to him that he just ignored too. I saw Anthony's words, but Dan's time will never come as an elected member. There will always be someone who reminds everyone of how he stood on the issues.

This post needed the picture of him in that hideous upward state fleece. -2 rep points for the omission.
I did not vote for Taliaferro in 2012. The simple reason was that I did not feel he had enough experience to hold his own with the puppet masters.
That was my decision as well, but I still thought fairly highly of him at the time. Now while I hold him no ill will, I think his judgement stinks.
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This post needed the picture of him in that hideous upward state fleece. -2 rep points for the omission.

I'm going to be honest, his name sounded familiar when I found out he was running, but I couldn't exactly remember from where. I was one of those who was reminded of his transgressions by others.


You have to resort to racist language? Just when I thought the board couldn't sink any lower you come along.

The whole gawd damn planet sank to a lot lower level when you and your butt-buddies decided to set foot here a long time ago and torture us with your existence.. just saying!
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I am ashamed that I was conned into voting for him. Adam, I won't be fooled again by you, ever.
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I am ashamed that I was conned into voting for him. Adam, I won't be fooled again by you, ever.

I did not vote for Adam and was somewhat critical of his work history (same firm as Baldwin) during that 2012 election.

but I really went out of my way to defend him when he was on the BoT, and support him.

His support of Cocco feels like a betrayal of MY support.
Adam will never win another election in NJ again. Joe's reach in the garden state is legendary and the forces of good will align against this Benedict Arnold/Judas

Joe's "reach" must not be as good as you think it is --- Adam already won a NJ election last November.

Imagine that, Penn State politics are fairly irrelevant as regards the voters of southwest New Jersey.
Joe's "reach" must not be as good as you think it is --- Adam already won a NJ election last November.

Imagine that, Penn State politics are fairly irrelevant as regards the voters of southwest New Jersey.
Hey - get back to work! Don't you have a Men's Room Review due at the editors?

Stick within your pay-grade CountVonNittWitt.
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Hey - get back to work! Don't you have a Men's Room Review due at the editors?

Stick within your pay-grade CountVonNittWitt.

I see that the mods deleted your post that said "too bad Jerry Westbrooks didn't finish the job on Taliaferro."

Are you embarrassed by that pathetic post that you made yesterday?
I see that the mods deleted your post that said "too bad Jerry Westbrooks didn't finish the job on Taliaferro."

Are you embarrassed by that pathetic post that you made yesterday?
LOL Nice try Count

Now.....chop-chop, before you're late for your deadline!
LOL Nice try Count

Now.....chop-chop, before you're late for your deadline!

Evasive action as regards answering my question. \

I'll fell free to say that your answer is "no, I am not embarrassed. Much like I thought yesterday, I still wish Adam was injured MORE in 2000."
Joe's "reach" must not be as good as you think it is --- Adam already won a NJ election last November.

Imagine that, Penn State politics are fairly irrelevant as regards the voters of southwest New Jersey.
Correct..........Taliaferro did win an election in NJ. I believe the OP stated Taliaffero would not win "another" election in NJ. Unless I missed a second election I'd say your comments about the reach of Penn State politics regarding voters in southwest NJ are premature.
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AT isn't even worth discussion. I wish him luck in politics.We had a mutual friend. This person stood by him and his family during his recovery. I wrote and asked him, why he would not be a leader in challenging the narrative that condemned PSU Football and Joe. Of course, I never got a response. I don't think he has a conscience.

Who do you support? As soon as they don't agree with you on an issue you will turn on them too.
Correct..........Taliaferro did win an election in NJ. I believe the OP stated Taliaffero would not win "another" election in NJ. Unless I missed a second election I'd say your comments about the reach of Penn State politics regarding voters in southwest NJ are premature.

But in November 2015, Adam was already well known as (this isn't MY characterization, but this is a characterization for some) as a "traitor who turned his back upon his former football coach, the man who stood besides him as he faced paralysis for the reminder of the life."

Yet he still won the election. How strange, given how much Penn State politics matters in NJ legislative elections.

I don't live in Southwest New Jersey, but I tend to think Adam will be judged in the 2019 election primarily by how he does as a legislator.
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Evasive action as regards answering my question. \

I'll fell free to say that your answer is "no, I am not embarrassed. Much like I thought yesterday, I still wish Adam was injured MORE in 2000."
I didn't ask you a question.....douchebag

However, despite the futility of discussing ANYTHING with you, I'll go ahead and respond (I'm just too nice of a guy) - - -

"I'll abstain", Just like Adam :)
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Adam will never win another election in NJ again. Joe's reach in the garden state is legendary and the forces of good will align against this Benedict Arnold/Judas
But in November 2015, Adam was already well known as (this isn't MY characterization, but this is a characterization for some) as a "traitor who turned his back upon his former football coach, the man who stood besides him as he faced paralysis for the reminder of the life."

Yet he still won the election. How strange, given how much Penn State politics matters in NJ legislative elections.

I don't live in Southwest New Jersey, but I tend to think Adam will be judged in the 2019 election primarily by how he does as a legislator.

Well aren't you the ****ing genius when it come to NJ politics? Joe has no political "reach" in NJ, never had regardless of what the dolt who originally posted says.

Taliaferro will maintain his legislative seat as long as he continues to lick George Norcross's ass. Beyond that? Steve Sweeney shows no indication of giving up the state senate seat that includes the district that Taliaferro represents. U.S. House? Don't think so. That seat belongs to Norcross's brother. So Adam can continue in his jackshit job at BMS until they decided to eliminate it and remain a political hack.
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