21 questions with Mark Hall

I hope Barstool continues this. Giving wrestling exposure and giving us hilarious, different insight that we don't usually get to see.

The question was raised whether the content was genuine. While I'm sure some of it is embellished by the "interviewer," I think the drastic differences between Cenzo's and Hall's shows that it is largely real.
Hilarious! Mark's answers may be funnier than Cenzo's were a few weeks ago. Sad to hear that Iowa fans mimic their coaches and yell "you suck" at opposing players when they come out.

I'm drawing a blank on Mark's reference to rewarding Michigan fans at last years B1G tourney. Can someone enlighten me?
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I'm drawing a blank on Mark's reference to rewarding Michigan fans at last years B1G tourney. Can someone enlighten me?

Hall beat Michigan’s Amine for 174 B1G title last season.


A). Question 16 = LMFAO !! :eek:

B). Markie has the largest weight cut in the team .... yet .... doesn’t cut much weight. Hmmmmm

Cael’s Secret sauce.
(Compared to other squads in March)

C). Cenzo must be one of the funniest kids in not just wrestling, but all of college athletics. I wish he had his own podcast. I’d pay $10/month for a subscription.
Hilarious! Mark's answers may be funnier than Cenzo's were a few weeks ago. Sad to hear that Iowa fans mimic their coaches and yell "you suck" at opposing players when they come out.

I'm drawing a blank on Mark's reference to rewarding Michigan fans at last years B1G tourney. Can someone enlighten me?

Yeah this is so sad. Thoughts and prayers to all the athletes who have had to endure some Hawkeye fans yelling “you suck.” I’m sure this doesn’t happen anywhere else.
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I really do enjoy these. Hopefully they continue.

Both Cenzo and Mark were hilarious when they took some subtle jabs on things that have been topics in the wrestling community.
#5 is a prime example with Zain and nobody being safe from the eye poking.
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"For any of you kids reading this that want to win 7 state titles, all you have to do is go through 7th grade twice, move to a different state that allows the same middle school rules, and then pray that you’re more clutch than I was in the postseason. Good luck with that."

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I've read the article and the thread previously......but just seeing "21" in a thread gives me flashbacks and chills.....

Lets petition to have it be 20 questions or 25 questions or anything but 21....
