What should they have done?

But Freeh did talk to him. Page 12 of the Freeh Report said that Curley, Schultz and Courtney refused to be interviewed. Freeh said that he believed that Joe wanted to talk to him at the press conference he held in July 2012. However, when the Paterno report came out then Freeh said that Joe made enough time before he died to talk to his biographer (Posnanski) and Sallie Jenkins but not for him. Which was a true statement.

Wow, you are getting more troll-like every day. When the issue is the credibility of Louis Freeh (and it always will be until it is properly destroyed in a court of law, then you cant cite the words of Louis Freeh and say "Which is a true statement," as proof of his credibility. What F'ing difference does it make whether spanier talked to him after the report was already written?

As for the guys under indictment, and the lawyer Courtney to whom they had gone for advice, you know GD well they are not talking to Freeh. They would have to be insane, especially now that we know what a liar he is. You're trolling and flaming jack. GTFO.
Wow, you are getting more troll-like every day. When the issue is the credibility of Louis Freeh (and it always will be until it is properly destroyed in a court of law, then you cant cite the words of Louis Freeh and say "Which is a true statement," as proof of his credibility. What F'ing difference does it make whether spanier talked to him after the report was already written?

As for the guys under indictment, and the lawyer Courtney to whom they had gone for advice, you know GD well they are not talking to Freeh. They would have to be insane, especially now that we know what a liar he is. You're trolling and flaming jack. GTFO.

Someone here hopefully has the link........

But one of Louis' victims in the old FIFA investigation said "I'll die before I talk to Louis Freeh".

He was one of the two guys that Louis sacrificed at the behest of the clown who just resigned as the head of FIFA. This was back in the "investigation" from several years back.


As for the "Semenhole Warrior".....he was wearing his clown outfit the first time he posted on this board.
One of those worthless, pitiful, oxygen wasters who make you wonder if mankind isn't devolving.
He does provide a bit of comic relief, once you view him for what he is.
[QUOTE="Pitt is #1, post: 197925, member: 11612"All I'm saying is what if this is what further digging would uncover?

Louis Freeh spent EIGHT AND A HALF MILLION DOLLARS trying to dig up dirt on Paterno.

What exactly do you think he missed?

It is truly laughable that people think the BOT is hiding incriminating information on Paterno, Spanier, Curley, and Schultz about the Sandusky case. The evidence shows they were working hand in hand with the OAG to help them build a case and at the end of the day, they had 3 (unauthenticated) emails and a few notes to hang their hats on. Actually, prosecuting attorney Bruce Beemer essentially said the whole case is made by the questionable 2001 email.

If there is anything in the Freeh Source Materials that is being hidden, it is exculpatory in nature.
Thanks Ray. I think this might be the first time I saw the info that Suhey and Lubert were informed about the investigation in 2009. Is this from one of your reports? If so, can you link it here, please.

See page 22. Lubert and Suhey at top of the list. I hedged a bit by putting (or May 2011) on the slide.

Since that time, a source confirmed Suhey was tight with Central Mountain wrestling coach Miller, who told him about Fisher.

I have not confirmed Ira Lubert in 2009, however, his involvement on the Board of Second Mile, ties to then Governor Ed Rendell, and the BOT's move to get a new legal counsel in Spring 2009 point to Lubert.

Suhey didn't have the "swing" to make that hire happen.
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Louis Freeh spent EIGHT AND A HALF MILLION DOLLARS trying to dig up dirt on Paterno.
Have we ever learned how it went from the originally announced $6.5 million to $8.5.

I've long suspected Freeh upped the ante when he couldn't find anything with which to incriminate Joe. He told them he could still deliver what the BOT wanted, but it was going to cost them more $$$. They agreed and that's when Freeh dipped into his Washington DC bag of dirty tricks.
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Have we ever learned how it went from the originally announced $6.5 million to $8.5.

I've long suspected Freeh upped the ante when he couldn't find anything with which to incriminate Joe. He told them he could still deliver what the BOT wanted, but it was going to cost them more $$$. They agreed and that's when Freeh dipped into his Washington DC bag of dirty tricks.
I'm guessing Freeh is billing PSU for his legal fees responding to the Spanier and PMA lawsuits.
Well, there is a reason I asked that question. I was banned on this board when the scandal broke. The reason I was banned was this question..."Is it really such a stretch to believe Joe was human and possibly looked the other way to protect something he loved?" I found it amazing out of all the posts I've ever made here...that was the one that got me banned?
I have never waivered from this one thing. I want to know how Joe would possibly be protecting his football program by covering up for Sandusky? If he KNOWS Jerry is a pedophile, he turns him in and is an even bigger hero. I think you need to go read the testimony of Dr. John Dranov. Mike McQueary
Just remember this. Pedophiles don't run around with PEDOPHILE tattooed on their forehead. They really are difficult to catch and prosecute. Compound it with a guy who keeps being vetted and allowed to adopt children, along with being allowed to have multiple foster children. THAT is a failure of Child and Youth Services and the PA Department of Welfare.
Nope. Sorry. Paterno said:

Q: I think you used the term fondling. Is that the term that you used?

Mr. Paterno: Well, I don’t know what you would call it. Obviously, he was doing something with the youngster.

It was a sexual nature. I’m not sure exactly what it was.

I didn’t push Mike to describe exactly what it was because he was very upset. Obviously, I was in a little bit of a dilemma since Mr. Sandusky was not working for me anymore.

So I told — I didn’t go any further than that except I knew Mike was upset and I knew some kind of inappropriate action was being taken by Jerry Sandusky with a youngster.

Emphasis added.
I would like to see a video of that testimony. Joe had a funny way of answering questions with a question. I would also like to see a video of Joe with the police right before his trip to the witness chair. He was in his mid-80s and couldn't remember players names. How he would remember something a decade earlier, without some coaching, is beyond me. I live with a guy in his mid-80s. He can't remember things that happened four hours previous.
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I have never waivered from this one thing. I want to know how Joe would possibly be protecting his football program by covering up for Sandusky? If he KNOWS Jerry is a pedophile, he turns him in and is an even bigger hero. I think you need to go read the testimony of Dr. John Dranov. Mike McQueary
Just remember this. Pedophiles don't run around with PEDOPHILE tattooed on their forehead. They really are difficult to catch and prosecute. Compound it with a guy who keeps being vetted and allowed to adopt children, along with being allowed to have multiple foster children. THAT is a failure of Child and Youth Services and the PA Department of Welfare.

I would like to see a video of that testimony. Joe had a funny way of answering questions with a question. I would also like to see a video of Joe with the police right before his trip to the witness chair. He was in his mid-80s and couldn't remember players names. How he would remember something a decade earlier, without some coaching, is beyond me. I live with a guy in his mid-80s. He can't remember things that happened four hours previous.
People don't understand this part of it because the don't want to understand it. It is an inconvenient fact of life.
The statement "It was a sexual nature." is a pretty emphatic statement. No reason to think that he would use that phrase unless he felt it expressed his thoughts.

Kinda difficult to work around that sworn statement. He either meant what he testified or he wasn't truthful to the GJ. You can't pick and choose what pieces to accept as truth and throw the others out because they aren't convenient.

I agree, it isn't rocket science.

How do you know he didn't say "It was of a sexual nature?" Note the question mark. You'd have to listen to the original tape to be sure. Folks sometimes do answer a question with a question.

I am not saying this is what happened. But it's as plausible as many of the conjectures made here. Especially when it was followed by "I'm not sure exactly what it was", as noted by posters on both sides of the issue.
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I have never waivered from this one thing. I want to know how Joe would possibly be protecting his football program by covering up for Sandusky? If he KNOWS Jerry is a pedophile, he turns him in and is an even bigger hero. I think you need to go read the testimony of Dr. John Dranov. Mike McQueary
Just remember this. Pedophiles don't run around with PEDOPHILE tattooed on their forehead. They really are difficult to catch and prosecute. Compound it with a guy who keeps being vetted and allowed to adopt children, along with being allowed to have multiple foster children. THAT is a failure of Child and Youth Services and the PA Department of Welfare.

I would like to see a video of that testimony. Joe had a funny way of answering questions with a question. I would also like to see a video of Joe with the police right before his trip to the witness chair. He was in his mid-80s and couldn't remember players names. How he would remember something a decade earlier, without some coaching, is beyond me. I live with a guy in his mid-80s. He can't remember things that happened four hours previous.
And let's not forget that Mike testified specifically that he did not see fondling. In fact, he said he did not even see Sandusky's hands. Did Joe infer it? Did Mike imply it? Very possible. But why would Joe use that term? Who planted that seed in his head if it wasn't Mike?