Film Study - How Does Beau Pribula Alter The PSU Offense?


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2020

See Link. Basically wanted to convey how the threat of Beau's legs completely changes the PSU run game...even when he doesn't keep the ball. Basically, the backside defenders who were cheating against RPOs and Zone Reads all season because Allar A. wouldn't pull when he clearly should or B. can't make D's pay when he did pull because he's stiff and slow, now had to hesitate and respect Pribula, which made running lanes for Allen and Singleton wider and cleaner.

See Link. Basically wanted to convey how the threat of Beau's legs completely changes the PSU run game...even when he doesn't keep the ball. Basically, the backside defenders who were cheating against RPOs and Zone Reads all season because Allar A. wouldn't pull when he clearly should or B. can't make D's pay when he did pull because he's stiff and slow, now had to hesitate and respect Pribula, which made running lanes for Allen and Singleton wider and cleaner.

Codutti does another great job. A summary: Allar is a pro style Qb. Pribula is a RPO style qb. Don't try to turn one into the other!

Three questions in my mind result from this unbelievable revelation:

1) Why wasn't Beau put into the Ohio State or UM game sooner. Franklin said early on there was a Beau package and we would need it for big games down the road. Of course, the hate-Franklin-bots said at that time that he was crazy. The only thing crazy about it, was it wasn't used when needed.

2) It took an injury to Allar to put Beau into to the Rutgers game. Huh?

3) I would have fired Yurcich after the 4th game. Why didn't that happen. All the BS about taking what a team gives you was a disguise for a mad scientist experiment supporting why not to TRY to turn a natural pro style pocket passer into an RPO qb.

In any event, I hope Beau can show off some passing skills this weekend and I hope Allar heals up and is allowed by this staff to play in a pro style offense and game plan.
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Great stuff. Thank you!

Beau played great after falling down in his previous opportunities. He compliments this offense and came out prepared. Not just his play but his demeanor was excellent. He's been waiting for this.

The caution is that Rutgers was clearly not prepared for him. With some film study, teams will make him play to his weaknesses, not his strengths. In other words, they'll gameplan to take his strengths away. If he can't exert his strengths, he'll have to go to his weaknesses and hope that is better than the defense's weaknesses.

I think CJF decided to go with a conservative run game, no passing, as this was Beau's first meaningful minutes and he didn't want to risk the game with a stupid mistake.

He clearly fits this offense better than Allar, at least up against a D not prepared for a running QB. CJF's hiring will be an interesting tell: Are we going to go with a coach who is better with the passing game or a zone-read running QB?
Awesome stuff as always. It's just inarguable that this is the type of offense we are most comfortable with. RPO stuff with a mobile QB. It's trace, it's what Franklin turned clifford into(good/bad/or indifferent) and it's just not suited at all for Allar unfortunately. I'm not sure that this is the offense that could beat an OSU/Michigan and I have pointed out many times that it leads to injury at the QB position, but there is no doubt that it's the style we are most comfortable in. We were running some of this with Allar, but he just isn't a run threat(I don't care that he did get some gainers over the last few weeks). It's not up to me, but I think a pro style offense with a big physical downhill running attack is where we need to evolve, but I just don't think our coaches are comfortable in that system. It speaks to the fractures between MY and Franklin that Allar was even brought in here. MY wanted him, thought he could build an offense to suit him, but it ended up being a poor match of offensive philosophies in which nothing really won out, nothing was particularly successful, no identity was formed at all. I haven't been convinced that Allar is a legitimate transfer concern, but this video changes that for me. No doubt, Pribula and this type of system gives us the best chance at success with the pieces and staff we have now. If we played OSU next week, for one more shot, and both guys healthy, would anyone promote the idea of Allar at this point? Don't get me wrong, I think he can be a star in the right system, it's just not our system, it's not what our staff knows. How natural it all looked, the line was better, the backs had room....the way Pribula carries out those fakes. I know it's rutgers and I know they were gassed, but how natural and smooth flowing everything was when he was in there was sort of amazing. It looked like he had been playing all year, he commanded that huddle, and just provided so much juice and order to everything on that side of the ball. Again, I don't think I'm thrilled by the idea that we are going to be subjecting our QB to multiple hits a game, I don't think this is a championship offense by any means.....but it feels like the right fit after watching whatever we were doing with Allar through 9 weeks.
Some good stuff. A good running Qb certainly changes the game. Puts a lot more pressure on the D front seven. And if you make a few big gainers it really gets them out of sort trying on the fly to compensate and innovate.

But it’s way to early to call him the starter. Until he can show a consistent passing attack he will not succeed. And I believe he is a good passer from his high school tapes but he hasn’t been allowed to show anything. Most likely the coaches fear an interception, especially since our receivers never seem to get much separation.

Would like to see him play more next game even if Allar is healthy. He needs to have some experience for his own good. The coaches need to see him in game action. And he needs to know he will be given a fair shot….treating him like Levis will get the same results we got with Levis……seeing him portal out and excel elsewhere.
Some good stuff. A good running Qb certainly changes the game. Puts a lot more pressure on the D front seven. And if you make a few big gainers it really gets them out of sort trying on the fly to compensate and innovate.

But it’s way to early to call him the starter. Until he can show a consistent passing attack he will not succeed. And I believe he is a good passer from his high school tapes but he hasn’t been allowed to show anything. Most likely the coaches fear an interception, especially since our receivers never seem to get much separation.

Would like to see him play more next game even if Allar is healthy. He needs to have some experience for his own good. The coaches need to see him in game action. And he needs to know he will be given a fair shot….treating him like Levis will get the same results we got with Levis……seeing him portal out and excel elsewhere.
At the beginning of the Michigan-Nebraska game earlier this season, I recall one of the announcers saying that Michigan's defensive coordinator told him that what he feared most was a qb who has the ability to run.
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Awesome stuff as always. It's just inarguable that this is the type of offense we are most comfortable with. RPO stuff with a mobile QB. It's trace, it's what Franklin turned clifford into(good/bad/or indifferent) and it's just not suited at all for Allar unfortunately. I'm not sure that this is the offense that could beat an OSU/Michigan and I have pointed out many times that it leads to injury at the QB position, but there is no doubt that it's the style we are most comfortable in. We were running some of this with Allar, but he just isn't a run threat(I don't care that he did get some gainers over the last few weeks). It's not up to me, but I think a pro style offense with a big physical downhill running attack is where we need to evolve, but I just don't think our coaches are comfortable in that system. It speaks to the fractures between MY and Franklin that Allar was even brought in here. MY wanted him, thought he could build an offense to suit him, but it ended up being a poor match of offensive philosophies in which nothing really won out, nothing was particularly successful, no identity was formed at all. I haven't been convinced that Allar is a legitimate transfer concern, but this video changes that for me. No doubt, Pribula and this type of system gives us the best chance at success with the pieces and staff we have now. If we played OSU next week, for one more shot, and both guys healthy, would anyone promote the idea of Allar at this point? Don't get me wrong, I think he can be a star in the right system, it's just not our system, it's not what our staff knows. How natural it all looked, the line was better, the backs had room....the way Pribula carries out those fakes. I know it's rutgers and I know they were gassed, but how natural and smooth flowing everything was when he was in there was sort of amazing. It looked like he had been playing all year, he commanded that huddle, and just provided so much juice and order to everything on that side of the ball. Again, I don't think I'm thrilled by the idea that we are going to be subjecting our QB to multiple hits a game, I don't think this is a championship offense by any means.....but it feels like the right fit after watching whatever we were doing with Allar through 9 weeks.
All last year and even after the WV game this year, all Coach Codutti talked about was how Clifford held us back and Allar was the future that could take us to the next level. Now that's out the door and it's Pribula.

It's the offensive scheme that's wrong, not the QB.
All last year and even after the WV game this year, all Coach Codutti talked about was how Clifford held us back and Allar was the future that could take us to the next level. Now that's out the door and it's Pribula.

It's the offensive scheme that's wrong, not the QB.
I actually agree. I find it amazing that we can't put an offense that underscores the strengths of a 5 star QB with a rocket arm and our stable of backs. It is what it is, Franklin is most comfortable with a running QB.
I actually agree. I find it amazing that we can't put an offense that underscores the strengths of a 5 star QB with a rocket arm and our stable of backs. It is what it is, Franklin is most comfortable with a running QB.
IMHO, it is because we couldn't establish a run game due to the fact that we ran a zone-read without the zone-read. Secondly, because we only had one talented WR. Allar has his problems as well, but it was clear he digressed and started to think about what he was doing instead of just performing. You don't have time to think out there. You think before and after, not during.
How would you like to be MSU's DC? He's got NO IDEA who to defend on Friday. Gotta believe Beau gets snaps even if Drew starts. This could be fun.
I think you have to add inconsistent passing accuracy to the list
I don't think his lack of accuracy is bad. I've seen a lot of drops and route confusion.

Take the third play of the game against Rutgers, a critical play. It is third and five (or close to it). I believe it was Cephas dragging over the middle with Warren in the seam behind him. Allar throws it over Cephas who jumps up because he thinks it is to him. It goes over his head and hits Warren right in the mitts and he drops it. Did Cephas tip it? Distract Warren? Or just another drop? Either way, it goes into the books as an incomplete. On another, Cephas was wide open and Allar thought he was running an out and Cephas sat down in the open area. Another incomplete. a

It really reminds me if Gisicki. the guy couldn't catch a cold and dropped several critical third down passes his first year as a starter. The next year he comes out and doesn't miss a thing. I don't think he dropped a pass the entire game.

the reason why I point out the Cephas/Warren play on the third play is that Rutgers got the ball and ran a 9 minute drive off. We then drive for 8 minutes. We only had two possessions in the first quarter. In the second quarter, we had three possessions. That means we had a TOTAL of five drives. That's it. In those, we went Punt, TD, FG, Fumble, Punt. So two of the five drives resulted in a score, two were stops and one was a turnover.

In the second half, we only had four drives. They ended in Punt, FG, TD, TD.

Two points I'd like to make. Rutgers's long drives, probably by design, limited us to only 9 possessions. the second point is that the first half and second half were almost identical in terms of offensive production. the only difference was Singleton's fumble.
I don't think his lack of accuracy is bad. I've seen a lot of drops and route confusion.

Take the third play of the game against Rutgers, a critical play. It is third and five (or close to it). I believe it was Cephas dragging over the middle with Warren in the seam behind him. Allar throws it over Cephas who jumps up because he thinks it is to him. It goes over his head and hits Warren right in the mitts and he drops it. Did Cephas tip it? Distract Warren? Or just another drop? Either way, it goes into the books as an incomplete. On another, Cephas was wide open and Allar thought he was running an out and Cephas sat down in the open area. Another incomplete. a

It really reminds me if Gisicki. the guy couldn't catch a cold and dropped several critical third down passes his first year as a starter. The next year he comes out and doesn't miss a thing. I don't think he dropped a pass the entire game.

the reason why I point out the Cephas/Warren play on the third play is that Rutgers got the ball and ran a 9 minute drive off. We then drive for 8 minutes. We only had two possessions in the first quarter. In the second quarter, we had three possessions. That means we had a TOTAL of five drives. That's it. In those, we went Punt, TD, FG, Fumble, Punt. So two of the five drives resulted in a score, two were stops and one was a turnover.

In the second half, we only had four drives. They ended in Punt, FG, TD, TD.

Two points I'd like to make. Rutgers's long drives, probably by design, limited us to only 9 possessions. the second point is that the first half and second half were almost identical in terms of offensive production. the only difference was Singleton's fumble.
We didn't punt under Beau. First drive ended because of those 2 ridiculous sneaks.
Well when you don’t let him throw what’s the use of putting him in the game? Will Levis the ||
Well when you don’t let him throw what’s the use of putting him in the game? Will Levis the ||
He did throw: 4 passing plays were called, on one he audibles to a run on the rpo, on 2 others he had receivers covered and ran for first downs and big yardage, and on the 4th he threw.
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Codutti does another great job. A summary: Allar is a pro style Qb. Pribula is a RPO style qb. Don't try to turn one into the other!

Three questions in my mind result from this unbelievable revelation:

1) Why wasn't Beau put into the Ohio State or UM game sooner. Franklin said early on there was a Beau package and we would need it for big games down the road. Of course, the hate-Franklin-bots said at that time that he was crazy. The only thing crazy about it, was it wasn't used when needed.

2) It took an injury to Allar to put Beau into to the Rutgers game. Huh?

3) I would have fired Yurcich after the 4th game. Why didn't that happen. All the BS about taking what a team gives you was a disguise for a mad scientist experiment supporting why not to TRY to turn a natural pro style pocket passer into an RPO qb.

In any event, I hope Beau can show off some passing skills this weekend and I hope Allar heals up and is allowed by this staff to play in a pro style offense and game plan.
You would have fired Yurcich after Iowa? I was the only one on here saying he was a shit OC. Everyone else said how hes doing just a fine job.
Awesome stuff as always. It's just inarguable that this is the type of offense we are most comfortable with. RPO stuff with a mobile QB. It's trace, it's what Franklin turned clifford into(good/bad/or indifferent) and it's just not suited at all for Allar unfortunately. I'm not sure that this is the offense that could beat an OSU/Michigan and I have pointed out many times that it leads to injury at the QB position, but there is no doubt that it's the style we are most comfortable in. We were running some of this with Allar, but he just isn't a run threat(I don't care that he did get some gainers over the last few weeks). It's not up to me, but I think a pro style offense with a big physical downhill running attack is where we need to evolve, but I just don't think our coaches are comfortable in that system. It speaks to the fractures between MY and Franklin that Allar was even brought in here. MY wanted him, thought he could build an offense to suit him, but it ended up being a poor match of offensive philosophies in which nothing really won out, nothing was particularly successful, no identity was formed at all. I haven't been convinced that Allar is a legitimate transfer concern, but this video changes that for me. No doubt, Pribula and this type of system gives us the best chance at success with the pieces and staff we have now. If we played OSU next week, for one more shot, and both guys healthy, would anyone promote the idea of Allar at this point? Don't get me wrong, I think he can be a star in the right system, it's just not our system, it's not what our staff knows. How natural it all looked, the line was better, the backs had room....the way Pribula carries out those fakes. I know it's rutgers and I know they were gassed, but how natural and smooth flowing everything was when he was in there was sort of amazing. It looked like he had been playing all year, he commanded that huddle, and just provided so much juice and order to everything on that side of the ball. Again, I don't think I'm thrilled by the idea that we are going to be subjecting our QB to multiple hits a game, I don't think this is a championship offense by any means.....but it feels like the right fit after watching whatever we were doing with Allar through 9 weeks.
Even in an RPO system, your QB has to be able to throw. We don’t know if Pribula can do that because he hasn’t been asked or had to do that. I for one don’t think Allar is the problem. He has been handicapped by poor development and predictable play calling by an OC who was supposed to be a QB guru. Franklin said it best after Michigan—Penn State has to call plays that get him some easy throws “like everybody else does”. I thought Yurcich turned a corner with the play calling against Maryland but he turtled up again against Michigan—predictable run plays on early downs against a defense playing the run which resulted in too many 3rd and longs. As Franklin noted after Allen ran for 9 yards on first down Yurcich calls a pass behind the line of scrimmage to a kid who had hardly played in a month which resulted in a loss. Franklin also said that call was supposed to be a run play. But even if you want to pass in that situation throw the ball up the field so that it’s still 3rd and 1 if it’s incomplete.

See Link. Basically wanted to convey how the threat of Beau's legs completely changes the PSU run game...even when he doesn't keep the ball. Basically, the backside defenders who were cheating against RPOs and Zone Reads all season because Allar A. wouldn't pull when he clearly should or B. can't make D's pay when he did pull because he's stiff and slow, now had to hesitate and respect Pribula, which made running lanes for Allen and Singleton wider and cleaner.
That’s fine and no question Pribula played well. But this came against a gassed Rutgers team which clearly wasn’t prepared for his style of play. Although I don’t think MSU is very good, I would expect them to be better prepared for him this week. We’ll see
How would you like to be MSU's DC? He's got NO IDEA who to defend on Friday. Gotta believe Beau gets snaps even if Drew starts. This could be fun.
I believe that besides scheming for both Allar and Pribula, the MSU DC is activity looking for a new job. Another distraction hopefully on his focus.
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IMHO, it is because we couldn't establish a run game due to the fact that we ran a zone-read without the zone-read. Secondly, because we only had one talented WR. Allar has his problems as well, but it was clear he digressed and started to think about what he was doing instead of just performing. You don't have time to think out there. You think before and after, not during.
I think if we had more of a downhill running scheme it opens other things up. The offensive line looks better because they don't have to hold blocks as long, wide receivers start to get open because LB's have to react quicker to run plays, etc. The whole thing can change. Just giving the offense a little confidence makes everyone play better.
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At the beginning of the Michigan-Nebraska game earlier this season, I recall one of the announcers saying that Michigan's defensive coordinator told him that what he feared most was a qb who has the ability to run.
No doubt having a dual threat qb creates all kinds of problems.
Great stuff. Thank you!

Beau played great after falling down in his previous opportunities. He compliments this offense and came out prepared. Not just his play but his demeanor was excellent. He's been waiting for this.

The caution is that Rutgers was clearly not prepared for him. With some film study, teams will make him play to his weaknesses, not his strengths. In other words, they'll gameplan to take his strengths away. If he can't exert his strengths, he'll have to go to his weaknesses and hope that is better than the defense's weaknesses.

I think CJF decided to go with a conservative run game, no passing, as this was Beau's first meaningful minutes and he didn't want to risk the game with a stupid mistake.

He clearly fits this offense better than Allar, at least up against a D not prepared for a running QB. CJF's hiring will be an interesting tell: Are we going to go with a coach who is better with the passing game or a zone-read running QB?
In my humble opinion he fits this offense better for one reason. Lack of WR talent.
In my humble opinion he fits this offense better for one reason. Lack of WR talent.
It seems when Pribula and the current WR corps take the field PSU has a one dimensional offense. 95% running and 5% passing. Might still be good enough to beat MSU, but I'm hoping Allar gets turned loose somewhat and that KLS, Cephas, Saunders, Clifford and McClain can get some separation and make a few plays............
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