141 and 165 question for all that seem to know more than the coaches

NoVa Lion

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
Convince me why either Moss or Morelli would score ANY points at NCAAs and I'd like to hear facts, not just BA and innuendo. Many have voiced opinions on this matter, but you know what they say about opinions and a**holes. Based on results this year I see no way why either Moss or Morelli would do better than winning one wrestle back match, which would score 0.5 team points. And before you spout off about bonus points tell me who in the top 33 (which is who will be at NCAAs) either of them has beaten by bonus points, or even has beaten at all because I already researched it and Moss has beaten #23 and Morelli has beaten #25 and #27 to date and they have also both lost multiple matches to wrestlers NOT in the top 33.
Convince me why either Moss or Morelli would score ANY points at NCAAs and I'd like to hear facts, not just BA and innuendo. Many have voiced opinions on this matter, but you know what they say about opinions and a**holes. Based on results this year I see no way why either Moss or Morelli would do better than winning one wrestle back match, which would score 0.5 team points. And before you spout off about bonus points tell me who in the top 33 (which is who will be at NCAAs) either of them has beaten by bonus points, or even has beaten at all because I already researched it and Moss has beaten #23 and Morelli has beaten #25 and #27 to date and they have also both lost multiple matches to wrestlers NOT in the top 33.

An argument based on facts against you Nova is a fools errand. I for one am not prepared to take the bait, mostly because I agree with your premise, but also because I don't consider myself a fool.
An argument based on facts against you Nova is a fools errand. I for one am not prepared to take the bait, mostly because I agree with your premise, but also because I don't consider myself a fool.

Touche. Off topic, did you send any of your ideas re allocation of NCAA tickets to PSU, PSUWC, etc? I've been wracking my brains trying to figure out a better way for PSU to allocate tickets and haven't come up with one yet. Prime example is myself. This will be my 15th year in a row, however, it will be my 3rd year in a row where I did not order tickets from PSU because others in my group had more NLC points. I guess we would need to contact the ticket office and find out what they do and don't know about NCAA ticket orders. I don't expect it will be a problem next year in St. Louis, but the same thing may happen again in 2018 in Cleveland. Definitely has me worried.
You see, I'm not a Morelli fan either. I agree with you. I'm a big Rasheed fan, but he just can't hold the weight and someone mentioned that the coaches have moved on from that option. So, to me, Hammond is the best option. He hammers inferior opponents. He might find one or two guys like that at nationals.

Moss isn't going to do anything. Go with Jimmy. Again, I agree.

Calm down. Sensitive board is sensitive.
Convince me why either Moss or Morelli would score ANY points at NCAAs and I'd like to hear facts, not just BA and innuendo. Many have voiced opinions on this matter, but you know what they say about opinions and a**holes. Based on results this year I see no way why either Moss or Morelli would do better than winning one wrestle back match, which would score 0.5 team points. And before you spout off about bonus points tell me who in the top 33 (which is who will be at NCAAs) either of them has beaten by bonus points, or even has beaten at all because I already researched it and Moss has beaten #23 and Morelli has beaten #25 and #27 to date and they have also both lost multiple matches to wrestlers NOT in the top 33.

I hear what you're saying and don't disagree, BUT I think the issue is more about SR in a "tournament setting" rather than individual dual results. Morelli won the NLO beating both SR and GH. At the SS RS was out-pointed by both Hammond and Morelli. Morelli beat Hammond again at the Scuffle and finished higher (5th vs 7th). Hammond scored one more point in the tournament 15.5 points vs 14.5 for GM I believe - however both more than doubled the point production of RS because he was unable to wrestle multiple consecutive matches and weigh-ins that a tournament setting requires. SR is susceptible to losing to anybody with a motor than can take him into the 3rd period and once he loses, which could be to just about anyone in the NCAA Tourney, he is toast on the wrestle-back as well.

I understand that the NCAA is even more difficult than the SS in terms of early round talent-level, but that makes SR's performance and paltry point production at the SS all that much more concerning, no?
And since the coaches will be going with Morelli, I really wish you'd stop claiming you know more than them.
I am not bringing my knife to this gunfight.

I encourage others to try. It will make for entertaining reading.
And since the coaches will be going with Morelli, I really wish you'd stop claiming you know more than them.

Wow, the troll continues to spout. Try calming down are not Flunking Reading Comprehension 101. ROTFLMAO. Once again you are consistently a troll. :p
Touche. Off topic, did you send any of your ideas re allocation of NCAA tickets to PSU, PSUWC, etc? I've been wracking my brains trying to figure out a better way for PSU to allocate tickets and haven't come up with one yet. Prime example is myself. This will be my 15th year in a row, however, it will be my 3rd year in a row where I did not order tickets from PSU because others in my group had more NLC points. I guess we would need to contact the ticket office and find out what they do and don't know about NCAA ticket orders. I don't expect it will be a problem next year in St. Louis, but the same thing may happen again in 2018 in Cleveland. Definitely has me worried.

Unfortunately, I did not. One has a tendency to not be so aggressive in their pursuit of something they have already acquired. Luckily for me, this year, a good friend invited me to the suite he has at MSG, so the ticket problem facing so many did not affect me. The entire crew of our guys, some of which have not missed an NCAA tournament in 30 years, did not get their tickets through the usual channels. This problem could be solved simply with a larger allocation to Penn State in general, which I have a hard time understanding why we only got 750.

Now next year, I might be like a bull in a china shop if the same situation rears it's ugly head!!
I hear what you're saying and don't disagree, BUT I think the issue is more about SR in a "tournament setting" rather than individual dual results. Morelli won the NLO beating both SR and GH. At the SS RS was out-pointed by both Hammond and Morelli. Morelli beat Hammond again at the Scuffle and finished higher (5th vs 7th). Hammond scored one more point in the tournament 15.5 points vs 14.5 for GM I believe - however both more than doubled the point production of RS because he was unable to wrestle multiple consecutive matches and weigh-ins that a tournament setting requires. SR is susceptible to losing to anybody with a motor than can take him into the 3rd period and once he loses, which could be to just about anyone in the NCAA Tourney, he is toast on the wrestle-back as well.

I understand that the NCAA is even more difficult than the SS in terms of early round talent-level, but that makes SR's performance and paltry point production at the SS all that much more concerning, no?

You nailed my thoughts exactly. If Rasheed vets gassed in the 3rd every dual meet its reasonable to believe he would struggle in a tournament setting in which you ideally go multiple matches in one day which requires stamina.
Convince me why either Moss or Morelli would score ANY points at NCAAs and I'd like to hear facts, not just BA and innuendo. Many have voiced opinions on this matter, but you know what they say about opinions and a**holes. Based on results this year I see no way why either Moss or Morelli would do better than winning one wrestle back match, which would score 0.5 team points. And before you spout off about bonus points tell me who in the top 33 (which is who will be at NCAAs) either of them has beaten by bonus points, or even has beaten at all because I already researched it and Moss has beaten #23 and Morelli has beaten #25 and #27 to date and they have also both lost multiple matches to wrestlers NOT in the top 33.

165 Only. What have you done for me lately matters the most in my mind.....especially with less experienced guys. Morelli can wrestle hard for 7 minutes. Rasheed cannot. You saw the matches this weekend. The fact both are still out there tells me the staff hasn't made up their minds. So if you have, maybe you know more than them.;)

While you can second guess me all you want, I am not second guessing whatever the staff comes up with. If you want a fight, you will have to look elsewhere.
Convince me why either Moss or Morelli would score ANY points at NCAAs and I'd like to hear facts, not just BA and innuendo. Many have voiced opinions on this matter, but you know what they say about opinions and a**holes. Based on results this year I see no way why either Moss or Morelli would do better than winning one wrestle back match, which would score 0.5 team points. And before you spout off about bonus points tell me who in the top 33 (which is who will be at NCAAs) either of them has beaten by bonus points, or even has beaten at all because I already researched it and Moss has beaten #23 and Morelli has beaten #25 and #27 to date and they have also both lost multiple matches to wrestlers NOT in the top 33.

In his interview with JB before the MSU dual Cael basically said they will be going with Gino. He said that Shakur has a great attitude and effort but that his body won't ler him wrestle 165.
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Touche. Off topic, did you send any of your ideas re allocation of NCAA tickets to PSU, PSUWC, etc? I've been wracking my brains trying to figure out a better way for PSU to allocate tickets and haven't come up with one yet. Prime example is myself. This will be my 15th year in a row, however, it will be my 3rd year in a row where I did not order tickets from PSU because others in my group had more NLC points. I guess we would need to contact the ticket office and find out what they do and don't know about NCAA ticket orders. I don't expect it will be a problem next year in St. Louis, but the same thing may happen again in 2018 in Cleveland. Definitely has me worried.
Off topic a bit, but in line with this specific post.
Next year we will continue to order the same season tickets we have had since towards the end of Rich's tenure. Continue to contribute to NLC, but less. But we are making arrangements to get our NCAA tickets through a different, more freaking reliable source.
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165 Only. What have you done for me lately matters the most in my mind.....especially with less experienced guys. Morelli can wrestle hard for 7 minutes. Rasheed cannot. You saw the matches this weekend. The fact both are still out there tells me the staff hasn't made up their minds. So if you have, maybe you know more than them.;)

While you can second guess me all you want, I am not second guessing whatever the staff comes up with. If you want a fight, you will have to look elsewhere.

165: Of course the point is moot now since Morelli will be moving forward. That said, IF Rasheed could have managed the weight, he would have been the guy. We know what he looks like when he doesn't gas. But this is a little deeper. It isn't just the gassing and a 1 day weigh in, there is concern he could even make weight over 2 days AND 3 days without keeling over. If he could, but still gassed....his 1-2 record at NCAA with a real threat to pin at least a first wrestle back match is better than 2-2 Morelli with no bonus. Eventually, without more data and the speed with which SR went south v Lehigh......the choice had to be made in the other direction. This is a very tough decision. But I also choose to think Geno...with a supportive wind behind his back will find a way to pick up an extra win at Nationals. Or a Pin. That would be pleasant, but not a surprise. He is a vastly better wrestler than his Pitt days.

141: Didn't Moss pin Heil once? :) If he did, that's a little bit of fact, NoVa. It's also a fact that a struggling JG has proven if the switch goes on, it goes all the way to AA. Can't ignore that.
165: Of course the point is moot now since Morelli will be moving forward. That said, IF Rasheed could have managed the weight, he would have been the guy. We know what he looks like when he doesn't gas. But this is a little deeper. It isn't just the gassing and a 1 day weigh in, there is concern he could even make weight over 2 days AND 3 days without keeling over. If he could, but still gassed....his 1-2 record at NCAA with a real threat to pin at least a first wrestle back match is better than 2-2 Morelli with no bonus. Eventually, without more data and the speed with which SR went south v Lehigh......the choice had to be made in the other direction. This is a very tough decision. But I also choose to think Geno...with a supportive wind behind his back will find a way to pick up an extra win at Nationals. Or a Pin. That would be pleasant, but not a surprise. He is a vastly better wrestler than his Pitt days.

141: Didn't Moss pin Heil once? :) If he did, that's a little bit of fact, NoVa. It's also a fact that a struggling JG has proven if the switch goes on, it goes all the way to AA. Can't ignore that.

I see only Cowbell saw fit to bother answering my question, the point of which everyone else seems to have missed. The point was that based on this year results the odds are Moss and Morelli score anywhere of 0-3 points total between them at NCAAs, with the most likely number being 0. With seeding to 16 now the only way to get an easy first round match at NCAAs is to luck into a pigtail. Therefore, this do or die decision that we need to make at 141 and 165 is pretty much a moot point as to how many points we score at NCAAs so why is everyone so concerned about it.?
I see only Cowbell saw fit to bother answering my question, the point of which everyone else seems to have missed. The point was that based on this year results the odds are Moss and Morelli score anywhere of 0-3 points total between them at NCAAs, with the most likely number being 0. With seeding to 16 now the only way to get an easy first round match at NCAAs is to luck into a pigtail. Therefore, this do or die decision that we need to make at 141 and 165 is pretty much a moot point as to how many points we score at NCAAs so why is everyone so concerned about it.?

If you could erase the "most like number being 0" from the post it would be better. I don't believe that is true, particularly for Morelli. I think he is a 2-2 guy, which without bonus is between 1 and 2 points. He has only lost to #2 & #3 Jordans, #15 Pickett 2 times (the last in OT), #9 Staudenmeyer and #14 Wilson. He is going to have to get over that level of wrestler for a 2 and 2 record, of course.
165 is pretty deep. Looks like 7 slots at most for the Big Ten, so unless Geno knocks off one of the Jordan's, Rodrigues, Welch, Perrotti, or Wilson, he'll likely be fighting Krone (Minn) or Sutton (Mich) just for the right to go to NCAA's. Of course he's capable of winning any of those matches, even the guys seeded ahead of him, but it'll be settled on the we know.

As for the NCAA Championship, I do not see a seed for him, which means random draw for the 1st Round, and pigtail unlikely. Hope for a good draw.
165 is pretty deep. Looks like 7 slots at most for the Big Ten, so unless Geno knocks off one of the Jordan's, Rodrigues, Welch, Perrotti, or Wilson, he'll likely be fighting Krone (Minn) or Sutton (Mich) just for the right to go to NCAA's. Of course he's capable of winning any of those matches, even the guys seeded ahead of him, but it'll be settled on the we know.

As for the NCAA Championship, I do not see a seed for him, which means random draw for the 1st Round, and pigtail unlikely. Hope for a good draw.
Agree on all points, Roar. He should have an allocation for B10 so one could say others will be fighting him for those last two spots and the right to go to NCAA. It would be disappointing if he doesn't win those, but I see no reason he wouldn't.

NCAA? Heavens, definitely no seed without a MAJOR run in the B10. Hope for the good draw, and/or no upsets that drop into his backside. is the NCAA...that is what happens.
Krone could possibly break into the coaches panel with an upset over Weatherman (#10 CP). Long shot for Sutton with an upset over #12 McFadden. Maybe both win, Hah. This weekends matches count towards the rankings, right?
> Hope for the good draw, and/or
> no upsets that drop into his backside.

Is an upset that drops into the backside a reverse Brunson? <rimshot>
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Krone could possibly break into the coaches panel with an upset over Weatherman (#10 CP). Long shot for Sutton with an upset over #12 McFadden. Maybe both win, Hah. This weekends matches count towards the rankings, right?
Yep, all count.
I see only Cowbell saw fit to bother answering my question, the point of which everyone else seems to have missed. The point was that based on this year results the odds are Moss and Morelli score anywhere of 0-3 points total between them at NCAAs, with the most likely number being 0. With seeding to 16 now the only way to get an easy first round match at NCAAs is to luck into a pigtail. Therefore, this do or die decision that we need to make at 141 and 165 is pretty much a moot point as to how many points we score at NCAAs so why is everyone so concerned about it.?

We want to "be concerned" or talk about this because this is what the coaches and fans do. I see Gulibon at 141 and Morelli at 165. Not just how many bonus points you can score but also how many bonus points you may give up to our top competitor's for the NCAA championship. I don't see either Jimmy of Geno giving up much in the way of bonus points. Don't see them getting many either. I think Moss and Rasheed are not safe considering possible bonus points that could be given up to top teams.
We should always assume it would be close.

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