That call…

PSU won? Yet day 3 of this.
Sorry…one of my weaknesses is the inability to let bullshit go completely unchecked on a forum (especially when the one spewing it can’t do so without using phrases such as “Douchey”, “douche-wad”, and “Richard-head”). I should probably just let it go, but when the other guy can’t even accept video evidence from ABC and uses the conspiracy theory that it’s been edited, it puts me on tilt.
Sorry…one of my weaknesses is the inability to let bullshit go completely unchecked on a forum (especially when the one spewing it can’t do so without using phrases such as “Douchey”, “douche-wad”, and “Richard-head”). I should probably just let it go, but when the other guy can’t even accept video evidence from ABC and uses the conspiracy theory that it’s been edited, it puts me on tilt.
Villanova, Villanova.......
Try this, Auburn had the center covered on the fake punt. Isn't that a penalty?
Now Franklin actually did challenge the play in your world? I guess ABC was also able to edit that entire sequence out of the video (and didn’t charge us with a timeout).

To anyone that understands college football (and officiating), we know for a fact that the play wasn’t formally reviewed (and Franklin sure as hell didn’t call timeout and challenge the call).

Except FOR THE FACT that I have multiple references from both CJF and the SEC Officiating Office that 100% SUPPORT, AND ARE IN AGREEMENT WITH, my statements that Coach Franklin asked for a Replay Booth Review and was TOLD BY THE SEC CREW (again, headed by the Referee who is the only Field Official allowed to request a Review by the Replay Booth) that a a Replay Booth Review was requested and it CONFIRMED the Down as 4th in response to CJF's request! You're wholly created suppositions as to the precise and exact nuanced language used by Franklin that made it "not a request for review" and "not an explanation to Franklin that one had been done" is supported BY ABSOLUTELY NOTHING EXCEPT YOUR SELF-SERVING DELUSIONAL DECLARATION that this is what was said and happened....blah, blah, blah.... IOW nothing but your self-serving, arrogant, made-up BULLSHIT and spin.
Except FOR THE FACT that I have multiple references from both CJF and the SEC Officiating Office that 100% SUPPORT AND IN AGREEMENT WITH my statements that Coach Franklin asked for a Replay Booth Review and was TOLD BY THE SEC CREW (again, headed by the Referee who is the only Field Official allowed to request a Review by the Replay Booth) that a a Replay Booth Review was requested and the CONFIRMED it was 4th Down in response to CJF's request! You're wholly created suppositions as to the precise and exact nuanced language used by Franklin that made it "not a request for review" and "not an explanation to Franklin that one had been done" is supported BY ABSOLUTELY NOTHING EXCEPT YOUR SELF-SERVING DELUSIONAL DECLARATION that this is what was said and happened....blah, blah, blah.... IOW nothing but your self-serving, arrogant, made-up BULLSHIT and spin.
I suggest you two guys take it to Champs parking lot. 21 Guns will be the referee. (don't know who he would cheat for).
Except FOR THE FACT that I have multiple references from both CJF and the SEC Officiating Office that 100% SUPPORT, AND ARE IN AGREEMENT WITH, my statements that Coach Franklin asked for a Replay Booth Review and was TOLD BY THE SEC CREW (again, headed by the Referee who is the only Field Official allowed to request a Review by the Replay Booth) that a a Replay Booth Review was requested and it CONFIRMED the Down as 4th in response to CJF's request! You're wholly created suppositions as to the precise and exact nuanced language used by Franklin that made it "not a request for review" and "not an explanation to Franklin that one had been done" is supported BY ABSOLUTELY NOTHING EXCEPT YOUR SELF-SERVING DELUSIONAL DECLARATION that this is what was said and happened....blah, blah, blah.... IOW nothing but your self-serving, arrogant, made-up BULLSHIT and spin.
Time to bow out…if you can’t see that Franklin didn’t challenge the play and the officials didn’t formally review it (even with video evidence that proves it, that you insanely claim was edited), there is nothing else worth discussing.
Time to bow out…if you can’t see that Franklin didn’t challenge the play and the officials didn’t formally review it (even with video evidence that proves it, that you insanely claim was edited), there is nothing else worth discussing.

Again, EXCEPT FOR THE FACTS that CJF's statements on the matter AND the SEC's Official Statement on the matter BOTH DIRECTLY CONTRADICT your claim that the REPLAY BOOTH was not contacted BY THE REFEREE and asked to REVIEW the down count (again, by formal and immutable procedure, the REFEREE is the ONLY MEMBER of the Field Crew permitted to interface with the REPLAY BOOTH). Booth of these references also DIRECTLY CONTRADICT your claim that the REFEREE did not report back that the REPLAY BOOTH CONFIRMED THE DOWN COUNT AS 4TH (again, the Referee is the only party in Field Crew permitted to interface with Replay Booth). All your bullshit postings about what constitutes an Official Booth Review is utter nonsense, as is your insistence that James Franklin has some mechanism for ignoring what the Referee is telling him and forcing him to provide another Replay Booth Review when he was just told the Replay Booth had ALREADY REVIEWED IT AND CONFIRMED IT AS 4TH DOWN. If the Referee says the Replay Booth ALREADY REVIEWED IT AND CONFIRMED IT AS 4TH DOWN, there isn't jack shit that Franklin can do to "force them" to conduct "a Review of their Review" - your notion that there is some mechanism available to Franklin allowing him to supercede the Referee and force another "Review" is laughable bullshit - if the Referee says he asked the Replay Booth to Review it and they CONFIRMED the Down as 4th... and he isn't doing any more "Reviewing" and instructs the ball set for play, there isn't jack shit Franklin can do! Franklin can call a TO but that doesn't change shit and in fact the Referee doesn't even need to go speak with Franklin - your notion that Franklin has the upper-hand in this situation and can force the Referee to conduct "a Review of the Review" is such laughable bullshit and nonsense, it isn't even worthy of a further response. What the Referee says, goes in this situation - if the Referee says the Teplay Booth was consulted, reviewed it and confirmed it as 4th Down than it's 4th Down your laughable nonsense and bullshit notwithstanding.

BTW, I guess the Referee getting on his field mic and announcing to the entire stadium and National TV Audience the result of his Official's Timeout Review to be "4th Down" isn't further evidence of the conclusions of his Official Review as evidenced by him taking an Official's Timeout to do it??? Let me guess, the Referee did this after every play???? LMAO at your bullshit that there is no evidence he conducted an Official review.... well that would be other than EVERY PIECE OF FACTUAL EVIDENCE WE HAVE including what CJF has stated he was told, what the SEC has said in their Official Statement on the matter AND the Referee calling an OFFICIAL'S TIMEOUT for the specific purpose of reviewing the Down at Franklin's Request who had vociferously yelling at him from the moment Dotson was tackled on the PSU sideline!.... and the Referee going to midfield AND ANNOUNCING THE RESULTS OF HIS REVIEW (the reason he stopped play with his Official's Timeout!) announcing to some 6.5 million people the RESULTS of his Official's Timeout Review was "4th Down!". Yea, other than all that substantial FACTUAL REALITY there is no other evidence - LMFAO!!!
Just to break the vibe, curious:

What line do you expect vs Iowa?

If form holds this Saturday and next, and there are no major injuries to either team, I think Iowa will open in the range of a 3 to 3.5-point favorite. Just a seat-of-the-pants guess on my part.
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Lehigh- Lafayette game 2019. Refs had the downs wrong and Lafayette punted on 3rd down. They figured out the mistake and gave the ball back to Lafayette for the 3 rd down. Don’t know the sequence of plays prior to the screw up.
@Parkland Fan - are you sure you have the teams and year correct? I did a bunch of digging and can't find anything in that game like the play you referenced. Thanks.
I had never seen this before. Lafayette had a personal foul called against them after they ran a first down play. Somehow the refs got it in their collective heads that it was now third down. They ran another play (didn't make a first down) and their coach starts arguing about what down it is. They get penalized for delay of game; ref says it's 4th down. They punt.

During the ensuing post-possession time out, the Lafayette coach continues his discussions with the refs and convinces them that they did, indeed, screw up the downs in the previous possession. After a protracted (20 minute!) discussion among themselves they determine that the best course of action is to turn back the clock and go back a play and allow Lafayette to run their third down play. Nutty, huh? It turns out that the Patriot League has a rule to allow such a correction if the opposing team has not run a play from scrimmage.

I couldn't help but imagine the game day thread if this had happened in a Penn State game either if the Lions had originally gotten screwed out of a down or the flip-side if their opponents were given back the ball after punting it away.

Oh, Lafayette failed to get the first down on that third down play and punted it back to Lehigh.:confused:

The bold part on. Just missing the thread running 3 days later.

@Parkland Fan - are you sure you have the teams and year correct? I did a bunch of digging and can't find anything in that game like the play you referenced. Thanks.

It was discussed here actually! Google pulled it up.
Thanks…I found video of the game, so I’ll check it out in a bit
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The sequence starts around 1:26:50 of the has some similarities to our play, in that the referees called a penalty at the end of the 1st down play as a post-play foul, and then got confused and ran the next play off as 3rd down. As was mentioned, in this instance, the referees caught their mistake in the timeout after the punt, and took things back to "erase" the punt and let them run a 3rd down play. As I mentioned earlier, the NCAA rulebook is pretty vague about this play (it mentions that you can correct it up until the other team runs a play, but I'm not sure if it really means that you can negate a punt). I asked a referee friend that does NCAA games, however he's not at the D1 level and doesn't deal with replay (but agrees that the rules isn't clear enough, and there is no example in the case book).

The funny thing is that none of the game recaps on this game mentioned the sequence, and the Lehigh football board that I found didn't even mention it in their 6 page in-game thread from that day. Seems that the McAndrew board is how @lazydave841 found it, and once again is the authority on every random thing that can happen inside and outside of football.
This is too much - you clearly have a mental cognitive disorder douche-wad - this is excepted DIRECTLY from the SEC's Official Statement on the matter:

"The replay booth was consulted to confirm the down prior to the punt. The replay booth had it as 4th down as well."

But now your speculation on these matters supercedes the actual FACTS as given by the SEC Officiating Office. God are you a douche!
@Parkland Fan - are you sure you have the teams and year correct? I did a bunch of digging and can't find anything in that game like the play you referenced. Thanks.
My source is one of the officials - not one on the field. He works upstairs and documents every play. Possible that he got the year wrong but not the teams, plays or the reversal. Overall I find him a very reliable source of athletic information. He is also an official in other collegiate sports. Perhaps the record of the punt is not in the official record since it was reversed.