Rule Changes


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2018
I’ve seen numerous suggestions on rule changes for the upcoming season. Thought I’d throw my suggestions out there for discussion. Some of these are stolen from previous posts throughout the year and social media that I’d like to see as well. Also looking for some suggestions on other situations that I haven’t thought of yet.

1. Third party reviews: I think this might be the most important. A lot of proud refs out there just can’t admit when they’re wrong. I think an outside party with ( hopefully ) various camera angles ( I know this could be difficult ) would prove to be much more efficient. Having the same people who made the call originally looking to see if they’re wrong in front of 18,000 people during a national championship is in my opinion a conflict of interest.

2. Scramble Rule: I think if your back is exposed for 5 seconds, not 3, then the two should be awarded. Furthermore, I don’t think back points should start immediately once the takedown is awarded. Another count of possibly 2 seconds should start before the count for back points. I’m sure this could be simplified if someone put more thought into it but hopefully you get my drift.

3. Push Out Stalling: For the love of me I can’t wrap my head around someone getting double unders, lifting their opponent slightly and driving them out of bounds, and getting a stall call on their opponent. If you want to enforce that rule, that should be stalling on the “aggressor”. This one unfortunately has a lot of grey area and I see no way around it. I don’t see a way to make the rule crystal clear to take out the refs judgement. If it can’t be clarified where there isn’t a judgment call, I think the rule should be taken out.

4. Below the waist stalling: I’m a little unclear on this rule due to the inconsistent calling. I’ve seen refs start the count when one hand goes below the waist, or just when both hands go below the waist. I’ve also seen the count stop when one arm comes above the waist or not stop until both arms are above the waist. I’ve seen the count start when the defensive wrestler was on the mat and stop when he came to his feet, or not stop when they came to their feet ( I seen all these situations this weekend. ) High school rule book clarifies stalling on top in 7-6 article 4. Basically as long as the offensive wrestler is working up, stalling should not be called. When an offensive wrestler drops to a leg to prevent an escape ( the first time or two ) and a whizzer is put in, that imo should be a stalemate, not a stall.

5. Hands to the face: I don’t really agree with this rule to begin with. If I’m tapping the head above the eye brow, and the opponent times it and lifts his face I get dinged? I don’t like that at all. But if you’re gonna have this rule in place then; in all other sports there are non reviewable situations and I think this should be one of them. If it is missed, it’s missed. If it’s called so be it. One possibility is maybe a warning the first time? Matches shouldnt be decided by two of the toughest individuals in ncaa sports because of a palm to the eye brows.

These are just a few I’ve thought of. I’d like to know of any others someone may have thought of, or insight to fixes of the ones I suggested.
Just scrolled down through the posts and seen another thread titled this with a similar post. Delete if you must. I apologize for that.