Ray Blehar: Conspiracy of Silence' the PA Corruption Network


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2012
North East PA, Backmountain area, age 72
Thank you again Ray,
Tuesday, August 30

PA: State of Deflection (Part 1: Kane)
The Kathleen Kane and the Conspiracy of Silence cases show that the PA Corruption Network uses a deflection strategy to get rid of its opposition

Ray Blehar

The recent conviction of former Pennsylvania (PA) Attorney General (AG) Kathleen Kane will go down in history as another instance of the PA Corruption Network (PACORN) using a prosecution to deflect attention away from its own wrong-doing.

Kane was alleged to have leaked grand jury information regarding the case of J. Whyatt Mondesire.

Unlike the previous cases in PA where the media was "all in" for writing stories from leaked information -- her alleged grand jury leaks were treated as the crime of the century.

There were numerous leaks (to the Philadelphia Inquirer) from the Montgomery County grand jury that investigated the Kane case, but neither the PACORN's media arm nor prosecutor Kevin Steele nor former prosecutor Lisa Vetri Ferman seem the least bit concerned over the Montco leaks/leakers.

The Patriot News won journalism awards for its coverage of Bonusgate and the Sandusky cases -- both of which were plagued by grand jury leaks. Interestingly, both cases were prosecuted by Frank Fina -- but he is never mentioned in association with leaks.

How about that?

Fina grand jury cases leak -- no problem.
Montco grand jury leaks - no problem.
Kane's alleged leaks -- crime of the century.

The Kane leak case was treated differently by the media because one of her campaign promises was to clean up the "old boy's network" in Harrisburg. In other words, she was about to get rid of the leakers and those who allowed leaks to happen.

For example, James Barker was removed from his position because of his failure to investigate and plug grand jury leaks. While Barker claims it was retaliation, there is evidence indicating he was asleep at the wheel or otherwise ignoring leads about the leaks.

Of course, PACORN's media arm didn't have any interest in learning the facts about Barker's failures to plug the leaks.

Some of the Sandusky leaks are rather obvious, but have yet to be identified or discussed by the media.

How about that?

Bloggers can identify leaks using Google.
The media can't find them with LexisNexis.
Barker couldn't find them with subpoena power.

As it turns out, the blogosphere is the only place that the real facts and the truth can be found out about PA's corrupt criminal justice system.

Kane's conviction for perjury, false swearing, and orchestrating a leak of grand jury and CHRIA information is evidence of how the corrupt system works (as I wrote here).

The media insiders understood that Kane's Sandusky investigation had the potential of exposing PACORN's dark, sordid secrets -- and it was their job to protect -- and deflect.

Brad Bumsted, his corrupt media cohorts and other hacks, like Terry Madonna, ignored the facts of this case and continued their assistance in the cover-up. They painted it as Kane singling out and having an obsession with Frank Fina.

Yet another false narrative.

Frank Fina: Not a target of Kane's investigation -- but taken down by it.

A review of news articles from Kane's AG campaign clearly show her focus was on AG Tom Corbett -- not his underling Frank Fina.

Kane's probe of the Sandusky investgation, conducted by Special Deputy AG Geoffrey Moulton, was chartered to investigate if politics, specifically former Governor Tom Corbett's gubernatorial campaign, was behind the slow pace of the investigation.

Bumsted and Madonna twisting it into an obsession with Frank Fina was no accident.

Corbett, Fina, Others Feared Sandusky Probe

Those who feared the Sandusky probe made their pre-emptive strike on on March 5, 2013 -- and not surprisingly, you won't find that data point anywhere on Brad Bumsted's timeline of the Kane case.

Cowardly anonymous sources informed the Legal Intelligencer that they were angered over Kane's Sandusky probe and would retaliate if the investigation was critical of their work.
"Attorneys and agents from the Pennsylvania Attorney General's Office who were involved in the investigation and prosecution of Jerry Sandusky are "outraged" that Attorney General Kathleen Kane is keeping her promise to investigate the office's handling of the case, and some are prepared to go public if the review's findings are overly critical of their work or inaccurate."

On March 16th, 2013 anonymous sources again struck at Kane via the Philadelphia Inquirer about her shut down of the Ali bribery case.

Those two shots at Kane were because she made good on a promise to review a case that let a child predator unnecessarily roam the streets and victimize children for two years -- and maybe more.

This was long before anyone knew about reconstructed emails.

The bottom line is that when Kane promised a "no stone unturned" investigation, it scared the living crap out of PACORN.

Had Geoffrey Moulton gone back and turned over the rocks around the failed 1998 Sandusky investigation -- that PACORN conveniently blamed on (assumed) deceased former Centre County DA, Ray Gricar -- it may have found that Sandusky wasn't the only molester being protected by the system.

Moulton's investigation had the potential to expose how the PA government turns a blind eye to child sexual victimization.

Had that happened the false narrative of a PSU cover-up would have been destroyed -- and Pennsylvania would have been a subject of nationwide if not international scorn and shame.

No one involved PACORN (e.g., judges, prosecutors, politcos, and businessmen) wants that cat ever getting out of the bag.

Fast forward to August 2016.

The Old Main/Second Mile Protection Scheme
The PA legislature, led by Senators Joe Scarnati and former TSM board member, Senator Jake Corman, moved for, then held a special session to confirm newly appointed AG Bruce Beemer.

According to The Legal Intelligencer, Beemer was confirmed without a single question asked of him. That fact confirms that corruption is on both sides of the aisle.

Corman also wasn't the least bit inquisitive when TSM terminated Lynne Abraham's investigation of Sandusky's charity in 2012 and certainly wasn't raising any objections.
“Maybe because the organization is clearly not going to continue, maybe that sort of review isn’t necessary. I’m not on the board anymore, so I guess I don’t have a lot of standing.”

He also took in foot off the neck of the NCAA, who would have to provide discovery materials regarding the lawsuit over the $60 million in fines.

While Corman released many documents damaging to the NCAA and Old Main, rest assured that he kept the public from seeing the most damaging evidence of Old Main's role in railroading Joe Paterno and the PSU 3.

Paterno, of course, was used as the ultimate means of deflection in the Sandusky scandal.

It seems obvious that whatever is being hidden by Corman and his cohorts has sweeping ramifications across the state of Pennsylvania. Something truly horrifying has to exist beneath the surface in order for politicos, top officials in Old Main and PSU trustees, officials from The Second Mile, and others to go along with scapegoating a legendary football coach and national sports icon.

Beemer's appointment almost assures that Sandusky's former charity and those connected to it will not face scrutiny by an investigation from Keystone state officials.

Meanwhile, the PACORN media arm and other political hacks continue to deflect on this situation, blaming Kane for the problems in the AG's office and that Beemer's job is to clean up after her.

But the fact of the matter is that Kane inherited a lot of unfinished business when she was sworn in. Outgoing temporary AG Bruce Castor referred to these things as "ticking time bombs."

AG Bruce Beemer: Saddled with ticking time bombs left behind by Frank Fina

The "ticking time bombs" are not personnel matters, the porngate report, or the office's penny ante spats with PA law enforcement.

Time bombs?

Look no further than the Conspiracy of Silence case -- should Beemer decide to play poker with that deflection. His hand has already been eviscerated by the Superior Court.

What's left of it consists of three things:

Unreliable witnesses.
Manufactured evidence.
Tortured interpretations of laws.

That was part of the mess left behind by Frank Fina. Evidence confirmed that Fina believed he could get Curley and Schultz to flip on Spanier and put an end to their charges - while taking down the ultimate target of Corbett's Sandusky investigation.

According a discussion at the Sandusky trial, former prosecutor Joe McGettigan told Judge Cleland the case wasn't going to be tried.

Fina's bluff/flip strategy failed. No one cut a deal.

Beemer now has that time bomb in his hands.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

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Parents gave me the name Thomas....
HA, HA, I thought you are the one who gave me the new nickname! :)
Yeah, I suggested Didymus for you. People think Thomas means doubter but actually means twin, as I wrote prior.

Did you know that Thomas the Apostle sojourned to southern India at around 44 AD to proseletyze for Jesus. There are Thomasine churches in India and other places in Asia. Many years ago I met Indian Christians and I was curious, thinking all Indians were Hindu or Buddhist. Interesting.
Yeah, I suggested Didymus for you. People think Thomas means doubter but actually means twin, as I wrote prior.

Did you know that Thomas the Apostle sojourned to southern India at around 44 AD to proseletyze for Jesus. There are Thomasine churches in India and other places in Asia. Many years ago I met Indian Christians and I was curious, thinking all Indians were Hindu or Buddhist. Interesting.
I didn't until you mentioned Didymus the other day, then I researched some of the history in the name and did see the propagation into India.

That's when I mentioned in the post "that I often learn frequently" and appreciate the broad knowledge of members on this board.
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great work Ray, but I am confused . . . correct me if I am wrong

Kane threatens to investigate and expose corruption
PACORN responds by saying they will retaliate
media reports the threat
PACORN retaliates
media slams Kane

lol, what laughable idiots . . .
Good work by Ray though I have to call him out for confidently predicting the Kane stuff would never see the inside of a courtroom let alone end in a conviction on every charge. Note to Ray... More good research and less iron clad predictions in the future.