Question: Clemens = Corman?


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2014
Answer: "Kinda'"

As most are aware, Al Clemens terminated his participation in the Paterno et al lawsuit.

Today, he is quoted - in explaining that decision:
"I went into this lawsuit to get rid of the sanctions, the NCAA capitulated"

Obviously, without rehashing the whole deal, that statement is simply inane....and not true.

That being said:
Clemens had no obligation to jump into the lawsuit, and did so of his own volition. At the time, he had no further fiduciary duty to engage. He does not/did not have any binding obligation to pursue the "truth".

It certainly does - however - place his actions in a different light than the one he may have tried to project during the time he was a party to the suit....that he was seeking justice. As it turns out, Clemens' actions are instead congruent with the condemnations that Louis Freeh expressed back in 2012......that Penn Staters primary focus was on the "football ideology".

It is unfortunate.....but it is certainly something that we knew we would face: Many Penn Staters - who claim to be seeking the "truth" - who in actuality are sated by simply righting the one wrong (the scapegoating of JoePa/PSU football). It would be nice if all Penn Staters were truly committed to pursuing the truth, rather than just in righting one wrong that was committed in the Scoundrels efforts to hide the "truth".
We will certainly see more of this moving forward, as the PSU leadership begins to return more of the "football stuff" in their ongoing efforts to obfuscate their malfeasance. Alas.

Hopefully, there will remain a significant number of those who ARE truly seeking the truth, and seeking accountability. Enough, at least, to see things through. Again, no one has any OBLIGATION to lift even one finger to pursue the truth, and there will be many more posers who drop out along the way.

I do continue to believe that we are in the midst of a period of time in which we are seeing significant positive steps.....and I am optimistic that more good news (for those who ARE truly seeking the truth) is yet to come.

For those who's conviction and determination are righteous.....hang in there! And keep at I have often said -"It is up to us". If we remain determined and refuse to be pacified by their "crumbs", we will win out in the end.
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