OT Pet Peeve - new business opportunity for someone- banner ads


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
there are banner ads on this site, I have no problems with that, I've actually clicked on some. that said, I searched for Ram Memory to upgrade the memory in my MAC. Well I bought it from RAMJET? Now I get all of these banner ads from RAMJET, but guess what? I already bought the stuff! and its the kind of stuff that's a one time purchase, not an everyday purchase. so why doesn't somebody invent a cookie, that says, 'hey he bought this stuff, try another banner ad'?
Rant over, happy hour next.
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I get the need for the ads, and I will gladly put up with them so I can enjoy internet content that is otherwise free of charge. I've not thought of your idea, but it does seem that if they show me an ad for 16 months straight without me clicking, then they should remove that from the rotation.
there are banner ads on this site, I have no problems with that, I've actually clicked on some. that said, I searched for Ram Memory to upgrade the memory in my MAC. Well I bought it from RAMJET? Now I get all of these banner ads from RAMJET, but guess what? I already bought the stuff! and its the kind of stuff that's a one time purchase, not an everyday purchase. so why doesn't somebody invent a cookie, that says, 'hey he bought this stuff, try another banner ad'?
Rant over, happy hour next.

You should switch to porn.