OT: JZ vs. Sara on twitter. Who you got?

Re: Would prefer that he try crushing the story.....

Originally posted by Ten Thousan Marbles:

But, he is not doing that. He is just being a walking advertisement for himself.

There are ways he could crush the story he is promoting.....

1) Loudly and thoroughly exposing the circumstances of Sandusky's youth, what his farther was like, what the precuror to TSM that was run by his father was like, what people said about the father. And, I mean.....crush that one over and over. It is not as if the locals out there are clamming up.

2) Loudly and thoroughly reminding everybody that GS is likely the only recent ex-jock accused of something who is not being given the benefit of a brain injury defense. This one is just about inexplicable.

3) Actually be in a position to say that a real Innocence Project is willing to take a look into his own personal GSIP.

Probably a few other things, as well.

All I have is that JS was convicted by a jury. That has to be good enough for me until/unless something real is done about it, instead of something imaginary.
And that same jury could convict you in the same way for the same thing if the investigation into your past revealed:

1.) A janitor that said on tape he never saw you with a boy, but was ruled "demented" so as to bring in a hearsay witness to declare to the jury that that same janitor did indeed see you molest a boy.

2.) Have a Victim say on tape you never touched him, but when he goes out for a smoke, have the investigators convince his attorney he can make a lot of money if he changes his story. Magically, after the attorney realizes how much money he can make, the kid comes back, changes his story, and says you molested him.

3.) Have a kid you supposedly raped in a locker room give a definitive statement saying that the "witness" is a "liar". You did nothing inappropriate, and were merely slapping towels. But then find out that same kid was promised 3 million dollars to keep his mouth shut and not testify.

4.) Have a kid you haven't worked out with or showered with since you were told not to in 1998 by the State of Pennsylvania, send you Fathers Day cards and go out to dinner with you as recently as the summer of 2011, magically turn on you and testify against you like no one ever investigated 1998 and told you those charges were "unfounded".

5.) Have a Victim that has to go through 3 grand juries before he is believed, and then is believed only because he was finally allowed to read his testimony word for word. You find out the Victim and family were warned that they would only be legally supported if they sued Penn State. Were told that the Second Mile and anyone from the State were off limits. Victim has HUGE credibility issues with everyone outside his family that knows him personally, has falsely accused others of molesting him in the past, and is known throughout his school and neighborhood as a pathological liar. .

6.) Although he didn't testify at the trial, have a victim come to live with you as your adopted son at age 18, go to court against his x wife so that you can get visitation rights to HIS children AFTER you are charged, and then, when the money is right, at the last minute, sabotage your desire to defend yourself by magically remembering you abused him.

I could go on and on, but the more we find out about this case, the more the State broke every rule in the book to get a conviction. They could do the same to you. When you combine the shenanigans in the prosecution, along with the Baldwin angle and Freeh withholding possible exculpatory evidence concerning Courtney, etc, there's no question a jury can be manipulated to believe anything the State wants them to believe if they have a cheerleading media on their side.

Whether you like John or not, the combination of info he and Ray gives us is priceless. Without them, we would be clueless of the facts, and have to swallow everything the State is trying to jam down our throats.

Think about this. Have you ever been alone in a room with a small niece or nephew doing something completely innocent (playing school, playing with army men, letting them read to you, or you to them, etc)? Would that niece or nephew ever turn on you for 2 or 3 million dollars if they needed money down the road? Who knows? But after what I'm reading about this case, anyone that wants to foster children or work in child care has to be absolutely out of their minds. WAAAY too much risk. .
And we have all seen how corrupt the Centre County judicial system is. I am beginning to even question the trial and how quickly it happened.
Re: Not read that before. Any supporting data? *

Originally posted by MtNittany: