OT - Game of Thrones - a look back at "No One" and forward to "Battle of the Bastards"


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2003
So that was a relatively anticlimactic episode. Lots of buildup for Riverun, but the castle is surrendered and the Blackfish's death is handled off-screen. Lot's of build-up for a Cleganebowl that, not only likely won't happen, but there will likely be no trial by combat. And seasons of build-up on an Arya story line where the conclusion was somewhat expected and the battle was again staged off-screen! Even the Hound seemed dejected by having to kill the rogue Brotherhood members in such a boring way.

Still - even a ho-hum GOT episode is fun and a lot of it seems to be the calm before next week's storm.

Anyone care to speculate if you think Edmure has some ulterior motive (beside just saving his own skin and preventing a long siege) in surrendering Riverrun? Where will Arya's story line go next? Winterfell, Kings Landing, Far-West Westeros? And are we in store for any surprises for next weeks battle? Could Jon really die again? Will it be Littlefinger and the Knights of the Vale to the rescue, or perhaps another twist (could the Lannister army be headed that way)?
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I think next weeks episode will only be Winterfell and that's it. I doubt we see Arya again this season. Jaquen's reaction makes no sense. Edmure just wanted to save his own skin. We'll probably jump back to the battle at Mereen in episode 10.

The battle of Winterfell should be wildly entertaining. People switching sides and the Knights of the Vale to the rescue. At least one very sad death for sure. Davos, Ghost, Rickon, Sansa, Little Finger, Tormund, the Giant??? Maybe a few... but almost no way Jon. I predict the hero wins but at a cost.

Two huge questions from this episode:
  1. What is Varys's mission? Maybe going to Volantis to meet Yara?
  2. What was Cersei's rumor? This one could be huge: dragons? High Sparrow's past? Crap, R+L=J? White Walkers? Line of succession (is Jaime Tommen's heir)?? Another Targaryen out there? Whatever it is, this one has game changer written all over it.
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So that was a relatively anticlimactic episode. Lots of buildup for Riverun, but the castle is surrendered and the Blackfish's death is handled off-screen. Lot's of build-up for a Cleganebowl that, not only likely won't happen, but there will likely be no trial by combat. And seasons of build-up on an Arya story line where the conclusion was somewhat expected and the battle was again staged off-screen! Even the Hound seemed dejected by having to kill the rogue Brotherhood members in such a boring way.

Still - even a ho-hum GOT episode is fun and a lot of it seems to be the calm before next week's storm.

Anyone care to speculate if you think Edmure has some ulterior motive (beside just saving his own skin and preventing a long siege) in surrendering Riverrun? Where will Arya's story line go next? Winterfell, Kings Landing, Far-West Westeros? And are we in store for any surprises for next weeks battle? Could Jon really die again? Will it be Littlefinger and the Knights of the Vale to the rescue, or perhaps another twist (could the Lannister army be headed that way)?

On my mobile phone so real quick...

- Edmure is into self preservation and reuniting with his wife and child; I don't think he has any other plans than to live out his days at Casterly Rock with family as Jamie promised in exchange for surrender.

- Arya's storyline was anticlimactic in a way but also served as important and unique training for her upon returning to Winterfell, where I think Arya is headed when she says to Jaqen that she's going 'home'.

- The Hound with the Brotherhood could be lots of fun and count me among those who was skeptical of a Clegane battle this year (and let's not kid ourselves - Mountainstein would make short work of his kid brother). I like this version of The Hound though - he's less burdened or something which is refreshing.

- The biggest surprise for me was Tommen banning trial by combat knowing full well that likely means certain guilt for his mother and Loras at their upcoming trials. What 'rumors' do you think she's become aware of?

- Tyrion, Missande and Grey Worm were hilarious - like kids drinking moms wine while she's away. Grey Worm's joke was the best too. Too bad Dany returned to quite a mess though and doesn't look very pleased. My guess is we see the dragons take care of ALL the slavers and their ships next episode - I think her patience with ruling 'gently' is coming to an end.
I think next weeks episode will only be Winterfell and that's it. I doubt we see Arya again this season. Jaquen's reaction makes no sense. Edmure just wanted to save his own skin. We'll probably jump back to the battle at Mereen in episode 10.

The battle of Winterfell should be wildly entertaining. People switching sides and the Knights of the Vale to the rescue. At least one very sad death for sure. Davos, Ghost, Rickon, Sansa, Little Finger, Tormund, the Giant??? Maybe a few... but almost no way Jon. I predict the hero wins but at a cost.

Two huge questions from this episode:
  1. What is Varys's mission? Maybe going to Volantis to meet Yara?
  2. What was Cersei's rumor? This one could be huge: dragons? High Sparrow's past? Crap, R+L=J? White Walkers? Line of succession (is Jaime Tommen's heir)?? Another Targaryen out there? Whatever it is, this one has game changer written all over it.

High Sparrow will end up being a pedo IMO.
On my mobile phone so real quick...

- Edmure is into self preservation and reuniting with his wife and child; I don't think he has any other plans than to live out his days at Casterly Rock with family as Jamie promised in exchange for surrender.

- Arya's storyline was anticlimactic in a way but also served as important and unique training for her upon returning to Winterfell, where I think Arya is headed when she says to Jaqen that she's going 'home'.

- The Hound with the Brotherhood could be lots of fun and count me among those who was skeptical of a Clegane battle this year (and let's not kid ourselves - Mountainstein would make short work of his kid brother). I like this version of The Hound though - he's less burdened or something which is refreshing.

- The biggest surprise for me was Tommen banning trial by combat knowing full well that likely means certain guilt for his mother and Loras at their upcoming trials. What 'rumors' do you think she's become aware of?

- Tyrion, Missande and Grey Worm were hilarious - like kids drinking moms wine while she's away. Grey Worm's joke was the best too. Too bad Dany returned to quite a mess though and doesn't look very pleased. My guess is we see the dragons take care of ALL the slavers and their ships next episode - I think her patience with ruling 'gently' is coming to an end.

Was talking to my neighbor, who is a hard core GoT junkie - hooked into all the message boards, etc... Anyway, she said to me this morning that...

(Spoiler Alert!!)

Both Tommen and Rickon meet their respective demises in the next episode. She went into detail as to Rickon's fate. Apparently he is released by Ramsey to run to Jon but Ramsey shoots him with an arrow before he gets there.
See my comments/questions in blue typeface, below.

On my mobile phone so real quick...

- Edmure is into self preservation and reuniting with his wife and child; I don't think he has any other plans than to live out his days at Casterly Rock with family as Jamie promised in exchange for surrender. Not understanding Edmure's motivation too well at this point. Seemed like he was resigned to his fate. (His comments about the Blackfish never surrendering, and all of the personal insults to Jamie, certainly suggested it. Then Jamie mentions the wife and son he barely knows, and he immediately rolls over? BTW, someone remind me again how Edmure is related to the Blackfish.

- Arya's storyline was anticlimactic in a way but also served as important and unique training for her upon returning to Winterfell, where I think Arya is headed when she says to Jaqen that she's going 'home'. This whole Faceless Men story line is a bit of a puzzler (seems like a waste of time), but the denouement was great. What a brilliant tactic to lure the Waif into her windowless lair and snuff the candle. Never saw it coming. Amazing she could come up with it staggering through town. Maybe she was just going back to get Needle, and thought of it when she got there, but still. The final diss to Jaquen was pretty good, too. Thought for a moment that she was gonna sheathe Needle in his chest, but the retort to "Finally, the girl is No One" was great: "The girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell, and I am going home." Suck it, Jaquen.

- The Hound with the Brotherhood could be lots of fun and count me among those who was skeptical of a Clegane battle this year (and let's not kid ourselves - Mountainstein would make short work of his kid brother). I like this version of The Hound though - he's less burdened or something which is refreshing. I want the Hound to kick some bad guy ass. Would love to see him join in with Jon Snow and Co.

- The biggest surprise for me was Tommen banning trial by combat knowing full well that likely means certain guilt for his mother and Loras at their upcoming trials. What 'rumors' do you think she's become aware of? Don't remember the part about Cersei hearing rumnors. ? What I DO know is that Tommen sealed his doom by aligning himself with the High Sparrow and publicly rejecting Cersei. IMO, he's toast.

- Tyrion, Missande and Grey Worm were hilarious - like kids drinking moms wine while she's away. Grey Worm's joke was the best too. Too bad Dany returned to quite a mess though and doesn't look very pleased. My guess is we see the dragons take care of ALL the slavers and their ships next episode - I think her patience with ruling 'gently' is coming to an end. Dany is back, and she's pissed. The slavers are toast, but my guess is that Dany finds a way to preserve their ships. She'll need them (along with the Iron Born ships) for the trip to Westoros.
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I think next weeks episode will only be Winterfell and that's it. I doubt we see Arya again this season. Jaquen's reaction makes no sense. Edmure just wanted to save his own skin. We'll probably jump back to the battle at Mereen in episode 10.

Possibly - but the problem I have with that is his skin was saved when he entered the castle. Why keep his word to Jaime (who butchered Edmure's family and lacks any honor in his mind) at that point? For a wife he's spent one night with and a son he's never seen (both of whom are probably safe as I don't think Walder Frey would willingly give up his daughter or highest born grandson)? So he could live out his days with them, without honor, at Casterly Rock - amongst those who killed his family? And - that's the best case scenario assuming Jaime keeps his word (which again Edmure clearly doesn't trust). Edmure was never the smartest, bravest or most honorable - but that seems even short-sighted for him.
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See my comments/questions in blue typeface, below.

Possibly - but the problem I have with that is his skin was saved when he entered the castle. Why keep his word to Jaime (who butchered Edmure's family and lacks any honor in his mind) at that point? For a wife he's spent one night with and a son he's never seen (both of whom are probably safe as I don't think Walder Frey would willingly give up his daughter or highest born grandson)? So he could live out his days with them, without honor, at Casterly Rock - amongst those who killed his family? Edmure was never the smartest, bravest or most honorable - but that seems even short-sighted for him.

Okay, here's the thing about Edmure and his decision - first, he's the actual heir to Riverrun. His father was the Lord of Riverrun, and his sister was Catlyn Stark. His uncle is The Blackfish, who may have held Riverrun, but wasn't the rightful heir. Jaime knew this better than the dipsh*t Freys which is why he played the card he did - which was basically, we'll clean you up, reunite you with your wife and child, and you can live out your days with them at the Lannister home of Casterly Rock. In exchange, Edmure gives up Riverrun (which would go back to The Freys). If Edmure refuses, Jaime made it quite clear he would kill Edmure's child (even if Walder opposed, Jaime would do it and no one could stop him), kill him, and then kill everyone at Riverrun (and while it's true The Blackfish could probably sustain a seige from the Lannister's for some time, he wouldn't be able to forever - they were badly outmanned). So, it was actually better in the long run for Edmure and everyone else at Riverrun, for him to give it up. Jaime had zero interest in a prolonged battle and wanted to get back to Cersei as quickly as possible which is probably why he was so generous.
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Was talking to my neighbor, who is a hard core GoT junkie - hooked into all the message boards, etc... Anyway, she said to me this morning that...

(Spoiler Alert!!)

Both Tommen and Rickon meet their respective demises in the next episode. She went into detail as to Rickon's fate. Apparently he is released by Ramsey to run to Jon but Ramsey shoots him with an arrow before he gets there.
For those who dont want to read. Turn away!

Spoiler alert!

Tommen jumps to his death! Suicide ? Cersi's secret is wildfire?

Also, does anyone think Jamie Lannister sends the starks some troops to help with taking Winterfell? After the talk with Brienne
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Anyone care to speculate if you think Edmure has some ulterior motive (beside just saving his own skin and preventing a long siege) in surrendering Riverrun? Where will Arya's story line go next? Winterfell, Kings Landing, Far-West Westeros? And are we in store for any surprises for next weeks battle? Could Jon really die again? Will it be Littlefinger and the Knights of the Vale to the rescue, or perhaps another twist (could the Lannister army be headed that way)?

I suspect that Jaime offered Edmure the same deal that the Blackfish was offered by Brianne. Only Edmure took the deal. Jaime and the Lannisters get Riverun, and Edmure will take the Tully Army up to help Sansa at Winterfell. Where they will be joined by the Knights of the Vail. Seeing how all of this traveling is over fairly long distances, its likely we'll get a Return of the King type final battle where the Good Guys (Sansa, Jon and the Wildlings) will be great outnumbered by the Bad Guys (Ramsay) until waves of reinforcements arrive from the Tully and Arryn armies and save the North for the Starks. So that's the joining of the Armies Part 1. And likely the whole of Episode 9.

Where is Varys off to? My guess, based on some loose ends in the books, is that he is off to Dorne to secure another ally for Danerys. SPOILER: In the books, Dorne ALREADY has sent off a massive navy to offer aid and an alliance for Dany. So my guess is Episode 10 will be the joining of the Armies Part 2. Dany takes her Dothraki and Unsullied soldiers and forms an alliance with the Dorne and Greyjoy navies and whatever boats she salvaged from the Masters thinking boats at sea are a safe place from dragons. Season 6 ends with a massive Armada sailing for Westeros. Where she LANDS is TBD, but I have a feeling King's Landing won't be left standing around.

And Season 7 will find our two grand armies uniting to defeat the Night's King and a bunch of reunions and a happy new world order.

Side topic: anybody notice how the 3 major religions in the GoT world kinda mirror the Pagan Celts (old Gods and the Children of the Forest) vs. the Polytheistic Romans and Greeks (the Seven) vs. the rise of Christianity (Lord of Light) through Europe? Curious how much symbolism and metaphor Martin intended there...
I suspect that Jaime offered Edmure the same deal that the Blackfish was offered by Brianne. Only Edmure took the deal. Jaime and the Lannisters get Riverun, and Edmure will take the Tully Army up to help Sansa at Winterfell. Where they will be joined by the Knights of the Vail. Seeing how all of this traveling is over fairly long distances, its likely we'll get a Return of the King type final battle where the Good Guys (Sansa, Jon and the Wildlings) will be great outnumbered by the Bad Guys (Ramsay) until waves of reinforcements arrive from the Tully and Arryn armies and save the North for the Starks. So that's the joining of the Armies Part 1. And likely the whole of Episode 9.

Where is Varys off to? My guess, based on some loose ends in the books, is that he is off to Dorne to secure another ally for Danerys. SPOILER: In the books, Dorne ALREADY has sent off a massive navy to offer aid and an alliance for Dany. So my guess is Episode 10 will be the joining of the Armies Part 2. Dany takes her Dothraki and Unsullied soldiers and forms an alliance with the Dorne and Greyjoy navies and whatever boats she salvaged from the Masters thinking boats at sea are a safe place from dragons. Season 6 ends with a massive Armada sailing for Westeros. Where she LANDS is TBD, but I have a feeling King's Landing won't be left standing around.

And Season 7 will find our two grand armies uniting to defeat the Night's King and a bunch of reunions and a happy new world order.

Side topic: anybody notice how the 3 major religions in the GoT world kinda mirror the Pagan Celts (old Gods and the Children of the Forest) vs. the Polytheistic Romans and Greeks (the Seven) vs. the rise of Christianity (Lord of Light) through Europe? Curious how much symbolism and metaphor Martin intended there...

Re: Brienne's Deal

If true, why would Brienne need to be hurried away in secret? My guess is her deal expired with the Blackfish, and if she didn't get out of town she would likely be a prisoner like the rest of the Tully army. I think Littlefinger and his Knights of the Vale will be more than enough to help Jon win the Battle of the Bastards...
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So that was a relatively anticlimactic episode. Lots of buildup for Riverun, but the castle is surrendered and the Blackfish's death is handled off-screen. Lot's of build-up for a Cleganebowl that, not only likely won't happen, but there will likely be no trial by combat. And seasons of build-up on an Arya story line where the conclusion was somewhat expected and the battle was again staged off-screen! Even the Hound seemed dejected by having to kill the rogue Brotherhood members in such a boring way.

Still - even a ho-hum GOT episode is fun and a lot of it seems to be the calm before next week's storm.

Anyone care to speculate if you think Edmure has some ulterior motive (beside just saving his own skin and preventing a long siege) in surrendering Riverrun? Where will Arya's story line go next? Winterfell, Kings Landing, Far-West Westeros? And are we in store for any surprises for next weeks battle? Could Jon really die again? Will it be Littlefinger and the Knights of the Vale to the rescue, or perhaps another twist (could the Lannister army be headed that way)?

I'll say this. The waif ran like the T1000 in Terminator 2:)
I think next weeks episode will only be Winterfell and that's it. I doubt we see Arya again this season. Jaquen's reaction makes no sense. Edmure just wanted to save his own skin. We'll probably jump back to the battle at Mereen in episode 10.

The battle of Winterfell should be wildly entertaining. People switching sides and the Knights of the Vale to the rescue. At least one very sad death for sure. Davos, Ghost, Rickon, Sansa, Little Finger, Tormund, the Giant??? Maybe a few... but almost no way Jon. I predict the hero wins but at a cost.

Two huge questions from this episode:
  1. What is Varys's mission? Maybe going to Volantis to meet Yara?
  2. What was Cersei's rumor? This one could be huge: dragons? High Sparrow's past? Crap, R+L=J? White Walkers? Line of succession (is Jaime Tommen's heir)?? Another Targaryen out there? Whatever it is, this one has game changer written all over it.
3. What are the Gods' plans for the Hound? This has been mentioned twice. That he can redeem himself and do good. Good by whom? And what are the Band of Brothers fighting for? Or whom for?
4. What is Margeary's plan? She mentioned last week that Loras would have to admit his sins and atone for them, but at same time, she gave grandma the royal flower. Something tells me, that Cersei and Loras will not be punished and Jaime may return in time to be the punisher.
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Looks like some dragons and Ironborne are going to kick some ass next week. Those cooked up dragons are surely going to be pissed when they are set free.
If the Tully army is going to Winterfell, they will need weapons. They left theirs behind at Riverrun.
There are a lot of loose ends to tie up in only two episodes, especially if episode 9 is focused almost solely one one plot (not confirmed). Episodes 9 and 10 are directed by the same director who did an amazing job with Hardhome last year. The battle of Winterfell will be epic but I think the battle for Mereen will be big in episode 10. That's two battles that will probably cost more in CGI/production than Blackwater, which was a huge expensive and crowning achievement in Season 2. I don't think the dragons will be doing all the heavy lifting, as the Dothraki will arrive.

HBO is not releasing synopses for episodes 9 and 10. You know what will be in Episode 9, but a synopse would be nice to see what other stories are included, if any. They did mention that Episode 10 will include Cersei's trail when they submitted entries for the Golden Globes. Episodes 9 and 10 were among the few episodes they submitted for awards consideration, so they are expecting these to be big.