Netflix "Swamp Kings" on 2008 Florida Gators


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2001
is going to be interesting. Netflix has a history of bending reality for their "documentaries".

This comes out on August 22nd and is getting a lot of play. Apparently, players used to chase Tim Tebow around with photos of naked girls to try and get him to lose his virginity.

Wonder if all those court cases back in the '90s for player felonies have cleared the court dockets yet? Back then it took a rape or assault or attempted murder or a murderer charge the length of the players eligibility left plus 6 months for the case to go to trial. Lol!
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Surprised laff didn’t spell check you
well, when someone gets pedantic it is because they cannot argue their case and try to throw you off your roll. Lawyers are famous for that.

I quick story, early in my careen my company hired a consultant who told them that they were paying $3,000/yr too little and that is why they had so much turnover. Giving everyone a $3k raise would actually save money. So my boss called me in. He knew I had already had $2,000 in merit raises my first year. He told me he was excited to let me know he was giving me a $1,000/yr raise. This really just got me back to the company's base salary and I was losing my merit raises. So I pushed back. He himmed and hawed for several minutes. Finally, he said "Oblviax, you are a young man. And you will learn that money is secondary to your happiness. Things that make you happy will be your faith, your spouse, your family." So I said "Walt, and you can help me by adding to my discretionary income so I can add more to my faith, my spouse and my family." He was stunned, started asking about my wife, my mom/dad....everything except for the money. He was trying to change subjects. He knew he was stuck and needed to change the subject or get my off my line of reasoning. Finally, he said something like take the grand and be happy. I told him that if his position was to take away my merit raises then I had to take that under consideration. I left six months later. But I realized, at that moment, the value of trying to throw people off of their reasoning and that this meant you were winning. I don't get mad about it, I see it as surrender.
Agreed. If you have to resort to something like that, you have nothing.

Because voice to text is so prevalent in society today whether it be just a simple text message or with kids writing a rough draft of a paper for school, the kids will tell you that calling someone out over a typo is quite petty.
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well, when someone gets pedantic it is because they cannot argue their case and try to throw you off your roll. Lawyers are famous for that.

I quick story, early in my careen my company hired a consultant who told them that they were paying $3,000/yr too little and that is why they had so much turnover. Giving everyone a $3k raise would actually save money. So my boss called me in. He knew I had already had $2,000 in merit raises my first year. He told me he was excited to let me know he was giving me a $1,000/yr raise. This really just got me back to the company's base salary and I was losing my merit raises. So I pushed back. He himmed and hawed for several minutes. Finally, he said "Oblviax, you are a young man. And you will learn that money is secondary to your happiness. Things that make you happy will be your faith, your spouse, your family." So I said "Walt, and you can help me by adding to my discretionary income so I can add more to my faith, my spouse and my family." He was stunned, started asking about my wife, my mom/dad....everything except for the money. He was trying to change subjects. He knew he was stuck and needed to change the subject or get my off my line of reasoning. Finally, he said something like take the grand and be happy. I told him that if his position was to take away my merit raises then I had to take that under consideration. I left six months later. But I realized, at that moment, the value of trying to throw people off of their reasoning and that this meant you were winning. I don't get mad about it, I see it as surrender.
Did you deliberately spell “career” as “careen” to antagonize our resident spell checker? If so kudos, if not please correct same. I’ll then delete this post, and we’ll adhere to the Delaware Way, of denying that it ever happened, or that we ever discussed it.
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Very fun watch, woefully light on Aaron Hernandez and other issues that permeated those Florida years. Glorifies Meyer which is hard to believe. Fun watch, lacked a good deal of context and substance.
Haven't seen it but from the reviews I've seen it glosses over many controversial things and paints Urban positively. There's speculation that Urban had some creative control over it, which would make it less of a documentary and more of a puff piece. The Manziel one was similar in that it totally skipped over some things and then propped up Manziel as a good guy that's recovering.
Haven't seen it but from the reviews I've seen it glosses over many controversial things and paints Urban positively. There's speculation that Urban had some creative control over it, which would make it less of a documentary and more of a puff piece. The Manziel one was similar in that it totally skipped over some things and then propped up Manziel as a good guy that's recovering.
It is absolutely a puff piece for Urban.

Urban works so hard! He hates losing so much it affects his health!

It’s basically a self promotion film for Urban.